Under the terrifying power of [Hell on Earth], the ghost hands on Zhan Xingye's ankles all trembled and loosened.

Zhan Xingye, who was untied, was also merciless, and directly raised his right leg, stomping on those pairs of dry ghost hands, and several pools of yellow-green unknown liquid with a strong fishy smell flowed out.


the same time, the god and demon phantom behind Zhan Xingye immediately took out the knife!

One after another, the blood-colored swords full of intense murderous intent slashed straight towards the face of the long-tongued ghost with a fierce wind in the dim pit!

The long-tongued ghost was not stupid, after feeling the death threat contained in the blood-colored sword, he actually dodged directly and avoided the attack of the evil sword!

Seeing this scene, Zhan Xingye was not surprised and rejoiced.

A long-tongued ghost who has lost its tongue is like a vicious wolf that has lost its teeth and claws, and there is no threat! The

next moment, Zhan Xingye directly put away the [Evil Qi Phase] behind him, and at the same time, a whirlwind exploded under his feet, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, attacking straight towards the long-tongued ghost!

Looking at the oncoming Zhan Xingye, the long-tongued ghost screamed, and then stretched out the miserable white ghost hand covered with green tendons, and grabbed the opponent in the air.

But how agile is the movement of the battle Hoshino, just one sideways, and easily dodged the opponent's attack.

At the same time, he slammed his hand and grabbed the arm of the long-tongued ghost reaching out to him, and at the same time, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and his waist exerted force, and he slammed the opponent to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall



"I'll it, Brother Zhan's style of play is really savage!" In the distance, Liu Xiao, who was clasping his hands, looked at Zhan Xingye, who was covered in tendons and flesh on the opposite side, and laughed softly.

"Savage? You don't know what he was like when he was in school. On the side, Shen Tianfang played with his red hair and sneered.

"Oh, old Shen, you and Brother Zhan were from the same school before?"

"Well, it's still the same class."

"And what was he like? Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

"He..."Shen Tianfang glanced at Zhan Xingye, who was beating the long-tongued ghost as a sandbag, and couldn't help but laugh,

"It's a humanoid tyrannosaurus!"


A very strange scene.

At this moment, a young man with full muscles actually pressed a sneaky thing that everyone feared to the ground and rubbed it wildly!

In fact, if there was no elusive tongue for a ghost like a ghost with a long tongue, its combat power would be completely like the tail of a crane among ghosts.

Therefore, for Senhoshino, the next battle will be much simpler.

The fist containing the power of the [Evil Qi Phase] landed on the face of the long-tongued ghost under him one by one, and in a few strokes, the head of the long-tongued ghost was smashed to pieces.

A neidan that exuded a gray glow slowly suspended in mid-air.

"Lao Chen, you want Neidan. Zhan Xingye reached out and grabbed the long-tongued ghost Neidan, turned around and threw it to Chen Feng in the back.

"Thank you. Chen Feng stretched out his hand to catch Neidan and chuckled.


Half an hour later.

After a period of rest, the crowd once again paced in the dim pit.

"Whew~ That long-tongued ghost just now is indeed a bit interesting, it actually consumed nearly two percent of my spiritual power!" On

the way, Zhan Xingye moved his shoulders and sighed softly.

Hearing this, Shen Tianfang directly stepped forward and grabbed Zhan Xingye's neck, and then said in a shy, "

Xingye, you really can't do it."

Look at Chen Feng, who directly tore the resentful soul, and then look at you, fighting a resentful soul consumes 20% of the spiritual power, and it has been hammered for a long time.

Listen to me, when you go back, you can quickly drink some wolfberry water to replenish it!"

At this moment, Chen Feng, who was walking in the forefront, suddenly stopped, and at the same time raised his right fist, signaling everyone to be quiet.

"Chen Feng, what's wrong?" Seeing this, Wang Hao stepped forward slowly, lowered his voice and asked.

"Straight ahead, there's a ghost thing that is rarely seen here. As he spoke, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed not far ahead.

Hearing this, Wang Hao took the opportunity to look in the direction of Chen Feng's finger, and then said with a happy face: "Golden ghost!"

I saw that in front of everyone, a sneaky man with a foot more than three meters tall, wooden facial features, and shining golden skin stood here like a sculpture!

So, Wang Hao hurriedly patted Chen Feng's shoulder, "Brother Chen Feng, this ghost... How about handing it over to you?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng just smiled softly, and then turned around and looked at the people behind him.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion, why don't we take turns to kill the ghosts we encounter?"

Wang Hao nodded.

"I'm okay with that. Shen Tianfang stroked his red hair.

"What Brother Feng says is what it is. Liu Xiao smiled.

"I listen to Ah Feng. Su Qianyu nodded like pounding garlic.


was only a moment's effort, and Chen Feng's suggestion was approved by all the members of the team, and it was unanimously approved!

The joke is just a group of sneaky people whose realm is not higher than the level of resentful spirits, and it is not too easy to fight!

"Then this golden ghost, I will take it down first!" On the side, Wang Hao chuckled.

On the other side, Chen Feng tilted his chin at the golden ghost, "It's yours."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Hao's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed straight towards the golden ghost.


Not long after the click, ——!

sound of a broken bone sounded, and the golden ghost covered in golden light was cut off by the horizontal knife in Wang Hao's hand.

The next moment, a golden Inner Dan rose.

Immediately after, the young man casually held the golden Neidan, turned around, and walked towards the people behind him.

"Hehe, a golden ghost of the resentful soul level, Neidan is still pure gold. Wang Hao bit the Neidan in his hand with his back teeth, and said with a hippie smile.

Hearing this, Chen Feng and the others unconsciously smiled.

Good guy, isn't your focus a little off-track?

In this way, everyone explored all the way, and the ghosts they encountered during the process also took turns to deal with them according to the original agreement.

It wasn't until noon that everyone stopped and walked towards the tent they had set up earlier.


"Thirty-six Spirit-level Blazing Ghost Neidan... Fifty-two Spirit-level Yellow Sand Ghost Neidan... Thirteen Wandering Soul-level Long-tongued Ghost Neidan..."The

tent set up by everyone.

At this moment, in the open space outside the tent, a bonfire had risen enough to illuminate the surroundings.

Around the bonfire, Chen Feng and the others were sitting around, roasting the cooked food they had brought and counting the morning's harvest.

"Brother Feng, what is the loot this morning?" Next to him, Liu Xiao put the skewer with corn in his hand on the grill, turned his head, and asked Chen Feng with a curious expression.

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