Looking at the oncoming white light, Cao Longqing's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of caution.


a huge and dull impact sounding,

Zhu Yan's fist full of Sen Luo's ghostly spirit smashed on the guitar guard plate without any fancy blows.

Under the huge kinetic energy of this punch, Cao Longqing's figure moved back a little uncontrollably, and the leather shoes under his feet also dragged a long scratch on the ground of the bridge hole.

Fortunately, this guitar is Cao Longqing's natal spiritual weapon, which can ignore all physical attacks, otherwise, just Zhu Yan's punch would be enough to cause Cao Longqing to suffer some minor injuries!

Although the guard plate of the guitar blocked Zhu Yan's attack, Cao Longqing's hands were still a little numb because of the powerful impact of Zhu Yan's punch, and the palms of the two pairs of white hands couldn't help but tremble.

I have to admit that Zhu Yan's own strength is already at the upstream level of ghosts of the same level.

After getting the power given by 'that place', the realm directly broke through to the Xuan Ghost.

At this moment, even if it is compared with the peak of ordinary Xuan Ghosts, it is not much better!

You must know that unless it is the peak of cultivation, otherwise, the strength of the realm of the Great Xia Guardian God is only a little stronger than the peak of the Xuan Ghosts.

And unfortunately, Cao Longqing's realm is an ordinary guardian saint of Great Xia, and he is far from the peak... There is still a long way to go!

" It seems that we have to move a little more seriously!" After feeling Zhu Yan's current level of combat power, a touch of seriousness appeared in Cao Longqing's eyes for the first time.

As soon as the words fell, Cao Longqing's fingertips plucked the strings of the guitar again.


With the blessing of spiritual power, the sound of the piano played by Cao Longqing turned into a crescent-shaped milky white arc light, carrying a fierce killing aura, and went straight to Zhu Yan, who looked like a white-haired ape on the opposite side.

"Hmph, today, let you humans see, what is the supreme body!" In

the face of the oncoming attack, Zhu Yan did not dodge, but snorted coldly, and then stood in place like Mount Tai.

And yet....

What is unexpected is that

Zhu Yan's so-called 'pinnacle body', the moment he came into contact with the milky white arc light, it was like encountering the soil of an iron sword, and was cut into countless pieces of minced meat!

Cao Longqing: (o ́・ェ・'o)

Mo Shaoying:(#°Д°)

Chen Feng &∀ Shuhui: (・∀・(・・*)

This is what you call ... At this moment?!!!

just when everyone was stunned, the little yellow duck toy that was fighting with General Mo Shaoying smiled coldly, "The body at the top is not just indestructible!"

The moment Zhu Yan's body was chopped up, its 'corpse' turned into a pool of inky juice and sank into the ground below.

The next moment, a white-haired Zhu Yan resurfaced from a dark corner of the bridge cave!

Is it the [Abyss]?"

Looking at Zhu Yan who reappeared, Cao Longqing's mouth unconsciously muttered, "It's really a little tricky


..." "Kill!"

On the other side, General Mo Shaoying let out a low shout, suddenly turned the ghost qi in his body, and condensed into a spear in his right hand.

Immediately after, General Mo's knees bent slightly, and then jumped high, and the whole ghost was like an arrow off the string, holding a spear and stabbing straight at the eyebrows of the little yellow duck toy!

Looking at the oncoming tip of the gun, the phantom of the little yellow duck toy suddenly let out an angry roar, and at the same time, his body shrank to the size of an ordinary adult, and then quickly approached his own body, blocking this fatal blow for him.

Seeing this, General Mo was taken aback, he never thought that the phantom shadow outside the bridge cave, which was like an ancient giant beast, could actually change its size, and it was so fast!


At this moment, the black little yellow duck toy phantom suddenly made an eerie and terrifying ghost sound towards General Mo.

At the same time, above the body of the little yellow duck toy phantom, a black mist suddenly filled the air, and then quickly spread to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, the area within a radius of 100 meters was shrouded with ghostly energy, making it impossible to see!

Then, what made General Mo Shaoying even more shocked was that the body of the little yellow duck toy phantom was actually shattered piece by piece, like pieces of tofu dregs, and fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a white skeleton in the shape of a duck skeleton appeared in front of Mo Shaoying's eyes!

Looking at the scene in front of him, General Mo even couldn't believe his eyes.

Although he had the experience of fighting with this little yellow duck a hundred years ago, he had never seen the other party use such a strange method!

, "What the hell are you?" General Mo Shaoying was a little dazed, and asked unconsciously.

"This seat... It's the spokesperson of the Messenger!" the duck skeleton said coldly.

"Messenger?spokesperson?" Mo Shaoying's head tilted, not knowing why.

However, the duck skeleton didn't give General Mo time to think at all.

I saw that the duck skeleton suddenly burst out, and the skeleton of his body was as fast as lightning, and he came directly in front of General Mo.

A pair of white bone wings suddenly picked up, mixed with a thick dead air, and went straight to General Mo's temple!

General Mo was shocked, he never expected that the phantom of this little yellow duck toy would be several times faster after turning into a skeleton!

So, General Mo hurriedly squatted down and narrowly avoided the whipping of the pair of bone wings.

Then, his legs jerked and he leaped to the side with all his might.

And yet....


the same time as General Mo jumped up, the bone wings of the duck skeleton suddenly picked up again, and struck straight towards General Mo!

Seeing this, General Mo did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly turned his body and tried his best to widen the distance between himself and the white bone wings.

And yet....

The bone wings, mixed with a thick sense of death, finally grazed General Mo's body, leaving a narrow hole on his flank!

Although there was no blood flowing out, the damage to the soul body was real.

Feeling the pain coming from his flanks, General Mo unconsciously gasped.

If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he would have had to be disemboweled!

Before General Mo could stand firm, the figure of the duck skeleton flew directly into the sky above General Mo, and then smashed down on General Mo with his head on his head!

Heavy as a thousand pounds, as fast as a dragon!

Looking at the scene in front of him, General Mo's body hurriedly turned, and at the same time, he used his own ability to appear on the side of the duck skeleton in a very strange way.

At the same time, the ghostly spear in his hand was handed out like a swimming dragon, and stabbed straight towards the skeleton of the duck skeleton's chest!

Who would have thought that the figure of the duck skeleton was actually a flash, so it avoided General Mo Shaoying's attack, and at the same time poked out the pair of bone wings and attacked General Mo's face again!

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