The confrontation continues!

Kabuto Yakushi thought: Hanzo's ability will interfere with others. Naruto's Kotoamatsukami has already been used. Let's divide the battlefield here.……"


Hanzo of the Salamander quickly flew away!


Konan turned into a piece of paper and chased Hanzo!

Except for Deidara who was spinning in the sky, there were only Scorpion and Itachi beside Nagato!

Kabuto Yakushi thought again:"Naruto also has the Rinnegan. The Human Path is a means to erase the Impure World Reincarnation. Even if I have the advantage in numbers, I have to be careful. I might as well use Scorpion to test his current foundation. But

Scorpion of the Red Veil no longer has any puppets on hand, and his Impure World Reincarnation is not a 'resurrection' in the form of a 'human puppet'. Well... I will provide some 'chess pieces' for him to control!

Nagato, make hand seals with both hands.

——Spiritual Reincarnation!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Ten coffins rose up in front of them.

They were:——‘The former Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kinkaku, Ginkaku, and the former���Hidden Magnetic Style Ninja Troy!


Mangetsu used the scroll to summon the Exploding Blade·Foam, the Broken Blade·Decapitation Blade, the Blunt Blade·Douge, the Long Blade·Sewing Needle, and the Thunder Blade·Girls, and handed them to their respective original owners! The

'Double Blades·Akira' seized by Afei and the 'Big Blade·Samehada' held by Kisame were not summoned!

In addition, although Suigetsu was brought back by Naruto, the Beheading Blade was detained by Konoha and was in an ownerless state, so Mangetsu also summoned it!

The seven people who did not get the original ninja swords, Mangetsu of Mangetsu, the original owner of Akira, and the original owner of Samehada, Xiguashan Puffer Demon, used the ninja swords made of chakra as weapons!

Bang~! Bang~!

Jinjiao and Yinjiao summoned the Six Paths Ninja Tools, the Seven Star Sword, the Golden Rope, the Red Gourd, and the Palm Fan!

Troy used the Magnetic Release to manipulate the Wind Demon Shuriken to spin around him!


After everything was ready, their eyes all dimmed and they were deprived of consciousness.


The chakra threads that emerged from the ten fingers of the Red Sand Scorpion adhered to the back of the necks of these ten former strong men!

The bewitching words of Yakushi Kabuto rang in Scorpion's mind:"Scorpion, I believe that with your knowledge and the skill of manipulating puppets, you are enough to make these ten people exert their original strength. I have taken away their consciousness. Next, it's up to you to perform.……"

The dark eyes of the Red Sand Scorpion were devoid of any emotion, like a puppet.

——"Yakushi Kabuto, you were once controlled by my technique, just like a puppet, but now you are the one controlling me, and I am controlling the dead as puppets. It is really ironic. Anyway, life will fade away sooner or later, only art is eternal!"

Swish! The Red Sand Scorpion dances with ten fingers

"I'll count on your fingers, old lady Chiyo, please let me reproduce your unique skills!"

——White Secret Technique: The Ten Kinmatsu Sect: Modified!

Naruto's eyes were gleaming:"Red Sand Scorpion, I know that for a ninja like you who has a unique belief, no matter how powerful the force is, it will not be able to convince you. Only in the same field can we resonate! So, this is what I prepared for you.——‘Shura's Banquet’!"


Naruto pulled open the long scroll horizontally!

He summoned four Shurado puppets from four positions!

They were Mecha Naruto Unit-01.’,‘Mecha Sasuke Unit-01’,‘Mecha Sakura Unit-01’,‘Mecha Kakashi Unit-01’!

——Shura Road Formation - Team Seven!"


Boom boom boom boom...!

In the explosion, the soil splashed and fell.

Hanzo, holding a sickle and a chain, looked at Xiaonan with paper wings in the air, and sighed:"Xiaonan, I didn't expect that in this war-torn ninja world, a woman like you could survive until now, and gain such a powerful strength!"

Swish! Swish!

The paper rolled into long spears, and as Xiaonan raised her palm, it shot down diagonally...!

She said coldly:"Have I always been a weak person in your eyes?"

Ding Ding Ding!!

Hanzo waved his sickle to block the paper spears. He did not continue with Xiaonan's words, but asked:"Nagato was resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation. The boy who was with you and looked very similar to Yahiko was called Uzumaki Naruto, right? Why does he have Nagato's Samsara Eye? What is his relationship with Pein?"

Hanzo was killed by Pein. Before he died, he saw the dead Yahiko, who was wearing Nagato's Samsara Eye and sentenced him with overwhelming power!

He never understood the truth about Pein until his death!

Konan said coldly:"Pein is gone. Uzumaki Naruto is the successor of Nagato and Yahiko's will. He is also the one who will lead Yugakure to prosperity and bring peace to the ninja world!"

"Hidden Rain Village?……"Hanzo's old eyes dimmed."Compared to these up-and-coming talents, my era has indeed come to an end, but I am unwilling to accept this and I don't understand why this happened!"

Swish! Hanzo made hand seals.

——Spiritual summoning technique!!!

Bang! With a huge smoke screen, the Salamander appeared at Hanzo's feet!


The Salamander spewed out a large amount of poisonous fog, which spread over a large area!

Hanzo's voice of verification came from the depths of the poisonous fog:"Konan... As a former enemy, can you tell me the answer? Why did I fail! Why was I eliminated by this era!!!"

Konan's cold eyes were filled with thoughts about the past!

If it weren't for Hanzo... we wouldn't have really grown up, right?


With his paper wings flying, Xiaonan rushed straight into the depths of the poisonous fog!

""Huh!?" Hanzo was surprised:"Why… you are not wearing a gas mask, but you are immune to the poison of the salamander!!!"


Under Hanzo’s puzzled gaze, Konan formed a seal and pressed his palm on the ground!

——Spiritual Communication·Detonation of the Great Flame Formation!!

Swish, swish, swish…

The ground was flowing, and countless detonating talismans were lifted up and flowed towards the Salamander…

Hanzo was shocked:"This, this is… my trick, you can use it on such a large scale!?"

Xiaonan said in a low voice:"You indulge in the glory of your former 'demigod', fear death and loss, and have been stagnant, and I���, has already reached a more distant area!"

"Hanzo, we once respected you very much, but you have lost the faith and persistence that a strong person should have, so you failed and were replaced by Pain."

"And now, Naruto, who defeated and changed Pein, is still growing in distress, because he knows that once he stagnates, he will repeat your mistakes!"

Hanzo trembled:"You said, that Naruto...he defeated Pein! ? That kind of unattainable existence, was defeated by him alone! ?"

Konan said coldly:"In our eyes, you were also unattainable...After this explosion, the paper will seal you, do you have any last words to say?"

"Maybe, I really understand……"

Hanzo smiled and closed his eyes:"Please give Yuyin a bright future.……"

Xiaonan said loudly:"Yes, because Yuyin is me, our home!"

Boom boom boom...!

The explosion was earth-shattering!

But after the explosion, Hanzo was gone.

He was not reborn again, so the paper could not be sealed.

The reincarnated person...if he has fulfilled his regrets in his life, his soul will be freed from the bondage of the sacrifice and return to the Pure Land.

"……"Konan took a deep look at the ruined land, then rushed to the battlefield where Naruto was!

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