Resurrection Of Spiritual Energy: No One Can Survive The Susanata Buddha

Chapter 15 Wood Style, Cool And Refreshing Technique

Using Wood Style to hide his figure, Bai Ye quickly touched the front.

After carefully removing the grass in front of him, Bai Ye was shocked to discover.

What appeared in front of him turned out to be Zhu Zhuqing's team that he had seen before. They were now surrounded by a large group of goblins and were fighting bloody battles among the goblins.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing has fully activated her awakened abilities. Her ears turned into sharp and furry black ears, with a bunch of long white hairs growing on the tips of her ears.

His eyes turned into a pair of dark green vertical pupils, his hands expanded, and his nails turned into several sharp claws.

A big shiny black tail grew near the tailbone.

Zhu Zhuqing's appearance has been greatly changed after activating her ability Phantom Lynx. Not only has her appearance become more wild, but her agility and reaction speed have also been greatly improved.

Each attack by the sharp claws on his hands can accurately take away the life of an ordinary goblin.

Zhu Zhuqing's spiritual level is now close to level three, and the remaining teammates have also reached level two or above.

They were also not idle during the time when Bai Ye was capturing the Red Spirit Fruit.

Relying on the overall strength of the team and the more dense distribution of goblins in the depths of the jungle, they quickly improved the overall strength of the team.

Originally everything was going well, forming a team, going deep, killing monsters, and then obtaining spiritual core upgrades, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

However, when they advanced to a certain level, a huge number of Goblin monsters suddenly appeared around them, directly surrounding them.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing, the rest of the team was covered in blood and used all their abilities to fight against the goblins in front of them.

However, except for Zhu Zhuqing, who was in pretty good shape, almost all of the remaining teammates were at the end of their game.

The remaining teammates were either hit by arrows in their knees, or suffered from excessive blood loss and depleted spiritual power. It was obvious that they could no longer hold on.

Obviously, the most powerful person in the team is Zhu Zhuqing, the student who has awakened his A-level talent.

At the same level, the more students awaken advanced combat talents, the more powerful their combat effectiveness will be.

This is clearly demonstrated on the battlefield.

Compared to Zhu Zhuqing's terrifying combat power of one goblin with one claw, the rest of the team members had to take at least two or three hits to kill a goblin monster, and their movement speed and reaction speed were far from comparable to Zhu Zhuqing's.

And as time goes by, their condition will only get worse.

Facing so many enemies, they can only risk their lives to find a glimmer of hope.

But until now, even though they had tried their best, they still couldn't break the circle formed by this group of goblins.

Unknowingly, an atmosphere of despair suddenly began to permeate the hearts of every team member.

Finally, after Zhu Zhuqing's blow, the old strength was used up and the new strength was not yet generated, a wooden arrow flew towards Zhu Zhuqing with a powerful sound of breaking wind, with a whooshing sound.

Facing this arrow, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes immediately shrank into a straight line. She urged her body to dodge the attack, but the continuous fighting had put her body on the verge of overdraft.

Coupled with her nervousness, she accidentally sprained her foot when she stumbled.

But fortunately, after her actions, her body finally escaped the critical point.

The arrow did not hit her head, but pierced her shoulder.

After one arrow shot, Zhu Zhuqing lost one of his arms.

"team leader!"

"Zhu Zhuqing!"

After seeing their captain injured, the remaining team members couldn't help but scream in surprise.

In fact, they knew very well that they were already seriously injured and had no hope of escaping.

Originally, Zhu Zhuqing could definitely have a chance to escape from here relying on his own ability, but for them, Zhu Zhuqing did not choose to escape alone, and kept standing in front of them, refusing to give up on them.

After a long and fierce battle, Zhu Zhuqing finally couldn't hold on any longer.

This made the team members feel a little guilty while being moved.

I was moved because of Zhu Zhuqing's persistence, and felt guilty because Zhu Zhuqing was hurt because of it.

"Captain, run away and leave us alone."

"Zhuqing, our spiritual power is almost exhausted now. We can't run away anymore. While you still have the strength to move, run away alone and leave us alone!"

Listening to the voices of her teammates behind her, Zhu Zhuqing looked troubled. After a brief hesitation, her eyes immediately returned to a firm look.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I will never give up on you!"

"If they want to kill you, let them step over my body first!"

Compared with Zhu Zhuqing, who was a little hesitant before, now her eyes are decisive and firm.

In just one battle, she experienced earth-shaking changes.

The battlefield is always the fastest place to change a person, especially on this foreign battlefield where life and death are as common as eating and drinking, it can quickly forge a truly strong man.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was also afraid of death at this moment, she now knew exactly what she should do.

True courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to be firm in one's actions and thoughts even if one is fearful.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing only felt that his thoughts were extremely clear at this moment, and all the spiritual energy in his body was flowing rapidly with his thoughts.

As a faint spiritual energy wave emitted around Zhu Zhuqing, her spiritual level broke through to level three on the spot.

Spirit level, breakthrough on the battlefield!

After seeing this scene, both Zhu Zhuqing's teammates and the goblins all around were stunned for a long time.

Zhu Zhuqing's teammates had mixed feelings in their hearts after seeing this scene.

After this battle, the distance Zhu Zhuqing can travel on the road to becoming a strong man will inevitably become wider.

However, even if Zhu Zhuqing breaks through to the third spiritual level, it will be difficult to change the dangerous situation they are currently in.

After seeing Zhu Zhuqing's breakthrough, the group of goblins finally became serious.

This time, the group of goblins did not appear scattered, but all gathered together and pressed towards Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

The shrinking of the surrounding circle compressed Zhu Zhuqing's high agility and high reaction ability again. Zhu Zhuqing was unable to make too many dodges and jumps in the small space.

Not to mention, her feet are now sprained.

Moreover, when pressing forward, there were two Goblin trolls acting as human shields in front. The dense Goblin monsters almost filled the surrounding area with water.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing's despair became more intense.

Since I must die, let me die vigorously!

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at the team members behind him, with a death wish in his eyes.

At this moment, a handsome boy hiding in the grass suddenly stood up, spread his legs, put his palms together, and clapped hard.

Wood Style, cool in the heart, Technique in the heart!

In an instant, a large number of sharp wooden thorns suddenly rose from the feet of the goblins and pierced into their flesh.

Because the goblin trolls had rough skin and thick flesh, and amazing defense capabilities, Bai Ye also specially covered the wooden thorns under their feet with bits and pieces of armed colors.

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