After a short while, I saw the referee whistle, the small flag held in his right hand gently moved, the colosseum slowly cracked from the middle, and the two cages slowly rose from the bottom.


the cage door" As the referee's voice fell, the cage door slowly opened, and the moment the cage door opened, the whole audience boiled.

A blood-red giant wolf wolf was the first to jump out of the cage.

The Flame Wolf standing in the center of the Colosseum looked around at the unfamiliar environment around him, as well as the audience around him.

A roar came out of the mouth of the giant wolf who raised his head.


Immediately after that, several fireballs with a diameter of two meters were launched from the mouth of the giant wolf and smashed around.

"Bang... Bang.. "

The scattered fireballs smashed on the enchantment, and the enchantment rippled, and then the fireball dissipated.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, the Flame Wolf was just about to brew the next wave of attacks, when a heavy footstep attracted its attention, and the Flame Wolf leaned over to look in the direction of the threat to it, and a whimpering sound came out of his mouth.

I saw a huge rhinoceros slowly walking out of another cage, with an unusually thick body, short column-like limbs, a huge head, the whole body covered with armor-like thick skin, and the sharp horns rising from the sky on the snout, which was daunting.

The flaming wolf looked at the iron-armored rhinoceros walking slowly, and let out a demonstrative low roar from his mouth, and the iron-armored rhinoceros still walked leisurely after leaving the cage as if he did not see the threat of the flaming wolf in front of him.

The flame wolf looked at the unmoved iron-armored rhinoceros, as if it was enraged, a fireball burst out, the fireball exploded on the iron-armored rhinoceros, and a thick smoke instantly enveloped the iron-armored rhinoceros.

The audience looked at the scene in front of them and sighed.

"This iron-armored rhinoceros is also too watery, can't hide, hard to eat the flame wolf's fireball attack, cough!! I thought that the same 3rd order would be a dragon and tiger fight, but I didn't expect it!!

"yes!! I wanted to take advantage of the rest day to see the so-called third-order Warcraft, just this?? Waste of tickets!! "


The audience voiced dissatisfaction with the battle in front of them, and the battle they had been waiting for for a long time was like this? They want to see a close fight, not this one-sided slaughter now!!

"Brother Yu, this iron-armored rhinoceros is so cold?? I grinded so long to get the ticket, just show me this??"

The fat man's indignant voice sounded in Lin Yu's ears, Lin Yu ignored the fat man and stared at the duel platform.

"Here it comes!!" Lin Yu suddenly spoke!

With the visual advantage of the eye of reincarnation, Lin Yu did not think that the iron-armored rhinoceros was cold like others, he clearly saw that when the fireball was about to hit, a layer of yellow-brown armor violently covered the body of the iron-armored rhinoceros, which seemed to be a huge fireball, but in fact even the armor of the iron-armored rhinoceros was not broken! ! !

"Coming? What's coming??" The fat man heard Lin Yu's words and asked suspiciously!

Without waiting for Lin Yu to answer, a heavy running sound suddenly sounded from the thick smoke, and then a rhinoceros covered in tawny armor frantically rushed out of the smoke, like an out-of-control chariot, slamming into the direction of the flame wolf.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became lively when the iron-armored rhinoceros sprinted out, and the scene was thunderous for a while.

Although the iron-armored rhinoceros seems to be bulky, the speed of sprinting is not slow, and it rushes to the flame wolf in an instant, the huge body plus the good speed, if it is hit, the flame wolf has to shed its skin if it is not dead!

It's a pity that its opponent is a wolf, and although the sprinting iron-armored rhinoceros is indeed fast, it is still a little slower than the flame wolf.

At the moment when he was about to arrive, the Flame Wolf made a quick jump, not only avoiding the impact of the iron-armored rhinoceros, but also grabbed the iron-armored rhinoceros's armor with his claws.

"Tear pull..." sparks

burst out, but the iron-armored rhinoceros was unharmed except for a few more scratches on the armor.

