Chen Daozu looked at Bai Ye with burning eyes, as if he were looking at some rare treasure.

"Junior brother, are you serious about this?"

"Did you really lose this year's Lu family kid in the arena? What happened here when I wasn't here? Tell me quickly."

At this moment, Chen Daozu was like a tabby cat that smelled the smell of meat. He couldn't wait to know what happened in this year's global martial arts test.

When Bai Ye heard this, he immediately began to tell Chen Daozu what happened during the global martial arts test, starting with the invasion of the slave tribe.

After Bai Ye's explanation and retelling, Chen Daozu had a complete understanding of what happened in this global martial arts test.

Chen Daozu looked at the sky in the distance and couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that this group of red-skinned dwarfs would dare to invade the human race. Have they taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's heart? Who gave them the courage?"

"Now that Teacher Wang Baidao has left, it will probably be difficult to come back. It's a pity..."

"Wang Baidao never thought about coming back. It's a pity that he spent his whole life fighting for the human race, but in the end he couldn't bury his bones in the human race's territory and died in a foreign land."

Being unable to return home after death may be

Having said this, even Chen Daozu, who has always been bold and cheerful, couldn't help but feel a little emotional and disappointed.

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but comfort him: "Why bury the bones in a mulberry tree? Where can there be no green hills in life?"

"Wherever a human man goes and is buried, it is the same in all the green hills of the world."

As soon as Bai Ye said this, everyone present fell silent.

After a while, an old professor spoke:

"You are so ambitious. I didn't expect that little guy Bai Ye not only has a consciousness far beyond ordinary people in battle, but also has a good cultural background."

"Boy Bai Ye, are you interested in joining our Imperial Capital Lingwu University? Our Imperial Capital Lingwu University has the largest Lingwu library in the human race."

"The library contains a large number of spiritual skills, and the number of spiritual skills books stored is the largest among the human race!"

After hearing what the old professor said, some of the other professors were immediately unhappy.

"Hey, old man, what do you mean? Isn't our Magic City Lingwu University inferior to your Imperial City Lingwu University?"

"Although our Imperial Capital Lingwu University does not have the same number of books as Imperial Capital Lingwu University, our Magic Capital Lingwu University is rich. As long as you enroll in the university, you can choose a handy spirit from the weapons arsenal of our Magic Capital Lingwu University for free. Use the device!"

"And not only that, our Imperial Capital Lingwu University will also give you an additional thousand spiritual cores as a scholarship every year. The level of the spiritual cores is equal to your own level!"

After hearing this, the first old professor immediately couldn't sit still.

"You old guy, who are you looking down on? Our Imperial Capital Lingwu University gives you 1,500 spiritual cores every year, and you can choose any spiritual skill to learn from in the library every year!"

"Huh? Our Demon City Lingwu University lacks everything except money! As long as Bai Ye is willing to enter our Demon City Lingwu University, our school is willing to provide 3,000 spiritual cores every year, and a set of spiritual weapons and equipment will be given as a gift upon admission! "

"And every time Bai Ye reaches a higher level from now on, our Magic City Lingwu University will give Bai Ye a new spiritual weapon!"

Hearing this, the old professors opposite were so angry that they blew their beards and stared.

"Old man, are you still shameless?"

"In that case, don't blame me for being shameless."

"Boy Bai Ye, as long as you are willing to enroll in our Imperial Capital Lingwu High School, we will send you four thousand spiritual cores every semester, and every semester you can choose any ten spiritual books in the library of our Imperial Capital Lingwu High School. Learn skills!”

Listening to the argument between the two old professors, Bai Ye was also a little wavering.

After all, the conditions offered by these two Lingwu universities really made Bai Ye very excited.

Therefore, Bai Ye, who was hesitant about this, immediately turned his eyes to Chen Daozu. Bai Ye asked Chen Daozu:

"Well, senior brother, do you think it is better for me to choose Lingwu High School in the Imperial Capital or Lingwu High School in the Demonic Capital? Or is there a better choice than these two?"

After hearing Bai Ye's inquiry, Chen Daozu pondered for a moment and responded to Bai Ye:

"Junior, do you know which school I finally chose that year?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye shook his head slightly.

To be honest, Bai Ye really didn't know which Lingwu University Chen Daozu had chosen as his alma mater.

When Chen Daozu saw this, he couldn't help but smile.

"Junior brother, let me tell you, in fact, at that time, whether it was Lingwu University in the Imperial Capital or Lingwu University in the Magic City, I had no choice in either one. I went directly to Shanhaiguan to guard the border!"

Shanhaiguan is a checkpoint located on the border of the human territory, and it is also the largest checkpoint on the Great Beacon Wall.

For nearly a thousand years, Shanhaiguan on the Great Beacon Wall has resisted countless invasions and bloody battles from foreign races.

The strong men of the human race have rotated from generation to generation, but the Great Beacon Wall and Shanhaiguan can still stand today. The status of Shanhaiguan and the Great Beacon Wall in the human race can be imagined.

"Generally, only those students who have successfully graduated from Lingwu University in the Imperial Capital and Lingwu University in the Magic City can go there to guard the borders of the Great Wall of Peak and Shanhaiguan."

"But I was four years ahead of them. I went directly to Shanhaiguan, saved four years of college, and graduated on the spot!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but be slightly startled.

What the hell kind of theory is this?

And if we go directly to Shanhaiguan to guard the border, will the training resources be enough?

As soon as Bai Ye thought of this, an idea suddenly flashed in his head.

Shanhaiguan, the Great Beacon Wall, there are many monsters, you are free to kill them as you like, come and go. . . .

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but tremble.

The Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great War Wall seems to be really suitable for me?

After hearing Chen Daozu's words, Jōnin couldn't help showing a strange expression on the faces of the old professors.

As the older generation of human race experts, these old professors are naturally all veterans who have spent time on the Great Beacon Wall.

It is even said that if something like this had not happened in the global martial arts examination, then the place where Wang Baidao finally died would most likely be outside the Great Wall of Peak Fire, not within the territory of the Jinu Clan.

If Bai Ye really wanted to go to the Great Beacon Wall, then they couldn't think of any good way to dissuade Bai Ye.

Although there are dangers outside the Great Beacon Wall, the intensity of training for people is definitely far beyond that of any Lingwu high school.

After seeing the emotional expression on Bai Ye's face, Chen Daozu added fuel to Bai Ye's anger.

"Junior, let me tell you quietly, even if you enter the Great Beacon Wall, you can still accept the rewards from Lingwu University. Just treat it as if you went to the Great Beacon Wall to do tasks on the first day of enrollment."

"While receiving the benefits of Lingwu High School, I am killing enemies on the Great Beacon Wall. The speed at which I become stronger is invincible, right?"

"If I meet that guy Lu Shaoming again now, I can beat him unconscious within three moves!"

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