The transformation operation was successfully completed, and Madara's pair of Rinnegan were transplanted on the palms of his left and right hands.

Naruto, who has Hashirama's cells, can quickly connect with his optic nerves without waiting.

Snap! Snap! Naruto clenched his palms, and his eyeballs fit perfectly without any swelling or astringency... Fortunately, otherwise there would be big problems.

Orochimaru said solemnly:"Naruto-kun, although it doesn't make much sense, I still want to add that this 'Hand Network Opening Technique' does not create nerves out of thin air, but rather transforms the 'sympathetic nerves' in your palms and connects them to the optic nerves, allowing you to transfer your eyes to your palms!"

Naruto nodded, not quite understanding:"Oh, is that so?……"

Orochimaru said again:"The sympathetic nerves control the sweat glands of the human body. From now on, your 'hands' will no longer sweat. This has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the sweat cannot be discharged, and the pores of the hands are easily blocked, causing 'itching'; the advantage is that in high-intensity combat, it can prevent sweat from flowing into the eyeballs in the palm of your hand and causing adverse effects!"

Naruto pinched his chin and said:"Well, the disadvantage is some inconvenience in life, and the advantage is great convenience in combat, right? That's not a loss at all!"

Orochimaru smiled:"Oh? Is this how you understand it? In fact, it's not a big problem. In your spare time, you can soak in hot springs frequently~ or find a professional technician to massage you frequently, and you can overcome it.……"

Naruto nodded:"I understand!"


Haruno Sakura took off her headband, her short pink hair was free!

She asked:"Naruto, you have eyes on both hands, will it be inconvenient to hold a weapon?"

Naruto said:"That's not the case.……"

Back then, Momoshiki had eyes on both hands, and he wielded the Red Crescent Blade with great vigor!

Sakura was still worried and said,"How about this, Naruto, I will teach you the medical ninjutsu 'Palm Fairy Technique', which has a 'bactericidal' effect and can prevent bacteria from invading the eyeballs.……"

Naruto was pleasantly surprised:"Oh~! That's really a big help, thank you, Sakura!"

Naruto quickly learned the 'Palm Immortal Technique'. As for other medical techniques, he didn't need them because the 'unique healing' that came with Hashirama's cells was better than any other medical ninjutsu.

Leaving the experimental base.

Orochimaru opened his umbrella:"Naruto-kun, you now have a 'pair' of Samsara eyes. All the pupil powers related to the Samsara eyes should have been improved!"

Naruto was eager to try:"Yes! I can't wait to try it!" Just like that, he and Orochimaru came to the training ground of the Hidden Rain Village together.

Orochimaru stood still after marking the grid line of 'distance' and attached the chakra to the soles of his feet:"Among the six abilities of the Samsara eyes, the one that best reflects the difference in pupil power is the ability of 'Heavenly Way'. Come on, Naruto-kun!"


Naruto took a deep breath and stretched out his palm forward.

——Shinra Tensei!!


The repulsive force exploded... Even with chakra sticking to his feet, Orochimaru still retreated close to the ground, almost to the end of the grid line before stopping!

He turned his head to look at the distance marked on the side and exclaimed:"17.5 meters, 1.5 times higher than the 7 meters with a single eye!"

Naruto murmured:"This is the increase in the lower limit, the upper limit may not fluctuate that much, after all, in addition to the number of eyes, the amount of chakra also determines the upper limit of the power of the technique.’!’"

"But, try this!"


Naruto clasped his hands together, and the gravitational ball of Chibaku Tensei condensed, throwing it into the distant sky.

Boom boom boom boom...!

Outside the Hidden Rain Village, mountains collapsed and flew up, turning into huge stars that covered the sky and the sun!

After Naruto looked at it, he was not very satisfied and said:"The maximum scale of Chibaku Tensei is about 1.5 times that of the past, and it has only increased by 0.5 times year-on-year!"

But Orochimaru said:"Based on the basic capacity of Chibaku Tensei, 0.5 times is an amazing increase. At least Sasuke's Susanoo in its complete form should be unable to break free, and Madara's may be able to barely break free.……"


Naruto formed seals with both hands.


The Chibaku Tensei appeared with blurry black lines around it, and then it fell heavily to the ground, causing a thunderous roar!

Orochimaru exclaimed,"This is……!?"

Naruto put down his seal and smiled,"After transplanting my eyes, I can use the 'Super Heavy Rock Technique' directly on Chibaku Tensei. I no longer need to fly up to the sky and touch it with my hands like before. This greatly enhances the practicality!"