The iron-armored rhinoceros that did not hit the flame wolf slowly stopped, turned around and lowered its huge head, the sharp horn on the kiss was still facing the flame wolf, and the right front foot continued to planing the floor.

Perhaps because he had easily dodged the impact of the iron-armored rhinoceros just now, at this moment, the Flame Wolf seemed a little disdainful of the iron-armored rhinoceros who continued to pose as an attack.

A fireball smashed provocatively towards the iron-armored rhinoceros, and then the flame wolf ran madly around the iron-armored rhinoceros, and from time to time a claw grabbed the iron-armored rhinoceros, and for a while the iron-armored rhinoceros's body sparked everywhere, and the full visual effect caused the audience to exclaim.

The iron-armored rhinoceros obviously has no good way to deal with the situation in front of him, and can only constantly turn around and adjust the angle, but the too bulky body makes the iron-armored rhinoceros unable to capture the figure of the flame wolf at all, and can only hold back and let the flame wolf attack madly.

Don't look at the Flame Wolf has not caused any effective damage to the iron-armored rhinoceros for the time being, but you must know that the iron-armored rhinoceros is constantly using skills, once the energy is exhausted and the armor disappears, then it will be the end of the iron-armored rhinoceros!

For a while, the situation in the field was stalemated like this, one side could not attack wildly, and the other side could only passively defend, and now it depends on which of the two can not hold on first.

Just when the audience thought that it would continue like this, suddenly the Flame Wolf, who was originally running happily, stumbled, although the Flame Wolf quickly adjusted his pace, but the iron-armored rhinoceros could not let go of this great opportunity.

I saw an earthy yellow light spread rapidly upward from the legs of the Flame Wolf, and the speed of the Flame Wolf visibly descended.

The iron-armored rhinoceros seized the opportunity and lowered its head to rush towards the Flame Wolf, its huge body with an indomitable momentum, extremely oppressive.

Looking at the rushing behemoth, the pupils of the Flame Wolf were extremely shrunk, and it was entangled in the skills of the iron-armored rhinoceros at this time, and it was already a little unrealistic to want to dodge.


A sky-piercing flame erupted from the body of the flame wolf, breaking through the yellow shackles on the body, looking at the iron-armored rhinoceros close at hand, the flame wolf's eyes burst into fierce light, and a huge fireball far beyond the previous one was generated in front of him, but the iron-armored rhinoceros directly ignored the fireball in front of him, the speed did not decrease, and he crashed into it.


The fireball exploded on the spot, thick smoke covered the audience, and the figures of the two monsters disappeared in the thick smoke.

The audience stood up, looked at the duel stage below, and nervously waited for the final result.

At this time, the smoke billowed for a while, "Bang..." I

saw the iron-armored rhinoceros's head on the abdomen of the flame wolf blatantly broke through the thick smoke and rushed out, and blood flowed down from the abdomen of the flame wolf along the sharp horns of the iron-armored rhinoceros, scattering along the route of the dash.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, cow batch, kill that wolf cub!!"

"Rush Rush . . ."


The bloody scene in front of them, ordinary people can not be so close to it except what they see on TV.

The audience at the scene all cheered enthusiastically, and the atmosphere of the scene was unprecedentedly hot.

The speed of the iron-armored rhinoceros in the field slowly stopped, the huge head was thrown hard, and the body of the flame wolf flew out from the sharp horn and fell heavily to the ground.

The Flame Wolf, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, kicked all fours, and then stood up tremblingly, and the blood in his abdomen continued to drip down his hair.

On the other hand, although the iron-armored rhinoceros ate a big move of the flame wolf, but because of the protection of the armor, the iron-armored rhinoceros was in a much better state than the flame wolf at the moment, seeing the flame wolf stand up, the iron-armored rhinoceros lowered its head and prepared to give the flame wolf another assault.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded from the edge of the Colosseum, and the audience who were originally staring at the two beasts were attracted by the sudden explosion, only to see that the enchantment star surrounding the Colosseum platform disappeared, flickering on and off, and the enchantment that could resist the 3rd order attack disappeared like this.

