After crossing the waterfall, the three came to the ancient ruins.

There was a magnificent relief of the Eight-Tails on the wall, and headless Buddha statues stood on all sides, which made people feel awe.

After passing through the foyer, they came to a dark room. The secret door was the entrance to the holy land. Next to the secret door was a hideous stone statue with its mouth wide open, as if it was ready to swallow uninvited guests at any time.

When Naruto visited in his previous life, Kira, who was traveling with him, said that one had to pass the test of the stone statue to enter the holy land. If there was a little darkness in one's heart, the stone statue would bite off one's head.

But the stone statue was just a decoration, and the test was nonsense.

In his previous life, Naruto played a prank and pretended to have his head bitten off, which scared Captain Yamato.

Naruto smiled with recollection: By the way, Captain Yamato was also there at that time. He is already nervous this time, so let's not scare him.

Retracting his gaze, Naruto pushed open the secret door, and the view in front of him was wide and open, with a different world.

The holy land is colorful and very similar to the spiritual world of the Jinchūriki.

Therefore, it is used as a battlefield for the Jinchūriki to purify and fight against the tailed beasts.

When Naruto returned to the old place, he felt:"The Land of Lightning is worthy of being the inheritance of the Six Paths Ninja Sect. The relics related to the Six Paths power are basically controlled by the Land of Lightning.……"


The secret door closed, and the holy land was isolated from the outside world.

Naruto said:"Here, as long as you close your eyes and keep calm, you can meet the tailed beast in your body~"

Yamato said:"You can meet the tailed beast at any time, why bother to come here?"

Naruto smiled:"Meeting the tailed beast in the spiritual world is something that every Chuuriki can do~ But only here can you achieve a true"duel"? Otherwise, why is it called a"holy land"?"

Arriving at the center of the holy land, Naruto sat cross-legged. Yamato muttered in his heart: He is so familiar with the place, it doesn't look like his first time here?

Naruto said:"If there is no problem, I'll start……"

"Wait!" Yamato said cautiously:"You are going to face the terrifying Nine-Tails! No one knows what will happen, let me prepare thoroughly!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the seals of his hands, wooden stakes rose from all sides, with iron spikes protruding from the front!

This is the preparation for"Wood Release: Ear Wrap and Drop Hands"!


Yamato supported his right wrist with his left hand, and on the palm of his open right palm was a black"Seat" character!

He said as if facing a great enemy:"Let's start!"

Even if Yamato didn't understand Naruto's behavior, as a Konoha ninja, he had to carry out the orders of the Hokage.——‘Assist Naruto with all his strength and master the power of the Nine-Tails’!

"As expected of Captain Yamato, he is so reliable……"Naruto smiled and closed his eyes:"Then I'll leave it to you... Orochimaru"


The scene changed.

Water accumulated over the ankles, the Four Symbols sealed the prison cell, and the Nine-Tails was watching eagerly!

Naruto greeted:"Hey, it's finally this moment, Kurama~ You look very unwilling."

The Nine-Tails shouted:"Damn it! Where did you take the real Naruto!!!"

Naruto smiled and said:"The one in front of you is the real Naruto, Kurama, this time we want to play tug of war or fist fight, you choose!"

The tail swayed, and the Nine-Tails roared:"Who wants to fight with a bastard like you!! Not in this life!!!!"

"That's a shame.……"

Wow! Naruto lifted up his left sleeve, and the key to the Four Symbols Seal appeared on his left palm, with the pattern running through his arm. He pressed the seal technique on his abdomen and turned his five fingers!

——The Four Symbols Seal: Unlocked!

Crack! Crack!

On the prison cell that was formed by the Four Symbols Seal, the lock of the seal was unlocked as it turned!


The Nine-Tails, broke the seal and came out!

Tug of war is when the Jinchūriki and the tailed beasts' chakras are connected and compete with each other. The winner will get the other's chakra!

Opening the seal is the first step, and the second is to pull the tailed beasts' chakra out of the body!

In his previous life, Naruto was able to accomplish this with the intervention of Killer Bee and the Eight-Tails, but this time, he can do it by himself!

——Ten Thousand Things Sky Attraction!


