"It's... Is it the Sansheng Stone?"

Looking at the stone in front of him, Chen Feng unconsciously muttered.

At this time, there are two lines of inscriptions on this three-life stone, which divides this three-life stone into three parts.

In these three parts, there are different vertical inscriptions interspersed, which closely implicate the three parts that are scattered together.

Chen Feng only glanced at it and understood that these three parts represented the past life, this life and the next life respectively.

As for those vertical lines, if nothing else, they should have something to do with karma.

After all, there is an old saying that 'marriage is seen before the three-life stone', and what people look at after death is the marriage implicated in this vertical pattern.

Moreover, different people standing in front of the Sansheng Stone see different vertical lines.

Some people's marriage line is thick, and fate is just in front of them, while some people's marriage line is looming, and they don't know when they will be able to wait for the right fate.

There are also some unlucky eggs, the marriage line is directly severed, and they can't find a beautiful woman in this life, so they come in pairs.

Of course, the Sansheng Stone belongs to the underworld, so naturally only those dead ghosts can view it.

And most of the ghosts who use the Sansheng Stone just want to recall all kinds of things in their lives, but they are obsessed.

"How should I use the Sansheng Stone?" Chen Feng whispered and asked about the underworld space.

It's normal to think about it, and Chen Feng is not a dead person, how can he know how to use the Sansheng Stone?

After a while, the ink-colored text slowly appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes:


Ordinary ghost things, standing in front of it, the

host is not the soul of the afterlife, you need to stick the palm of your hand on the top of the Sansheng stone

, if you want to see the past life, stick it at the bottom, if you want to see this life, stick it in the middle, if you want to see the world, you will stick it on the top


"Children make choices, of course I want me to see them all!"

After that, Chen Feng wanted to put his hand on the stone below that represented the past life.

But at this moment, the words in the underworld space suddenly twisted violently, as if they were in a hurry.

The next moment, a line of somewhat rough ink characters appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes:


The host is slow!If

the soul of a living person wants to check the experience of three lives and three lives, it needs to consume a lot of soul power,

due to the low current realm of the host and the fact that the soul power recovers very slowly, the

space recommends that the host only look at one of the lives


Seeing this, Chen Feng's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.

He never expected that there would be so many things to do with the use of a three-life stone!

At first, he also wanted to see his own experience in his previous life.

But now it seems that he can only take care of the present!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng sighed a little helplessly, and pressed his hand on the area in the middle of the Sansheng Stone.

In just an instant, the Sansheng Stone changed!

Just like a mobile phone projection, the scenes that Chen Feng was going to experience in this life appeared on the Sansheng Stone!

At the same time, a pink silk thread symbolizing marriage quickly solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continued to spread to both sides!

In just a breath, the middle part of the Sansheng Stone was printed with a pink halo!

"This... What does this mean...... My positive fate is right in front of me?"

Looking at the vision in front of him, Chen Feng's expression was immediately stunned.

Such a thick marriage line, doesn't it mean that Chen Feng's positive fate has appeared?!

" That is to say... I really have a story with that kraft candy?" The

'kraft candy' in Chen Feng's mouth naturally refers to Su Qianyu.

After a while, Chen Feng simply shook his head and threw these miscellaneous thoughts behind him.

"Don't think about this yet, the soul power is still being consumed rapidly, hurry up and get down to business!"

Immediately, Chen Feng shifted his gaze back to the image of the Sansheng Stone.

I saw that on the three-life stone, an extremely gloomy silver-white iron gate suddenly appeared!

And around the iron gate, there was nothing but endless darkness.

In a trance, the iron door suddenly opened at some point, and three huge eyeballs with inscriptions appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes!

"It's... What's going on? Why is it suddenly gone?"

Looking at the suddenly dark image in front of him, Chen Feng shouted unconsciously.

Immediately after, the words of the underworld space condensed in front of his eyes:

"... You can't see, you can't touch, you can't speak, you can't listen..."

Looking at the familiar words in front of him, Chen Feng's expression once again fell into a dullness.

This sentence came out again

last time when he checked his parents on Wangxiangtai, and this time when he checked this life, he came up again!

But soon, Chen Feng calmed down again.

If the parents of this body are related to this sentence, then the door that appears at the end of the picture and the eyes in the door must also be related to the parents of this body!

Moreover, Liu Xiao has also said before that after he was abducted by the female ghost, he also saw a door with three eyes printed in a dark place.

Is it possible that the door that Liu Xiao saw was the one he saw on the Sansheng Stone?

Or was there any special connection between these two doors?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's whole person suddenly felt a burst of excitement.

This kind of feeling of being one ring after another is something he has never experienced in his previous life, who has been doing waste wood for 18 years.

At this moment, he only felt that this world was getting more and more interesting!

After a long time, Chen Feng, who had calmed down, slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that you know the troubles you may encounter in this life, you have to improve your strength as soon as possible!"

The next moment, Chen Feng had a thought and withdrew from the underworld space.


Consciousness returns to the tent.

Chen Feng raised the watch on his wrist and glanced at the time.

10:30 p.m.

"Did you go in for nearly three hours this time?" With

that, Chen Feng put his hand on his forehead wearing the watch and calmly stared at the tent zipper above his head.

Recalling what he had seen and heard in front of the Sansheng Stone before, Chen Feng's heart was still quite emotional.

So, he sat up directly, put on a trench coat and walked out of the tent.

As soon as he got out of the tent, he saw Shen Tianfang, who was still vigil.

"Huh, why don't you sleep?" Shen Tianfang, who noticed the abnormal noise, looked back, and asked involuntarily after seeing Chen Feng walking out of the tent.

"Just sleep for three hours, get up and blow the wind. Chen Feng put on the hat of his windbreaker and chuckled.

"What you say is really hateful, I'm so sleepy that I'm going to kill you, you even told me that you don't sleep!" Shen Tianfang stroked his hair twice and scolded with a smile.

After hearing this, Chen Feng was also speechless for a while.

Good guy, if you want me to sentry for you, just say it, why are you doing all this!

Immediately, Chen Feng patted Shen Tianfang's shoulder and said,

"Okay, you go to sleep, I'll do your job for you!"

"Hey, don't, don't, I'm kidding." Shen Tianfang hurriedly explained.

In this regard, Chen Feng just grinned, "Okay, I can't sleep anyway, you go to sleep." "

That's... Okay, thanks!" Shen Tianfang scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and immediately plunged into the tent behind him.

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