Looking at the disappearing enchantment, the originally enthusiastic audience suddenly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured, and the audience suddenly became silent.


A fierce scream instantly detonated the audience, and people ran towards the exit, and the scene was chaotic.

"The fat man follows me, don't move casually."

Lin Yu saw that Zhu Fugui next to him also wanted to stand up, he directly pulled the fat man, now this situation unless it is to fly out, otherwise it is impossible to get out, once a stampede occurs, Zhu Fugui has to shed his skin if he does not die.

"Groove... Brother Yu, let's not run and wait to be served as lunch by Warcraft!!

Zhu Fugui looked panicked and said anxiously.

"It's just a third-order Warcraft, it's okay, and I estimate that this side of the arena should react immediately!!"

Although Lin Yu has not fought with a third-order Warcraft, he has the eye of reincarnation in hand, and with so many SS and SSS abilities, he is really worthy of these two Warcraft.

The referee in the field immediately noticed the abnormal situation next to the Colosseum Platform, his expression changed and he immediately sounded the alarm, followed by a murderous look on the two monsters on the stage.

The referee himself is a fourth-order guard, although he is a beginner to the fourth order, but he is also much stronger than the two monsters, with his strength he is not worried that he can not solve the injured third-order monster, he is worried that the two monsters will attack the audience, with the strength of the third order of these two monsters, it is a nightmare for ordinary people, so he must solve these two monsters as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

"Damn. Fast! Hurry up again! The

referee who was approaching the two monsters with all his strength had found that their attention was no longer on each other, there was no enchantment to block it, and the aura of the surrounding humans had been thoroughly perceived by them, and they looked murderously at the panicked crowd around them.

The iron-armored rhinoceros lowered its head to the crowd, its right front foot gouged the ground, making a grunting sound, and its chariot-sized body rushed towards the crowd with a boom.

"Ground Shake Hammer!!"

The referee who arrived in time directly used his natural ability, a huge long-handled hammer appeared in his hand, and the referee jumped towards the running rhinoceros, and slammed into the waist of the iron-armored rhinoceros.


With a loud bang, the armor on the iron-armored rhinoceros exploded directly, and the huge body was directly blasted away by the referee's hammer, fell to the ground and kicked his limbs a few times, and he couldn't get up again.

"Whew!! Fortunately, it almost made a big mistake!! The referee wiped a cold sweat and muttered to himself.


At this time, a wolf howl sounded from behind, a heat wave hit, the referee's face changed, quickly turned around, and saw the injured flame wolf behind him, holding his head high, and 5 huge fireballs flew quickly from the air to the surrounding audience.

"Vozh !!"

The referee burst into foul language, if the flame wolf attacked him, he was not afraid, but Nima this thing does not talk about martial virtue, he was directly dumbfounded in the face of the situation in front of him, this is a special BBQ, he is full of this idea! ! !

"Special, give Lao Tzu !! death" The angry referee directly slammed the head of the Flame Wolf, and with a bang, the Flame Wolf's head was like a watermelon being smashed with a hammer.

"Now that the calf is over, why don't I hammer this thing to death first!!

The referee who hammered the Flame Wolf to death was remorseful, and his eyes turned red when he looked at the fireballs flying around.

Most of the security personnel who maintained order at the scene were second-order guards, and they were unable to cope with the surging crowd, let alone deal with the attacks of third-order Warcraft.

Therefore, the referee at this time was extremely desperate in his heart, and he couldn't wait to divide 5 people to directly block the fireball.

Just when the referee felt that he was powerless to return to the sky,


Several arrows sounded, and I saw the fireball flying in the air explode.

"Old Song, you fucking mother is really timely rain, love you to death!!"

The referee shouted at a man with a bow and arrow in the distance.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is another one, you hurry up and block it."

Old Song said anxiously, just when he opened his bow to shoot the last arrow, he found that the fireball had almost smashed into the audience, at that time, even if he shot the fireball, it was useless, and the aftermath of the fireball explosion was enough to kill all the people.


