Resurrection Of Spiritual Energy: No One Can Survive The Susanata Buddha

Chapter 45 Teacher Zhu Wants To Recruit Me As His Son-In-Law?

And while she was dazed, this student had actually killed all the slaves.

You know, even she can't deal with these monsters from the slave clan.

Thinking about it from their perspective, if she had been the one who faced the slave slaves just now, she would probably have died long ago.

If you put it this way, doesn't it mean that this candidate is stronger than her?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yanfang was immediately shocked by her own thoughts.

Isn't this too scary?

You know, in the human race's Lingwu University, as long as you raise your spiritual level to the second level before graduation, you can graduate successfully.

Once you reach the third level, you can be selected to the level of outstanding graduates.

And this candidate, just when he took part in the global martial arts test, was already able to beat first- and second-level monsters.

In other words, although Bai Ye has not yet entered school, he can already defeat more than half of the graduates of Lingwu High School based on his own strength.

And the most important thing is that Bai Ye's spiritual level is only level eight.

Zhu Yanfang has been alive for almost forty years, and this is the first time she has seen an ability user below the first level, crossing the level and pressing the alien hammer of the second level.

After hearing Zhu Yanfang's voice, Bai Ye's offensive suddenly stopped.

If the top management of the human race really needs a living slave for research, then it is really difficult for him to kill this slave.

After all, if some precious information can really be obtained through this slave tribe, it will be of great help to the human race.

A mere second-level slave clan with a killing value of more than 200 was not very helpful to Bai Ye.

Moreover, Bai Ye felt that if he really had to hand over this slave slave to the human race, the reward he would receive would only be more than the more than 200 killing points and a second-level spiritual core, not less than this. .

Bai Ye still knew this.

Therefore, Bai Ye stopped his attack and summoned Wood Style to tie up the second-level slave clan to prevent him from escaping.

At this point, Bai Ye finally could no longer sustain the consumption of the Buddha form, and his body gradually returned to its original form.

But all the clothes on Bai Ye's body were now in tatters, and only his trousers could barely cover his shame.

Perhaps it was the actions of Bai Ye and Zhu Yanfang that gave this second-level slave tribe a premonition of something. The next moment, a trace of spiritual power suddenly flashed across the body of this slave tribe.

Then, a sharp ice pick pierced out from under his head, pushing out a bloody hole from front to back.

Bai Ye and Zhu Yanfang never expected that this slave slave would actually have such a means of committing suicide.

And judging from the opponent's skillful methods, this guy should have prepared this method of suicide long ago and is ready to understand himself at any time.

Facing this slave slave who committed suicide, Bai Ye and Zhu Yanfang did not react at all, and his life was completely gone.

Seeing the slaves who committed suicide in front of them, Bai Ye and Teacher Zhu Yanfang's expressions darkened.

The more decisively this slave slave is, the more secrets he hides, and these secrets are definitely important secrets that they don't want the humans to know.

And it doesn't stop there. This secret operation of the slave clan is obviously organized and disciplined.

The other party had not only prepared special means to block spiritual wrist signals in advance, but also planted spy teachers in the human race in advance.

It is even possible that the Jinnu tribe knew the location of the Global Martial Arts Examination before it started.

You must know that the test location of the Global Martial Arts Examination is just like the college entrance examination questions in Baiye's previous life. They are all secrets among secrets.

This is enough to prove that even the invigilators of the global martial arts exams and the organizations involved in designing the global martial arts exams also have spies from the slave race.

This is simply unimaginable.

If this is the case, then how many other human beings like this are slave slave spies in the human race?

Is this the first time that the Jinu tribe has invaded the global martial arts test of the human race like today?

Have their actions been successful in the past?

When he thought of this, Bai Ye felt that his heart became extremely heavy.

The infiltration of the slave clan into the human race was deeper than Bai Ye imagined.

The global martial arts test had just begun, and he encountered such a bad thing.

Bai Ye didn't know whether to say he was lucky or bad.

But it has to be said that after today's incident, Bai Ye once again gained a new understanding and understanding of the situation of the human race and the danger of this world.

This also made Bai Ye strengthen his belief. Only by becoming stronger can he better survive in this world full of dangers.

Then Bai Ye didn't think too much and immediately began to collect the spiritual cores from these slaves.

These slaves are all monsters with spiritual power of level one or above.

The spiritual cores contained in their bodies are also of first-order quality or above.

For Bai Ye, this is tantamount to a large amount of wealth.

While Bai Yoruichi was collecting the spiritual cores from these war dead slaves, he spoke to the invigilator Zhu Yanfang:

"Teacher, please contact other invigilators and the superiors as soon as possible to report what happened here."

"I have tried it. Since I killed these slave slaves, our spiritual wrists can be used normally."

"The method used by this group of slaves to block signals should be achieved by grafting the organs of some kind of creature."

Zhu Yanfang looked at Bai Ye, who was squatting on the ground in front of her and calmly collecting spirit cores, with a hint of surprise on her face.

He didn't expect that Bai Ye, a freshman taking part in the global martial arts exam this year, was not only terrifyingly powerful.

And he has such a thoughtful mind and such a calm mind.

It doesn't seem like such a shame to be saved by such an outstanding student, right?

After all, Bai Ye is so strong, even if other invigilators come, he will probably save him.

In fact, if you take a closer look, this student looks quite handsome.

Not only his appearance, this kid's figure is actually quite good.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yanfang couldn't help but curiously asked Bai Ye:

"Classmate, what's your name? Where are you from? What's the name of your alma mater?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye expertly dug out the spiritual core in the body of the slaves and replied:

"My name is Bai Ye, white for black and white, and night for black and white. My alma mater is Qinghai No. 1 Middle School."

When she heard Bai Ye mention Qinghai No. 1 Middle School, Zhu Yanfang's eyes lit up slightly and she said to Bai Ye:

"Oh, what a coincidence, classmate Bai Ye, I have a daughter who happens to be studying at Qinghai No. 1 Middle School."

After hearing Zhu Yanfang's words, Bai Ye suddenly felt something strange and wrong.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

"My daughter's name is Zhu Zhuqing. You are also from Qinghai No. 1 Middle School. You should know this name, right?"

"After all, my daughter is the only student in Qinghai No. 1 Middle School who has awakened an A-level talent this year."

"Hey, Bai Ye-san, you and my daughter should be in the same class. How old are you this year? Have you found a girlfriend?"

"Let me tell you, my daughter Zhu Zhuqing is not only tall, but also very beautiful. Student Bai Ye, would you like to take a look at my daughter's photo?"

"If you have time, you young people can get together more and have fun."

When Bai Ye heard this, his head suddenly trembled, and he quickly waved his hand to refuse.

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