After seeing this scene, Bai Ye had no time to rejoice, so he inserted his hands into the ground of the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower, dug hard, and directly uprooted it.

In this way, the entire Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower was held in Bai Ye's hand.

At this time, the entire cave was completely covered by magma.

Bai Ye roared, held the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower in his hand, and began to punch hard at the rock wall above. He wanted to forcefully punch a hole to the outside world.

But when holding the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower with one hand, Shiro Yoruichi couldn't use his full strength with one hand.

Not to mention that Bai Ye had already consumed most of his physical and spiritual energy in order to wait for this Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower to fully mature.

Looking at the magma below that was getting closer and closer to him, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed and he directly threw the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower in his hand into his mouth.

There was no need to wash it, just throw it into the mouth along with the roots and flowers of the Nine-leaf Yanling Flower.

At this moment, Bai Ye couldn't care about anything else. Even if there was still some dirt on the roots of the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower, he didn't have time to clean it off.

After throwing the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower into his mouth, Bai Ye immediately chewed it up and swallowed it.

Feeling the strange taste in his mouth and the huge amount of spiritual power surging out, Bai Ye's state was instantly replenished, and a steady stream of spiritual power began to emerge from his abdomen.

"The taste of the Nine-leaf Yanling Flower is like a spicy strip, and the texture is very similar to a leek. The overall taste is a bit like a spicy strip-flavored leek?"

"Except for the soil on the roots, which is a bit scratchy, everything else is fine."

After this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Bai Ye began to feel a continuous hot feeling in his body, rushing straight into his head.

The blazing heat in his body coupled with the continuous upwelling of magma underneath him caused Bai Ye's golden body to begin to glow slightly with a red light.

From this, we can see how uncomfortable Bai Ye is at this moment, just like staying in a steam oven.

However, with the addition of the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower, Bai Ye not only freed his hands, but also almost regained his full strength.

Covered in armament color, as Bai Ye's hands turned into a dark gold color, he waved his arms rapidly, like a rapidly operating excavator, crushing and hollowing out the rocks above his head.

Suddenly, gravel was flying and dust was lingering.


At this moment, Byakuya was like crazy, waving his arms to Ultimate.

The magma beneath him followed Bai Ye all the way, chasing after Bai Ye.

After being exposed to high temperatures for a long time, not to mention Bai Ye's pants, even Bai Ye's hair had been burned and twisted.

By now, Bai Ye's pants had already spontaneously ignited and burned to ashes.

Relying on the continuous spiritual power provided by the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower in his body, Baiye used the Wood Style Technique to summon wooden roots to block the rise of the rock under him.

In this way, Bai Ye was always on the edge of death, completely experiencing the feeling of being infinitely close to death.

After Bai Ye tried his best to dig and block him, Bai Ye finally realized that he was about to escape with his Observation Haki and Sharingan after an unknown amount of time!

With Bai Ye's last punch, he finally punched through a road from deep underground!

After penetrating the ground, Bai Ye immediately flew away and avoided the magma that violently spewed out from below the cave entrance.

Bai Ye, who successfully saved his life, couldn't help but be secretly afraid when he looked at the geyser of magma.

Fortunately, I was strong enough, dug holes quickly enough, and was smart and agile enough to successfully eat the Nine-Leaf Flame Spirit Flower.

If he was given another chance, Shiro Yoruichi would definitely take the spiritual core of the female lava crab first and then wait for the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower to mature.

Who knows that this Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower matures so slowly? If he had known this, Bai Ye would have taken advantage of this period of time to remove the spiritual cores of those monsters first.

As soon as he thought of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but tremble all over, and a strong Reiatsu spread slightly with Bai Ye as the center.

His spiritual level unexpectedly broke through just now.

Later, Bai Ye was surprised to find that without knowing it, his spiritual level had reached the eleventh level.

It was the spiritual power provided by the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower that Bai Ye swallowed that pushed his spiritual level to the eleventh level.

And until now, even though Bai Ye has raised his spiritual level to the eleventh level, the spiritual power in his body seems to be continuously increasing.

In addition to the continuous increase in spiritual power, Bai Ye also found that his body seemed to have become much lighter than before.

Not only that, even the spiritual power in his body has become purer than before.

This level of pure spiritual power requires at least one or two months of sleepless meditation to refine one's own spiritual power to such a state.

Is this the effect of the Nine-leaf Flame Spirit Flower washing the essence and cutting the marrow?

After experiencing it carefully, Bai Ye was pleasantly surprised to find that his body was like a spiritual power purifier, and the spiritual power in his body was being tempered all the time.

Although the tempering speed is slow, it does exist.

This feeling is like Bai Ye is using meditation to lay a solid foundation for himself every moment.

Feeling the changes happening in his body, Bai Ye felt extremely happy inside.

From this point of view, this adventure is definitely worth the money!

After successfully escaping from the dead, Bai Ye released his Buddha form with a thought.

At this time, a breeze suddenly blew in front of Bai Ye, and a piece of burnt black dust suddenly fell from Bai Ye's head.

After seeing the ash falling from his head, Bai Ye was slightly stunned.

What's this?

Bai Ye immediately touched his head with his hand.

It was bare and empty, except for the dust left behind after a piece of burned hair.

"No, besides my head, I also feel a chill in my butt."

Bai Ye lowered his head and looked at his crotch, and couldn't help but say "C".

"I am Cao! As expected of me, I am gifted."

"No, where are my pants???"

After being stunned for the second time, Bai Ye immediately understood.

I was roasted by the high temperature below.

Fortunately, the material of the spiritual wrist is special and was not destroyed by the high temperature just now, otherwise Bai Ye would be like Barbie Q.

Just when Bai Ye had just reacted, the spiritual wrist on Bai Ye's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

[Candidates have enough points in the college entrance examination to successfully pass the first stage of the global college entrance examination. 】

[The candidates have passed the test and are about to enter the second stage of the global college entrance examination. The transmission begins! Candidates are asked to be prepared. 】

After seeing the words on Lingli's wrist, Bai Ye disappeared in an instant with his bare buttocks.

Before being teleported away, Bai Ye had only one thought in his mind.

"Can you wait until I find some pants to wear before passing it on?"

"It's so embarrassing and embarrassing to teleport with your butt naked!"

By the time the transmission was completed, Bai Ye's figure had already appeared in another place.

The snow here is covered with snow, and everything as far as the eye can see is pure white.

This is actually an ice sheet area with extremely low temperatures.

What made Bai Ye even more embarrassed than having his clothes burned was that at the moment the teleportation was completed, several martial arts candidates appeared in front of Bai Ye.

And Bai Ye was still facing them.

What’s even more embarrassing is that all the other candidates seem to be female candidates. . .

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