Hearing this, everyone around also turned their heads and looked curiously at the wooden token in Chen Feng's palm.

Meeting everyone's gaze, the corners of Chen Feng's mouth suddenly twitched involuntarily.

Good guy, do you need to be so excited? Isn't it just an A-level magic weapon that can block the breath of a living person!?

As if seeing everyone's doubts, Chen Feng smiled and sighed, and then explained:

"This token was asked for by the instructor before the assessment. "

Looking for the instructor to ask for it?" Hearing this, Liu Xiao was immediately stunned.

"Yes, have you forgotten that the Sword Ancestor promised us seven conditions?" Chen Feng said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, everyone reacted, none of the seven conditions of the Sword Ancestor had been fulfilled yet!

If Chen Feng didn't say it, they would have forgotten it!

"The predecessor of the Sword Ancestor, the seven conditions, what do you mean?" On the side, He Yuchen, who was wearing black-framed glasses, blinked his lovely eyes and said with a blank face.

The moment they heard He Yuchen's voice, the other six people were immediately stunned, and then they all fell silent.

Oh no, He Yuchen didn't know about their defeat of the Sword Ancestor!

Looking at He Yuchen's dazed expression, Su Qianyu, who was beside him, glanced at Chen Feng with a slight question, as if he was seeking the other party's opinion.

In this regard, Chen Feng only bowed slightly, signaling that Su Qianyu could inform the other party.

After getting Chen Feng's permission, Su Qianyu put his lips to He Yuchen's ear, and his lips opened lightly:

"Actually, when I was fighting against the predecessor of the Sword Ancestor at that time



After a while, He Yuchen, who understood what had happened, bowed slightly, and a sudden look appeared in his pair of playful and lovely eyes.

"In other words, the six of you and Xie Zi'an can all get seven 'hush money'. Hearing

this, everyone looked at each other, and then nodded.

"You're pretty dark. He Yuchen covered his cherry mouth and complained with a chuckle.

"Hehe, low-key, low-key, big sister Yuchen, this is all the credit of Brother Feng and sister-in-law!" Liu Xiao waved his hands and said with a smile.

Chen Feng: (lll¬ω¬)

Su Qianyu: ̄へ ̄When

you say this, won't your conscience hurt?


"So Brother Feng, what do you mean... Are you going to rely on the [Sheltering Order] tomorrow to hunt down the white-clothed ghosts in the No. 4 crater?"

After the farce was over, Liu Xiaozheng said.

"Yes," Chen Feng nodded,

"The [Breath Shielding Order] can emit a bloody aura to cover up the living aura on my body.

Coupled with my Neidan skills and the power of [Hell on Earth],

it is not difficult to quietly hunt three white-clothed ghosts in the No. 4 crater. As

the words fell, everyone fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, the red-haired Shen Tianfang was the first to speak, breaking the silence around him:

"Old Chen, in fact, as long as I use the [Night Domain], every member of our team can kill the peak of evil ghosts alone and even severely damage the white-clothed ghosts.

Wouldn't it be better for us to act together than to take the adventure on your own?"

Chen Feng shook his head decisively, "Although the [Night Domain] has a large amplification effect, it is not suitable for long-term use inside the ghost tomb space.

Once the aura fluctuations of the [Night Realm] are exposed inside the crater for too long, it is very likely to attract a large number of ghosts.

At that time, I may not be able to protect myself with the [Breath Concealment Order] in my hand, let alone those of you who don't have any life-saving weapons. Hearing this

, Shen Tianfang also found that his suggestion was slightly inappropriate, so he simply nodded and said no more.

Seeing that the atmosphere of everyone was sluggish, Chen Feng hurriedly turned his head sideways to look at Liu Xiao beside him, and changed the topic:

"Old Liu, how many Inner Dans have we harvested today?"

"Ah... Huh? Wait a minute, I'll see. Liu Xiao, who heard Chen Feng's call, slammed his head, and then hurriedly took out the [dimensional space] in the shape of a card box from his pants pocket.

After a while, a large number of colored beads were listed on the dirt by the latter.

"A total of two hundred and seventy Resentful Soul Rank Inner Dan and seventeen Demon Grade Inner Dan.

These include the Blazing Spirits, Yellow Sand Ghosts, Long-Tongued Ghosts, Golden Ghosts, and Lava Ghosts. Listening

, Chen Feng bowed slightly, "I know, after I leave tomorrow, you will still follow today's rhythm, just fight steadily, and avoid fighting." "

Understood!" the group nodded in reply.


A dim world.

Here, the surrounding ghosts and fires are faint, black shadows are longing, and from time to time there are evil winds blowing, and the hair of the blowing people stands up.

Occasionally, a few burners muttered words like 'hot' and 'uncomfortable', pacing back and forth in the gloomy pit

... Chen Feng held his breath all the way, his steps were light, and he carefully avoided the various sneaky people in white clothes he encountered along the way.

This is the bottom of the fourth crater in the No. 7 ghost tomb.

At first, Chen Feng thought that Liu Xiao's 'green clothes are all over the ground, and there are as many white clothes as dogs' was exaggerated, but when he really stood here, he found that Liu Xiao's words were not exaggerated in the slightest.

In the outside world, it is as rare as a giant panda, but in this pit pond, it is like a cabbage in a vegetable field, and you can meet one after walking two steps.

If he hadn't asked Wu Dongchen for a [Breath Shielding Order] before leaving, he would have been eaten by the many powerful ghosts around him at this moment!

But in the end, Chen Feng still kept the distance between himself and the ghosts at more than five meters as much as possible, so as not to get too close to the other party and smell the breath of a living person on his body.

After all... At this moment when his life was closely related, he didn't dare to put his life on the token in his hand.

I don't know how long I walked, but in Chen Feng's sight, a relatively vast open space finally appeared.

In the perceptual realm of [Hell on Earth], except for a lonely nameless tomb in the clearing, there was not a single sneaky one within a radius of 100 meters!

In other words, Chen Feng finally found a lonely white-clothed ghost!

At this moment, Chen Feng looked at the high-arched tomb on the barren ground in front of him, as if he had seen a lover, and did not hide the greed in his eyes.

Just as Chen Feng was about to approach the rock pile, a pair of iron-blue ghost hands covered with monkey-like hair suddenly appeared from it, facing Chen Feng's direction with 'teeth and claws'.

At the same time, the pitch-black ghost aura filled with an eerie and terrifying aura also shrouded Chen Feng's location from all directions at this moment.

"Hey, hey, you're quite energetic!

What kind of ghost thing is it?" Chen

Feng glanced at the monkey-covered arm that 'scurried' out of the rock pile and smiled softly.

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