Under the dark night sky, the collapse of Villa 17 set off a howling wind, carrying billowing smoke, enveloping the figures of Chen Feng and Han Shuhui.

However, Chen Feng didn't care too much about the dust and sand around him.

At this moment, he was squinting his eyes, staring at the figure holding a guitar above the dome.

It wasn't until the smoke completely cleared that Chen Feng saw the true appearance of the figure.

I have to admit that there is just one word - handsome!

Wearing a pure black suit, with a black shirt and tie, he looks about twenty years old, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a lofty spirit, even if he is placed among many celebrities in Daxia, he is definitely a top-notch existence.

Of course, what made Chen Feng sluggish was not the appearance of this young man, but because... He felt a very powerful aura from this young man's body.

Even compared with the sword ancestor Li Yizhen, who was full of strength at the beginning, he was not a little inferior.

There is no doubt that the handsome man on the canopy is one of the six guardian spirits of Great Xia.

If nothing else, he should be the 'Qin' in the 'Sword Saint Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting'!"

"Hehe, Team Qiao also said before that some people may not be able to see a Great Xia Guardian Saint in their lifetime, I have only been in the camp for half a year, and I have already seen two!" Looking at the man who stroked the qin above his head, the corners of Chen Feng's mouth grinned slightly, and he secretly thought to himself.

"Hmm, what does this beast want to do to that little guy?" Above, looking at Han Shuhui, who was holding Chen Feng's wrist tightly, Cao Longqing's expression changed suddenly.

The next moment, he hurriedly plucked the strings of the guitar in his arms.

A long and long rhythm came out of the sound hole of the guitar, turning into invisible sonic attacks, and attacked Han Shuhui directly!

"You quickly dodge, he thought you were going to attack me!" Seeing this scene, Chen Feng hurriedly shouted at Han Shuhui.

Hearing this, Han Shuhui suddenly let go of Chen Feng's wrist, and at the same time, his figure flashed, avoiding Cao Longqing's sonic attack.

This is the difference between the ghosts above the metaverse level and the rest of the sneaky.

Ordinary sneaky, on the premise of not mutating, has and only one skill of its own.

The Yuan Ghost and the Xuan Ghost can learn more of their own skills through cultivation.

Although Han Shuhui has not deliberately cultivated in the past thousand years, she has realized many life-saving skills in her free time.

Just like the skill released when he dodged Cao Longqing's attack just now, it was the spatial ability that Han Shuhui had realized eight hundred years ago-[Flash].

Seeing Cao Longqing making a move on Han Shuhui, Chen Feng also hurriedly spoke, trying to dissuade the other party:

"That... Qin senior!"

"Kiss senior?" Cao Longqing was stunned.

Me and you... It doesn't seem to have any special relationship, right?"

"Aren't you the 'qin' in 'Sword Saint Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting'?" Chen Feng scratched his head.

"Oh... You said this!" Cao Longqing suddenly realized.

Just say, I'm not related to you, why do you call me 'pro-senior'.

"Little comrade, my name is Cao Longqing, my name is 'Emperor Qin', don't call me any 'Senior Qin', it sounds awkward!"

"None of this matters!" Chen Feng waved his hand, "Senior Emperor Qin, can you not worry about this Ms. Han first?"

"Who is Ms. Han?"

"It's this female ghost in white." Chen Feng pointed to Han Shuhui not far away.

Cao Longqing: ( ́・ω・') ?

What the hell? Don't this female ghost?"

"It's not... Why?" Cao Longqing rubbed the corners of his eyes with some puzzlement.

If the ghost descender doesn't kill the ghost, what else is the ghost descending man called?"

The seniors didn't know," Chen Feng hugged his fist at Cao Longqing, "This female ghost, named Han Shuhui, was originally a woman in the Northern Song Dynasty, and later..."

After hearing this, the latter first held the guitar and thought for a while, then withdrew the spiritual power under his feet and slowly landed on the ground.

"Are you... How do I know if this is a lie you are trying to deceive humans?" After landing on the ground, Cao Longqing's eyes were sharp, and a pair of bright starry eyes looked directly at Han Shuhui's pair of eyes like autumn water.

Hearing this, an anxious look suddenly appeared on Han Shuhui's pretty face.

After a long time, she sighed helplessly, and then bowed to Cao Longqing, and said,

"This Emperor Qin, if you don't trust the slave family, you can use the soul searching technique on the slave family, the slave family... There is no complaint!"

"What? Soul Searching ?!!" On the side, Chen Feng, who heard the word 'soul searching', suddenly widened his eyes.

Chen Feng had heard of the skill of soul searching.

In the previous ghost theory class, Jiang Chengfeng had mentioned that after the ghost thing reaches the level of the yuan ghost, the three souls and seven spirits in its body will be qualitatively improved.

And this promotion, in addition to the ability to awaken the ghost and have new skills, can also allow the ghost subduer to carry out the soul search technique.

The so-called soul search is actually just a way for the ghost slayer to inject a trace of his spiritual power into the other party's body to obtain memories through the eyebrows of the ghost thing.

It's just that although the soul searching technique can quickly obtain the memories of ghosts, while searching for souls, the souls of ghosts will also suffer ten thousand times more than Ling Chi.

If the soul search is too rough, it may also cause the realm of the ghost to fall, or even kill on the spot.

Of course, if it was in the past, searching for the soul of a Yuan ghost, Chen Feng would definitely not mind.

After all, they are all evil cults that have harmed countless human beings.

But... Han Shuhui has never hurt anyone!

What's more, Han Shuhui's husband has already sacrificed his life for this country.


of this, Chen Feng resolutely stepped forward and stopped Cao Longqing, "Emperor Qin's senior, Ms. Han's husband, has already sacrificed his life for the people of Great Xia.

If in the end, your soul search confirms Ms. Han's innocence, wouldn't it chill General Mo Shaoying's heart?"

"Who knows, Cao Longqing directly brushed Chen Feng aside with the guitar in his hand, "What do you know about a milky little hairy child?

How do you know that this female doll is not lying to you?"

"But senior, in case there is an accident during the soul search, but..."

Cao Longqing stretched out his hand to stop Chen Feng, "This soul, I have searched for it, as for whether to execute her... Let's just look at the results of the soul search!" After

that, Cao Longqing directly operated the spiritual power in his body, covering himself and Han Shuhui with a layer of spiritual power barrier, blocking Chen Feng's line of sight.

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