"Welcome all candidates to the third stage of the global martial arts examination."

"I am Wang Baidao, a professor at Lingwu University in the Imperial Capital. I am also the question maker for the third stage of this year's global martial arts exam. You can also call me Teacher Wang."

"Being able to come here shows that all of you here are the best among your peers. You can be called the proudest of the best."

"Next, you will have five hours to climb this Hundred Refining Tower. The higher you climb, the higher your points and ranking will be."

"This Hundred Refining Tower is made of magnetic meteorites. As long as ordinary people get close to it, their body and spirit will be greatly burdened."

"And the closer you get to the top of the Hundred Refining Tower, the greater the pressure you will endure mentally and physically."

"Climbing this tower does not require much strength from you. It tests your willpower more."

"You are on the Hundred Refining Tower. Even if you use the transformation and strengthening abilities, it will be difficult to change the pressure on you."

"Last point. When climbing the Hundred Refining Tower, fighting between students is prohibited."

"If you can't hold on, just raise your hands to indicate that you can't stand it anymore, and I will stop your test, teacher."

"Let me see how high you can climb on this Hundred Refining Tower!"

"As in previous years, those who get good results in the global martial arts exam this year will also receive generous rewards."

"Alright, the third phase of the global martial arts test has officially begun!"

Looking at these young faces, Wang Baidao, who was standing on the top of the tower, had a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

These children are the future of the new generation of the human race.

Once upon a time, he was also a member of the team taking the college entrance examination.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred years have passed.

He was the only classmate left who had accompanied him in the martial arts exam.

Following the order from Wang Baidao's teacher, the martial arts candidates here immediately began to mobilize.

Some of them choose to start climbing the Hundred Refining Tower immediately, lest they fall behind others.

Some choose to rest where they are for a while, and then climb the tower after recharging their energy.

Bai Ye looked at the busy martial arts students around him and the huge Hundred Refining Tower in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh to himself.

The methods of today's powerful human race are indeed not something that I can easily imagine.

Whether it is the teleportation arrays that can teleport the human body or the Hundred Refining Tower that reaches directly into the clouds, they are both miraculous existences.

I really don’t know what level of strength those high-level human race experts can reach.

Looking up, Bai Ye seemed to see many familiar figures on the Bailian Tower.

Liang Wuying, Xu Linger, Lu Nanyang, Long Wanhao, Zhu Zhuqing, and Lu Beiyuan.

Bai Ye did not expect that Zhu Zhuqing could reach the third stage of the global martial arts examination with his own strength.

But after thinking carefully for a while, Bai Ye felt relieved.

With A-level fighting talent, continuous hard work, and some reliable teammates, it is not impossible to reach the third stage of the global martial arts test.

Although these people all came to the Hundred Refining Tower, their progress in climbing the Hundred Refining Tower was different.

Among them, those who climbed the fastest were Long Wanhao and Lu Nanming, whose spiritual power reached the second level.

Their climbing speed is not only the fastest among the people Bai Ye knows, but also the fastest among all the candidates.

The two of them were agile and moved with ease. They could easily jump several meters high and easily climb to the next step.

Except for these two people, the progress of the remaining Xu Ling'er and others seems to be much slower, but they are still at the middle and upper reaches.

After resting for a while, Bai Ye finally stood up, stretched his limbs, and planned to start climbing the Hundred Refining Tower.

After moving his hands and feet a little, Bai Ye took steps and walked straight towards the giant tower.

The closer Bai Ye's body is to the Bailian Tower, the heavier his body feels.

His limbs and body seemed to be entangled by several invisible chains, making him much sluggish than usual.

But for Bai Ye, this level of pressure is not enough to have a serious impact on him.

With his legs slightly bent, Bai Ye jumped up to a height of several meters on the spot, and Bai Ye's body jumped onto the first stone step on the spot.

Although he had only climbed one stone step, Bai Ye could still clearly feel that the pressure on him had become heavier.

The higher you climb, the heavier the pressure on your body will be?

After feeling the wonders of this Hundred Refining Tower in person, Bai Ye didn't waste much time and took steps to climb towards the top of the tower.

Although Bai Ye's climbing speed was not fast, it was always very stable, climbing up at a constant speed.

Where many martial arts candidates cannot see, there are a large number of strong human beings and college teachers who are watching them silently.

"As expected of a descendant of the Lao Long family, Long Wanhao is as fierce as Lao Long when he was young."

"Then Lu Nanming from the Lu family is pretty good too. I didn't expect that the Lu family would produce a genius of this level this year. It's really rare."

"That little girl is the child who awakened SS-level talent this year, right? It seems that her strength and character are still a bit lacking. Just having talent without training and fighting will still make it difficult to become a strong person on her own."

"It's okay. That girl's talent is there. As long as she continues to grow well, her future achievements will definitely not be very low."

"It's really strange. This year, Lao Wang actually took out his Hundred Refining Pagoda and used it as a test for the candidates of the human martial arts exam. How could he let it go?"

"Isn't it? Climbing the Hundred Refining Tower not only allows this year's martial arts candidates to temper their bodies, but also tempers their spirits and refines the spiritual power in their bodies. This is a rare gift. What an opportunity."

"After this third stage of testing is over, Lao Wang will have to practice hard for at least half a month to recover, right?"

"By the way, has Old Wang's injury recovered? Do you dare to activate the Hundred Refining Pagoda so unscrupulously?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

On the Hundred Refining Tower, as many martial arts candidates continued to climb, their positions began to become higher and higher.

At the same time, the obstacles and pressures they encountered began to increase.

Big beads of sweat dripped down from their cheeks, their faces were swollen red, and their backs were dripping with sweat.

You may not feel anything when you first climb the Bailian Tower, but once the pressure on your body reaches the limit of your physical body, you will feel a sharp pain and a feeling of exhaustion every time you climb up a ladder.

Therefore, everyone's climbing speed is also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As time passed, the first martial arts student who couldn't hold on finally appeared.

"Teacher, I can't do it anymore. I've reached my limit."

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