Orochimaru exclaimed,"This is really a revolutionary leap!" Naruto asked,"Orochimaru, can you use my 'Shadow Clone'? I want to test a technique!"

"Shadow Clone, that's easy, I have a more advanced 'Snake Shadow Clone'’!"

Swish, swish, swish...!

On Orochimaru's shoulder, a giant snake split apart and transformed into Orochimaru's body!

"This snake shadow clone has a strong ability to withstand blows. Unlike ordinary shadow clones, it will disappear after being hit hard. However, the only drawback is that only one can be used at a time.~"

"One is enough, bring both the original and the clone together……"

Orochimaru's real body and clone stood on both sides of Naruto!

"Because of the hand-eye combination, I can use both hands to achieve"looking left while looking right at the same time", not just the literal meaning, I can even do this……"

Swish! Swish!

Naruto spread his arms to the left and right!

——Shinra Heavenly Expedition!

——Ten thousand things are attracted by the sky!


The repulsive force on the left side exploded, and Orochimaru's body was blown away more than ten meters. His upper limbs fell into the mud, leaving only two legs outside, split to the sides...

The gravity on the right side grabbed Orochimaru's clone, and was caught by Naruto in his right hand and lifted in the air!

Naruto's eyes sparkled:"As the abilities of the Rinnegan Heavenly Path, gravity and repulsion are opposite poles, and it is difficult to take care of both at the same time, but now I can do it!"

Orochimaru, who was lifted in the air, had his vertical pupils trembling:"Wu Suo Luo Xi~ [Too scary!】……"

Swish, swish, swish...!

The snake clone turned into a snake skin.

Naruto walked to the pit and pulled out Orochimaru himself...

Naruto used the back of his hand to wipe the dirt off Orochimaru's body to show his sympathy.

Then, he said excitedly:"I have another ability that I haven't tested yet.……"

But he was interrupted by Xiaonan who came to the training ground:"There must be a limit to the test of strength. Just now, when the star fell outside, the villagers thought it was another meteorite and shouted to seek shelter.……"

Naruto scratched his head:"Oh... Miss Xiaonan, I'm sorry, I accidentally went too far~!"

"I really can't help you. Next time, try not to test in the village. You can go to the Hidden Cloud Village.……"Xiaonan shook her head lovingly and said seriously,"Compared to this, Kakuzu and Sasori are waiting for you, arrange things for them as soon as possible. We in the Hidden Rain Village don't keep idle people."

"Okay... we'll be there soon!"

Naruto and Konan walked side by side into the rain.

Orochimaru folded his sleeves together, his eyes deep:"Naruto-kun, unknowingly, we have come this far. If we go any further, it will be the same 'Freedom Senjutsu' as the first Hokage!"


After the defeat against Naruto, Kabuto Yakushi lost another stronghold.

He had to move to the territory of the Land of Grass overnight.

In the new stronghold, Kabuto Yakushi and Sasuke, one in front and one behind, walked towards the depths of the nest!


Suddenly, the Kusanagi sword was placed on Kabuto's neck!

Kabuto stopped and said calmly:"Sasuke-kun, what are you doing?"

Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan glowed with a cold light:"Kabuto... I seriously doubt your ability now!!"

Kabuto pushed his glasses and said:"Are you talking about the matter of transforming your body? We have just settled down and the time is not right yet.……"

Sasuke said coldly:"No! So far, you have only shown me your ability to manipulate the Impure World Reincarnation! If you are really as powerful as they say, you can't be that weak, right?"

Yakushi Kabuto glanced behind him:"What do you mean?"

Sasuke said coldly:"Fight with me! If you can last ten moves in my hand! I will admit that you have the ability!"

"Hum hum……"Pharmacist Dou laughed quietly and said,"Can you give me five minutes?"

"Humph! I'll give you ten minutes!"

Putting away the ninja sword, Sasuke turned and walked out of the base.

"Oh my, it has turned out to be like this. I have been unlucky recently. Well, looking at Naruto now, he just needs to vent, right?"

"But... it's not just you who needs to vent, Sasuke-kun!"

A sinister smile bloomed from the corner of Kabuto's mouth!

Five minutes later, in the dark room, a snake's vertical pupil was thrown into the solution and turned into blood!

Chi chi chi chi...!

A line of blood flowed down the corner of Kabuto's tightly closed left eye, followed by smoke!


The tightly closed left eye opened, and three magatama appeared, and rotated, turning into the pattern of the Mangekyo Sharingan.���

Looking at himself in the mirror, Yakushi Kabuto's eyes were gloomy.

——"Uchiha Kagami's left eye, this should be very interesting, right?"

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