Although from Bai Ye's point of view, rejecting Zhu Zhuqing's invitation was the most suitable choice for him.

But the teammates behind Zhu Zhuqing didn't think so.

"Tsk, it's just a C-level auxiliary talent, why bother?"

"I think he was able to raise his spiritual level so quickly because of his luck."

"Seeing as he doesn't have any teammates around him, maybe it's because all his teammates sacrificed that he was lucky enough to get the spiritual core left behind after the monster died."

Although the voices of Zhu Zhuqing's teammates were not loud, Bai Ye could still hear them clearly at such a close distance.

Faced with the slander and slander from these people, Bai Ye didn't care at all. Instead, in front of them, he started to take out the spiritual core from the goblin.

Bai Ye has always been dismissive of others' slander and abuse.

Even if he scolded him back, Bai Ye would just feel like he was wasting his time.

He didn't even dare to speak out loud about his dissatisfaction. Such people were not worth looking at in the eyes of Bai Ye.

Of course, if they want to fight with him, Shiro Yoruichi will definitely let them know why the flowers are so red.

After taking out the spirit core from the goblin's body, Bai Ye used Luo Feng's clothes to wipe the Bloodline stained on the spirit core.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a beautiful spiritual core."

Bai Ye ignored Zhu Zhuqing's teammates at all, and instead marveled at the spiritual core in his hand.

Faced with Bai Ye's disregard, these people didn't bother to ask for trouble, turned around and chose to leave.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing could only smile apologetically at Bai Ye, turned around, and left with his teammates and the unconscious Luo Feng.

Bai Ye watched the other party's leaving figure and slowly returned to the grass.

He planned to digest this spiritual core first, and then go out to hunt monsters.

According to the current total amount of spiritual power in his body, as long as he absorbs this spiritual core, he should be able to advance his spiritual level to the third level.

Arriving on Zhiya's cushion, Bai Ye held his newly obtained spiritual core in his hand and entered into trance again.

In less than a moment, Bai Ye felt that the spiritual power in his body had once again increased to a new level.

At this moment, the spiritual power he can mobilize in his body has reached a new level.

As Bai Ye's thoughts moved slightly, another branch emerged from the ground.

However, compared to the wooden branches and vines summoned by Bai Ye before that were as thick as a little finger, the branches summoned by Bai Ye this time have increased to the thickness of an index finger.

Not only that, the number of times White Night can release Wood Style in a short period of time has also been significantly increased.

If Bai Ye could only release Wood Style two or three times in a row before, all the spiritual power in his body would be exhausted.

So now he can release Wood Style at least four or five times in a row without any pressure.

In addition, Bai Ye's physical fitness and mental strength have also been slightly increased.

After the spiritual level was improved, Bai Ye once again felt a refreshing feeling.

"Phew, start looking for the next target!"

Bai Ye stood up and continued walking deeper into the jungle.

The further you go into the jungle, the more dangerous it becomes.

But at the same time, the chance of encountering a Goblin squad will also increase.

If it were any other students who had just awakened, they would definitely not head into the depths of the jungle so rashly.

After all, this is just a trial and it's not really a fight to the death, so why risk your own life?

But Bai Ye, who has a killing system, is different from them. He will run wherever the killing value is high.

In this way, the effect of the killing system can be utilized in Ultimate.

Killing is always accompanied by danger.

If you want to apply the killing system to Ultimate, then embrace the danger and dance with death.

This is Bai Ye's awakening.

As the white night continued to advance, more and more traces of goblin activity began to appear on the ground.

In the end, Byakuya's attention was drawn to a footprint on the jungle floor.

Among the dense goblin footprints on the ground, a large footprint that was two circles larger than the other goblin footprints suddenly appeared.

Not only was this footprint larger than an ordinary goblin, but it was also sunk deeper into the soil than the other footprints.

According to Bai Ye's visual inspection, this monster must weigh at least three to four hundred kilograms and be about two meters tall.

The footprints were exactly the same as those of the goblin, and they were so much bigger.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately thought of the knowledge he had learned in the alien illustration class in school.

The upgraded species within the Goblin tribe, the Giant Goblin, is also known as the Goblin Troll.

Compared with ordinary Goblin monsters, Goblin trolls are not only larger in size, but their physical strength and attack power are also far superior to ordinary Goblin monsters.

Among the offspring produced in the Goblin group, there will be a certain probability of giving birth to such extremely large individuals.

When Goblin trolls were first born, their appearance was not much different from other Goblin monsters.

But as time goes by and age grows, the giant size of the Goblin Troll will gradually become apparent.

Their size is often several times larger than that of ordinary goblins of the same age, and as age continues to pass, the size of goblin trolls will continue to grow.

The older a Goblin troll gets, the bigger it becomes.

It is said that some people have even seen super-large goblin trolls that are more than three meters tall.

In Bai Ye's view, the appearance of this Goblin troll is a bit like a gigantism among the Goblins.

Fortunately, although Goblin Trolls are far superior to ordinary Goblins in terms of size and strength, Goblin Trolls generally have trouble with their brains.

In other words, Goblin trolls generally have lower IQs, lower than ordinary Goblins of their kind.

If there really was such a giant Goblin troll with an online IQ, then he would undoubtedly become the chief of a certain Goblin tribe.

With both strength and wisdom, it is difficult not to become a leader.

Just when Bai Ye was squatting on the ground and looking at the huge footprints, the sound of another goblin team came from the side.

But this time, the opponent's team seemed to have become larger.

Bai Ye hid in the grass and looked over there.

After seeing the composition of this goblin team clearly, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

Among this Goblin squad, there stood a huge Goblin troll, over two meters tall.

Compared to the taller and stronger Goblin Trolls, the height of the Goblin monsters around him could only reach his waist and abdomen, or even his crotch.

Comparing the two, it seemed that the ordinary goblins had become thinner and shorter.

In addition to this huge Goblin troll, there are also two Goblin archers in this Goblin team.

After going deep into the jungle, the strength of the goblin team Bai Ye encountered had obviously been greatly improved.

The moment Bai Ye saw the Goblin Troll, Bai Ye's killing system once again popped up basic information about the Goblin Troll.

(Monster name: Goblin Troll)

(Spirit Level: 2)

(Killing can obtain killing value: 20)

(The upgraded body among Goblins. Ordinary Goblins have a certain chance of appearing when they give birth to offspring. Not only are they much larger than ordinary Goblins, they are also rough-skinned and thick-bodied. They are extremely powerful and dangerous. The level far exceeds that of ordinary goblins.)

After reading the information that popped up on the killing system page, Bai Ye's eyes showed no fear, but a hint of excitement.

Bai Ye clenched the useless stick in his hand. As Bai Ye's thoughts moved slightly, sharp wooden thorns slowly grew out of the stick in his hand.

Not long after, the bare, useless stick in Bai Ye's hand turned into a wolf-toothed stick covered with wooden spikes.

After the magic modification of Baiye Wood Style, the intimidating power of this useless big stick was immediately improved by several levels.

Just looking at these sharp wooden thorns will make people feel physical pain.

If you were hit by this wooden stick covered with spikes, the feeling would be unimaginable.

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