The powerful gravitational force pulled the Nine-Tail forward, but its hands and feet released powerful chakra, sticking to the water surface, and it was not moved at all under the Ten Thousand Things Sky Attraction!

But its body did not move, and its chakra turned into the shape of a demon fox, moving forward!!

"Damn Samsara Eye!!! You use it very skillfully, kid!!!"

Swish!! The Nine-Tails raised its head, and the Tailed Beast Ball quickly condensed and blasted towards Naruto!

——Hungry Ghost Path!

Naruto stretched out his palm in front of him, and a translucent barrier appeared, sucking in the Tailed Beast Ball and sealing it!

Step 2, done. Step 3, use Naruto's own chakra and the Nine-Tails' chakra to stick to it!


Naruto's own chakra materialized into Naruto's own figure, emerging from his shoulders, and extending a chakra rope that connected to the Nine-Tails' chakra!

The moment they were connected, the tug-of-war... began!!!

Nine-Tails:"Damn it, I can't even pull this kid's chakra now?"

Naruto:"Sure enough, it's too easy. If we go on like this, it won't work at all.……" outside world

"……"Orochimaru stood up silently.

Swish, swish, swish...!

The wood immediately wrapped around Orochimaru's body.

Yamato was on guard:"What are you going to do, Orochimaru!!"

Orochimaru said calmly:"When the Fourth Hokage Minato set up the Four Symbols Seal, he injected the chakra of Naruto's mother, Uzumaki Kushina, into the sealing technique. The condition for Kushina's chakra to be triggered is that Naruto is at a disadvantage in the duel with the Nine-Tails.……"

Yamato stared:"Then what?"

Orochimaru smiled:"But with Naruto-kun's current ability, it is too difficult to be at a disadvantage against the 'half-nine-tail', so you need my help.……"

Yamato was puzzled:"I don't understand, isn't it good to have an advantage? Why should we be at a disadvantage!"

Orochimaru said intelligently:"Ah~ No wonder you don't understand. In the past, Konoha wanted to prevent Kushina, an outstanding descendant of the Uzumaki clan, from losing her life essence, so they completely disposed of her body, leaving no cells behind."

"In other words, Kushina cannot be resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation"

"This is Naruto-kun's only chance to see his mother! How can he not seize it?"

"……"Yamato pondered:"Can I believe what you said?"

Orochimaru smiled and said:"This is what Naruto and I agreed on before we came here."

Yamato recalled the details of their previous communication: So that's how it is, is this the riddle these two are playing?


The binding wood loosened.

Yamato warned:"I will keep a close eye on you, don't play any tricks!!"

Orochimaru smiled and said:"Yamato, you are such a reliable child. Tsunade was wise to send you here.……"

Yamato's heart was filled with anxiety:"If you two are planning this, what's the point of me?" Well, to be honest, what's the point of me?

Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear!

Orochimaru's five fingers were ignited with flames, and with a click, he pressed them on Naruto's abdomen!

"This Five Elements Seal will seal Naruto's own chakra this time. By the way, I also used this when he was a child. The combination of the odd-numbered seals of the Five Elements Seal and the even-numbered seals of the Four Symbols Seal will cause the Nine-Tails' chakra to seriously interfere with his own, making it impossible for him to condense his chakra smoothly."

"However... for Naruto now, this measure is a bit weak, let's use the curse seal together!"


Orochimaru stretched out his neck, wrapped around Naruto, bit into the latter's neck with his teeth, and continued to inject the chakra of the curse seal, interfering with Naruto's own chakra!



In the spiritual world, Naruto staggered, and the Nine-Tails chakra suddenly reversed the situation, gradually pulling Naruto's own chakra out of his body!

Naruto smiled:"It's finally here!"……"

Snap! Snap! Snap!

When Naruto was about to lose the defense, a series of diamond blockades rose from the water surface, wrapping the Nine-Tails tightly!

The bloodshot eyes of the Nine-Tails burst:"This chakra, Kushina?……!!"

In the spiritual world, a corner full of brilliance.

After a long absence, Naruto finally saw the beautiful red-haired woman again!

His resolute gaze was immediately replaced by tenderness, and his thousands of words turned into a warm call across time and space.


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