When the red-haired troll was running wildly, Byakuya put his hands together and used the Wood Style Technique again.

Several extremely sharp wooden thorns broke through the soil and suddenly appeared at the feet of the red-haired troll.

At the tip of the wooden thorn, there was a metallic black luster.

That's White Night's Armament Haki covering it.

Facing the wooden thorns that suddenly rose under his feet, the red-haired troll's eyes contracted violently.

Unable to dodge, the soles of his feet were stabbed directly by several wooden thorns.

But in the next moment, the red-haired troll used brute force to break the wooden thorns under his feet, and continued running, sprinting towards Bai Ye without stopping at all.

Although the spurs have Armament Haki at the top, the roots do not.

That's why the wooden thorn was directly broken by the red-haired troll with brute force.

Even with the wooden spikes on its feet, the red-haired troll's sprint speed did not decrease much.

Seeing the red-haired troll running wildly with wooden thorns in front of him, Bai Ye looked slightly startled.

This monster is so ferocious that even though the sole of its foot has been pierced, it is still bleeding out.

But he was still charging forward desperately, not stopping at all because of the pain in his feet.

Seeing this, Bai Ye's eyes began to become more serious.

Such a fierce and decisive monster deserves his full strength to deal with it.

Under the charge of the red-haired troll, Bai Ye could feel the burning aura coming from the opponent's body from a long distance away.

If an ordinary ability user were here, he might get burned even if he faced the surging scorching spiritual power.

But Bai Ye had eaten the Red Spirit Fruit before, and one of the abilities that the Red Spirit Fruit gave him was tolerance to high temperatures.

Therefore, even if he faced the red-haired troll's hot spiritual power fluctuations, Bai Ye would not be affected at all.

As the red-haired troll got closer and closer to him, the air around Bai Ye began to become more and more anxious.

Seeing that the wooden thorn could not stop the opponent's charge, Bai Ye turned his attention to the huge wooden club in the red-haired troll's hand.

Bai Ye's thoughts moved slightly, and the next moment, the huge wooden stick in the red-haired troll's hand sprouted countless sharp wooden thorns.

As usual, Byakuya once again covered these wooden thorns with a layer of Armament Haki.

Judging from the physical strength of this red-haired troll, the wooden thorns may not be able to penetrate the opponent's palm without covering it with a layer of Armament Haki.

The next moment, the wooden thorns growing on the huge wooden stick successfully penetrated the palm of the red-haired troll, and blood overflowed.

The red-haired troll who was charging did not expect that in this short moment, he would be injured twice by Bai Ye.

But neither of these two attacks could truly threaten his life.

It's not that Bai Ye doesn't want to use Wood Style to pierce the opponent directly, it's just that Bai Ye is currently unable to summon wood large enough and long enough to stab the opponent to death in a short period of time.

The troll's charging speed was too fast, giving Bai Ye no chance to gather his strength.

The red-haired troll glanced at his bleeding palm and the stick covered with wooden thorns. He immediately raised his hand and threw the weapon in his hand towards Bai Ye.

Even though the red-haired troll's palm was pierced by the wooden thorns on the weapon, he showed no intention of retreating and was still a brave group.

The huge wooden stick more than two meters long was like a big tree trunk, flying straight towards the white night.

When Bai Ye saw this, he immediately ducked to avoid it.

It was during this period of time when Bai Ye dodged and evaded that Bai Ye lost the initiative.

Because the red-haired troll had already taken advantage of Bai Ye's avoidance to rush in front of Bai Ye.

When he got close, the red-haired troll raised his fist the size of a millstone and slammed it towards Bai Ye.

Under the powerful force, this punch even made a whirring sound of breaking wind.

The harsh wind, carrying a burning aura and murderous intent, was about to crush Bai Ye into minced flesh.

But from Baiye Sharingan's perspective, he could not only see clearly the trajectory of the opponent's fist, but also the dense blood holes on his palm.

Just taking a few steps back, Bai Ye clung to the strong wind of the punch and perfectly avoided the damage of the punch.

The giant fist landed next to Bai Ye, and instantly created a small pit with a diameter of one meter. The soil at the bottom of the pit was turned black by the punch.

The hot breath makes your mouth dry.

Seeing the unharmed Bai Ye in front of him, the red-haired troll became very angry and immediately waved his fists again, trying to beat Bai Ye into a pulp.

In anger, the red-haired troll's fists were like a violent storm, falling continuously towards Bai Ye one after another.

In just a moment, the ground where Bai Ye was was turned into ruins by the red-haired troll. Not even a blade of grass could grow. The smell of burnt food spread throughout the place, and the temperature increased rapidly.

But no matter how hard the red-haired troll stepped up its offensive, it couldn't even touch a single hair of Bai Ye.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Ye is like a dancer walking on the edge of a knife.

Although he might be beaten to a pulp if he was not careful, he perfectly avoided every attack from the opponent.

The extremely violent red-haired troll was like a tireless fighting machine, pounding down with heavy punches continuously.

Every punch was filled with violent force and scorching spiritual energy fluctuations. Wherever it hit, big trees were knocked down one after another, and boulders were shattered one after another. Ultimate demonstrated its power. Violence.

The battle between Bai Ye and the red-haired troll was like Ultimate's power competing with Ultimate's skills, and it was dazzling to watch.

The powerful aftermath of the battle shocked the surrounding goblins and they did not dare to act rashly.

Facing a battle of this level, these goblins couldn't intervene at all.

Even if he hid in the dark and fired a cold arrow, there was a high probability that he would hit the red-haired troll leader in his own home.

After all, its size is there.

And Bai Ye had to admit that this red-haired goblin was indeed very powerful.

The opponent's continuous attacks even left Bai Ye with no time to fight back.

After more than ten breaths of fierce fighting, the red-haired troll's attacks finally began to slow down.

After Bai Ye noticed this, he took advantage of the gap between the opponent's attacks, jumped up in the air, raised the wooden stick and hit the opponent on the head.

With this stick, Bai Ye used all his strength to push Armament Haki to Ultimate and hit the giant monster firmly on the head.

With one blow, Bai Ye even heard an obvious sound of bone cracking.

This stick directly cracked the skull of the red-haired troll.

It was cracked, not shattered.

Because after suffering this blow, the red-haired troll did not die on the spot, although his orifices were bleeding and his eyes were red.

The red-haired troll held back the severe pain in his head and caught Bai Ye in his hand as he jumped into the air.

Looking at Bai Ye caught in his hands, the red-haired troll showed a cruel smile.

It wants to eat this human being alive!

Feeling the incomparable pressure on his body, Bai Ye, who was held by the red-haired troll, felt that all the bones in his body were creaking.

Fortunately, his physique has been strengthened by Wood Style, otherwise Byakuya would have been squeezed out of Xianglai just by the terrifying grip strength.

Even though he was held in the opponent's hand, Bai Ye's face still showed no trace of panic or fear, but instead showed murderous intent and confidence.

The red-haired troll looked at the strange expression on Bai Ye's face, and had a vague premonition in his heart.

"Big guy, do you think that when I was chased and beaten by you just now, I was just running away?"

As Bai Ye finished speaking, countless sharp wooden thorns suddenly emerged from the ground beneath Bai Ye.

And when these wooden thorns appeared, they actually entangled each other and condensed together, forming a thicker and stronger giant wooden thorn, piercing towards the red-haired troll.

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