At the same time as these killer penguins rushed in, Bai Ye's killing system also gave out the information cards of these monsters.

(Monster name: Killer Penguin)

(Spirit Level: Eighth Level)

(The killing value obtained by killing is: eighty)

(Monsters living in the ice sheet area have smooth fur and cute appearance, but they have extremely ferocious and cruel temperaments. The densely packed sharp teeth in their mouths will tear apart and kill all creatures they see.)

(Killer penguins are bloodthirsty and cruel. When they see blood, they will enter a violent state and their attack power will be greatly increased.)

After Bai Ye read these penguin information cards again, he nodded gently.

It turned out to be a group of eighth-level monsters.

Faced with the attack of this group of killer penguins, Bai Ye not only did not panic, but began to count the number of these killer penguins.

"One, two, three,...seventeen."

There are a total of seventeen killer penguins. After killing them all, you can get more than 1,300 killing points.

Moreover, the mission of the second stage of this global martial arts test is to kill ten killer penguins and three titan snow apes.

If these killer penguins were wiped out, Bai Ye would only need to kill three more Titan Snow Apes, and that would be enough.

"Quack, quack, quack."

Many killer penguins gathered together, screaming and stretching their necks to rush toward Bai Ye.

In terms of sound alone, their roars were indeed a bit unpleasant and terrifying.

And as this group of killer penguins got closer and closer to Bai Ye, Bai Ye was surprised to find out.

The size of this group of killer penguins is much larger than Bai Ye imagined.

With their heads held high, this group of killer penguins must be over three meters tall.

In other words, the average height of this group of killer penguins has exceeded the height of one floor.

Ordinary people standing in front of him can only reach the opponent's abdomen at most.

The huge size coupled with the jagged fangs in the opponent's mouth immediately increased the sense of oppression.

Facing these huge monsters, Bai Ye was not surprised but delighted.

It would be boring if they were as weak as Lava Crabs.

With his hands clasped together, Bai Ye's spiritual energy gathered together again.

Countless wooden thorns were like javelins, piercing through the frozen soil and snow, instantly piercing into the bodies of these killer penguins.

Although the skin and feathers of these killer penguins are far tougher and thicker than cowhide, Baiye's wood thorns are obviously stronger.

In the blink of an eye, all these killer penguins were seriously injured, and some unlucky killer penguins even had their heads shot off directly by this move.

But because the body structure of these killer penguins is different from that of lava crabs, Baiye's wooden spines cannot kill them instantly like lava crabs.

Most of the penguins were only stabbed through the intestines and belly by these logs, pierced deep into the flesh, and were seriously injured and on the verge of death. They were not killed on the spot.

After being attacked to this extent, these killer penguins screamed like killing chickens, and the bright red blood gradually dyed the white snow into crimson.

As the donated blood continued to flow, the eyes of these killer penguins were gradually covered with pure bright red color.

Red lines gradually appeared on their faces, starting from their eyes and spreading to their entire upper bodies, giving them a particularly terrifying look.

Immediately afterwards, the fangs in their mouths began to gradually extend until they were exposed outside the beak.

Seeing the blood, they successfully entered a violent state while being seriously injured and on the verge of death.

In this state, these killer penguins seemed to have transformed into penguin zombies, completely ignoring their injuries and continuing to charge towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye, who was facing them directly, could even see the internal organs of the penguins exposed from the wounds.

This group of penguins entering a frenzied state really looks a bit like zombies.

Even though Vice Admiral's internal organs were dragged on the snow during the charge, they felt no pain at all, and they headed towards Bai Ye with a dazzling blood line, looking as if they were desperate for their lives.

When Bai Ye saw this, he immediately became interested.

Compared to other monsters, this killer penguin's vitality is simply ridiculously tenacious.

Byakuya covered Armament Haki with his hands, and with Sharingan Observation Haki fully open, he rushed towards the remaining Killer Penguin with his bare hands.

As Bai Ye and the violent killer penguin charge, the two soon encounter each other.

Facing the first killer penguin he encountered, while dodging the opponent's attack, he punched the opponent in the abdomen.

The moment the fists and abdomen connected, a ripple visible to the naked eye appeared on the belly of the killer penguin, centered on Bai Ye's fist, and spread in all directions.

After raising the development level of Buddha Fruit to this level, Bai Ye can now use his fists to attack with concussive power in normal state.

As those ripples spread, the force went straight to the back, exploding blood mist all over the sky from behind the killer penguin's body, and blood-stained feathers flying all over the sky.

The power of the punch penetrated directly through the thick fur of the Killer Penguin, shattering its internal organs into a pulp, breaking bones and tendons.

The concussive power of the Buddha Fruit gave Bai Ye's close attack power a qualitative increase.

No matter how tenacious these killer penguins are, they will be killed by Bai Ye with just one punch.

However, the group of killer penguins in a violent state did not show any timidity or retreat even if they saw the death of their companions with their own eyes.

In their violent state, they seemed to have completely forgotten what fear was, and just relied on their killing instinct to rush towards Bai Ye.

When Bai Ye saw this, he was not surprised but happy.

What Bai Ye was afraid of was not the group of killer penguins attacking in groups.

What he was afraid of was that these killers would be frightened and run away after seeing his own strength.

After all, it would be quite troublesome if Bai Ye really chased these killer penguins in this ice and snow.

It is definitely more convenient to have food delivered to your door than to pick it up in person.

Since these killer penguins were so brave, Bai Ye had no choice but to accept them all.

Bai Ye danced with both fists, and his figure was like a ghost. With each punch, a killer penguin would be instantly exploded, causing the surrounding air to vibrate.

While Bai Ye was waving his fists, Bai Ye's Wood Style was also not idle. From time to time, a wooden thorn would suddenly pierce out from the ground and pierce the head of some unlucky killer penguin.

The perfect combination of physical skills and Wood Style forms a unique combat style.

The battles and training during this period of time have allowed Bai Ye to gradually develop his own fighting style.

As he fought with the killer penguins around him, Bai Ye became more and more comfortable.

Until the last punch, Bai Ye's mind and heart were united, and he felt blessed. A golden light suddenly flashed above his fist, and his fist turned into gold.

Then Armament Haki also covered Bai Ye's fist, transforming the golden fist into a dark gold color.

With one punch, the ferocious-looking killer penguin in front of Bai Ye was instantly punched with a huge bloody hole in its body.

Moreover, there are huge blood holes that are transparent from front to back!

After being hit by Bai Ye's punch, the bones, internal organs and flesh and blood in the killer penguin's body were knocked out of the body by Bai Ye's punch, just like blood pouring out!

The power of the punch directly penetrated the opponent's body from front to back, and a huge, open blood hole suddenly appeared on Killer Penguin's body.

The power of this punch was far more powerful than any punch Bai Ye had thrown before.

Looking at the Killer Penguin in front of him who was beaten to pieces by his punch, even Bai Ye himself was shocked by the power of his punch.

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