The referee screamed, originally thinking that the fireball was solved, but I didn't expect that there was still a fish that slipped through the net!

"How can this Nima block me!! This is 108,000 miles apart, I will block it with my head!! The

referee cursed madly in his heart, using all his strength to rush towards the fireball at the fastest speed of his life, but the fireball was too far away, and it was impossible to catch up with his speed!!


Lin Yu looked at the fireball getting closer and closer speechlessly, is this fireball Nima a long eye, so many directions do not smash, you smash it to me!!

"Brother Yu!! What to do!! Looking

at the huge fireball, Fatty Zhu's face was scared, he was just a student who had not yet awakened, and it was already good that he was not scared.

"Seal the seal!"

Lin Yu jumped up, stretched out his hand to the fireball who was close at hand, and directly launched the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao, a shield appeared in front of Lin Yu, and as soon as the fireball touched the shield, it turned into energy and was absorbed by the shield, and finally turned into a green smoke and dispersed.

"I didn't expect to absorb the third-order attack so easily, it is worthy of the eye of reincarnation!! I don't know how much absorption is with my second-order strength.

"It's a pity, the energy absorbed by the sealing technique can only be sealed and cannot be absorbed by itself, next time try spiritual power absorption, according to the setting of the eye of reincarnation, spiritual power absorption should directly absorb spiritual power!"


After Lin Yu finished solving the fireball, the referee with a shocked look rushed over, and he nodded gratefully to the young man wearing sunglasses in front of him.

"Little brother, what do you call it? Thank you for helping!! I will leave you a contact information, and after you contact me after the matter is resolved, I will report to the superior to give you a reward!! The

referee handed over the business card with a grateful face, if it weren't for Lin Yu's shot, this accident would definitely be inevitable, and even if it wasn't his problem, he would have to bear some responsibility.

"My name is Lin Yu, this is all a trivial matter, just in time, if it weren't for the fireball falling in this direction, I wouldn't be able to help."

Lin Yu took the business card and said indifferently, while secretly complaining in his heart.

"Niang Xipi, if it weren't for the fact that the fireball of this dog day didn't have to fall on me, I wouldn't bother to care!"

"Little brother, you should also retreat first, I don't know if there is any other danger here, I will go to maintain order first!" Be sure to contact me when you go out!! After

the referee said that, he hurriedly rushed to the rostrum, the crisis was lifted, he needed to quickly calm the audience at the scene, otherwise it would be sour to send out any more bloody stampede, today he has been stimulated enough, and it is estimated that he will have to take a quick relief pill if he is stimulated.

The referee returned to the rostrum and calmed the emotions of the audience with the loudspeaker, and the audience heard that the crisis had been lifted, slowly stopped panicking, and left the venue in shock under the command of the on-site security.

Lin Yu and Zhu Fugui also quickly withdrew from the arena with the crowd, and when they arrived outside, Zhu Fugui patted his chest with a shocked look.

"Scared the fat master to death, just now the fireball almost stunned my face, I thought that the fat master's 200 pounds of meat was going to be accounted for there!!"

"By the way, Brother Yu, what did you just do, just stretch out your hand and wipe out that scary fireball, powerful!!"

The fat man was excited to learn Lin Yu just like that, stretched out his hand, and then couldn't wait to ask.

"That's an ability of my eyes, let's not talk about it, let's go fat, go home first, and don't talk about what happened today, don't let them worry!"

Lin Yu didn't elaborate, pulled up the fat man and left, daring to make this whole thing in front of the arena, Lin Yu estimated that this matter was not simple, or it was better to leave this place of right and wrong first.

"Yes, yes, yes!! Hurry up, this broken place will not come in the future, the fat master will not be so scared!!

Zhu Fugui hurriedly followed Lin Yu's footsteps and left here.


The words were divided into two ends, and the referee, who was already haggard, rushed to the leader to report non-stop after dealing with the audience.

"Bang..." Looking

at the office in front of him, referee Wang Defa was like looking at some Longtan Tiger's Den, he took a deep breath, his face looked heroic and righteous, and resolutely knocked on the door in front of him.

"Come in!!" A crisp female voice with irritability came from the office behind the door, and Wang Defa shrunk his neck and carefully pushed open the office door.


A sharp gaze looked at Wang Defa at the door like a sharp sword, and saw a beautiful woman wearing a leather jacket and holding Erlang's legs sitting behind the desk, clear and bright pupils, willow leaf eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin with a faint red pink, thin red lips like rose petals delicate.

"How's it going inside the venue, are there any injuries?"

"Boss, there were no casualties in the venue, and the two monsters were also killed by me!!"

Wang Defa carefully reported the situation to the beauty in front of him, don't look at the beautiful woman in front of him, but how violent his boss is, he is clear, the sweet and cute appearance is confusing, this is a master who dares to take out a three-meter long halberd and stab you without saying a word.

That's right, the beauty in front of you is Ji Xuejun, the person in charge of the Rongcheng Arena, a genius from the Ji family in Shangjingcheng, an SS-level weapon system with the ability of the Blue Dragon Heaven-breaking Halberd, less than 25 years old, already a marquis-level town guard, once penetrated the 7th-order secret realm with one person and one halberd, belonging to the genius of geniuses, known as the most likely existence of the emperor of the younger generation, a proper heavenly girl.

As for why this kind of heavenly proud girl came to a small place like Rongcheng, the reason is unknown.

"Hmm! Find out who did it? Dare to spread wild on the old lady's territory!! Let the old lady know who did it and crush his soft egg!! Although

he still felt a little contrary to his boss's vulgar words, Wang Defa was already surprised.

"Old Song has already gone to investigate, there should be results soon!"

As soon as Wang Defa's voice fell, a knock on the door sounded from behind Wang Defa,


Wang Defa looked back and saw that it was the head of the security guard who had just shot the fireball in the third venue, Song Zhixu, who was holding some information in his hand.

"The boss found out! It's the rats of the Eternal Night Church!

"They should have wanted to blow up all the enchantments in the arena, except for the outermost waiting enchantment and the enchantment of Hall 1 were not destroyed, the enchantments of other venues were all destroyed, and dozens of ordinary people died in Hall 4!!"

Hearing Song Zhixu's report, Ji Xuejun Erlang's legs were not upturned, his brain was blue, and he slapped the table angrily!

"This group of gutter rats is looking for death!! And what do you do to eat, how did you let so many cult people mingle!!

"Boss, they evaded the security check by using ordinary people to swallow the beast crystal into their stomachs, and then detonated the beast crystal in their body to destroy the enchantment! We didn't expect these cultists to be so crazy!! "

Song Zhixu's face is full of grievances, he also has bitter words, this group of cultists actually want to bomb the arena and let the cultists mix in, he as the security chief of the arena is difficult to blame this time, at least a poor supervision is unable to run, he now can't wait to pull up the damn cultists and whip the corpse!!

"I don't care!! You will find it for the old lady, and you will turn out this group of rats hidden in the gutter for the old lady throughout Rongcheng, and I will personally pinch the soft eggs of this group of mice!! If you can't find it, I'll pinch your soft eggs!! Hear that??"

Listening to Ji Xuejun's angry voice, Song Zhixu shivered fiercely, and then transferred all his anger to the head of the Eternal Night Church. He gritted his teeth and said,

"Yes! Top dog! If I don't find this damn group of rats, I will find a pit myself and bury it!!

After saying that, Song Zhixu walked out murderously.

"And you, what is the pestle doing here? You think you don't have to go?? Hurry up and roll for the old lady to find it together!! If you can't find it, I'll bury you too!! Ji

Xuejun saw that Wang Defa was still stupid and the pestle was there, and he was angry.

"Boss, I still have something to tell you, just now in Hall 3, a young man named Lin Yu also helped, if not for him, there will definitely be a big problem!" I left him his contact information and said that I would reward him afterwards! "

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