——Wood Release: Tree World Eternal Life!

This technique is the"carnival version" of the Tree World Descent. Maintaining the hand seals, regardless of chakra consumption, it promotes the continuous growth of the tree world!

Only with an overwhelming amount of chakra and a perfect grasp of the"Tree World Descent" can the"Tree World Eternal Life" be used!

But even if the conditions for the technique are met, the technique will inevitably consume a large amount of chakra, so Senju Hashirama would try his best to avoid using it during his lifetime!

Right now, the most direct and effective way for Naruto to face Obito's killer move is to use Flying Thunder God to temporarily avoid it!

But Naruto has more long-term considerations.

——"As long as Obito still has shurikens in stock, it will always be a strategic threat. It is better to consume them all in one go!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!

Madness survives in the chaos, and the tree world is reborn in destruction!

The end of consumption is the expansion of each other's scale!

The land where the Kamubi Bridge is located has turned into an ocean of the tree world. The whirlpool stimulated by the divine power is the ripples in the ocean!

The scene is too grand and beyond the scope of language description!

More than 20 minutes have passed. Obito looked at the entangled scene and clenched his fists:"When I simulated in the Daito no Ben, I used 50 million mad shurikens containing the power of divine power to successfully kill Naruto. For the sake of fault tolerance, I specially prepared 60 million shurikens. Why can't I take Naruto? It's a simulation of the Daito no Ben. Is there an error?"

"No, this is impossible!"

Uchiha Obito confirmed a reality that shocked him.

——"In just one day, Naruto's strength has increased again, and it has increased a lot. How did he do it!!"

Finally, the attack reached the golden light, and Naruto kept switching his own chakra and the Nine-Tails Chakra!

This is not only to reasonably allocate chakra, but also to flexibly use the golden body mode of the Nine-Tails Chakra and maintain"malicious perception", because no one can guarantee that Obito and Afei will launch a sneak attack during this time when his hands cannot be separated!

The crazy dance has entered the end, and the last wave of offensive is also the strongest!

"can not watch anymore……"

Swoosh! The divine power whirlpool swirled, and he appeared in the sky behind Naruto, ready to attack with his pupil technique!

Naruto immediately sensed it.

——Wood Style: Clone!

Swish, swish, swish...!

Six wood clones appeared from Naruto's back and shot into the sky!

Snap! Snap!

Two wood clones were killed by Obito's long-range Kamui with his left eye as soon as they appeared. The other four clones, covered in golden light and holding Rasengan, attacked Obito!

Obito was shocked:"He has mastered Hashirama's Wood Style: Clone! And he can use it in high-intensity combat!"

After Obito eliminated all the Wood Style clones, Kamui: Crazy Dance also reached its end!

"call……"Naruto let out a long sigh and put down his hands.

Except for his hands that never sweat due to the sympathetic nerve modification, his whole body was sweating profusely, but he was not tired, it was a refreshing sweat!

After Obito settled down, he said in a deep voice:"Even if you use it alternately, your Nine-Tails chakra will soon be exhausted! And I only used the ninja tools I prepared in advance, and my chakra was almost not consumed!"

【Note: Obito injected the power of Kamui into the shuriken in advance and released it through linkage, so he hardly needed to consume the current chakra.

Naruto turned around and said meaningfully:"Maybe that's right, but preparing such a large number of shurikens would cost a lot of manpower and material resources, right?"

Obito frowned:"What do you want to say?" Naruto said with reason:"A large ninja village consumes 80 million shurikens and kunai a year on average. The Hidden Cloud Village, which is famous for its arms race, only has a little over 100 million, not to mention the expensive 'Fuma Shuriken'. With the financial resources of 'Dark Dawn', you don't know when you will prepare the same scale of ninja tools again, right, Obito?"

Uchiha Obito clenched his fists:"As long as I defeat you in this battle! Take back Madara's Samsara Eye! This cost can be ignored!"

Naruto smiled and raised his hand.

That action, Shinra Tensei?

Swish! Obito subconsciously stepped back and distanced himself from it!!

But there was no Shinra Tensei. Naruto just pointed his finger at Obito's face and said intriguingly:"By the way, you no longer wear a mask, and you no longer call yourself 'Madara'!"

Obito was stunned for a moment, and said in a cold voice:"So what? Madara, Uchiha Obito, it's just a code name. As long as the Infinite Tsukuyomi is successfully activated, nothing else matters!"

Naruto's eyes were deep:"Maybe you don't want to admit it, but deep in your heart, you also yearn for another way to save the world, right?"

Obito denied it flatly:"Nonsense, thinking like this is just your self-satisfaction!!!"

Naruto said shockingly:"In this little remaining Nine-Tails Chakra, my mother, Uzumaki Kushina, is looking at you through my eyes!"

"!"Uchiha Obito's pupils shrank suddenly!

Naruto looked downcast:"Do you want to know what she thinks of you now?"

"Enough... I've had enough of you, Naruto!!!!"


Outside of Obito's body, dark and ominous chakra shot up into the sky. That darkness, even the darkest night, could not conceal its existence!

Naruto looked up and said,"Susanoo, is it the complete form?"


Naruto made seals with both hands

——Wood Style: The Woodman Technique!

Boom boom boom...!

A towering wooden man rose from the ground!

Naruto closed his eyes above the wooden man."The wooden man's power is enough to compete with the perfect Susanoo. If there is a shortcoming, it is that it cannot protect the user like the perfect Susanoo. But, as long as we think of a way, we can make up for it, right?


When Naruto opened his eyes, the three magatama had transformed into a 'Kaleidoscope'!


Then, the silver-gray Susanoo chakra turned into a skeleton, with muscles wrapped around it and armor added to it, firmly in the form of 'Crow Tengu'!

Susanoo... The color of the wooden figure is a reflection of the inner color!

Gray... between black and white!

It represents that after going through many vicissitudes of life, he has not fallen into the darkness of revenge, nor has he lost his pure nature!

This gray is the calmness and heaviness formed by a hundred years of tempering!

It also represents that Uzumaki Naruto is now in the position of"both good and evil"!

Looking at the"Crow Tengu Susanoo" standing on the top of the wooden figure, Obito sighed sincerely:"Naruto, it's a pity that you can use Shisui's eyes to open Susanoo. The Uzumaki clan is indeed extraordinary, but……"


Susanoo's complete form, his hands formed a seal!


Uchiha Obito's eyes, a vortex of divine power rolled up! The eight-tailed beast ball, with the rolling vortex, fired like a cannon, and the"divine power shuriken" cast by Susanoo's seal was embedded in it!

"My power is absolute!!!"

——Kamui Tailed Beast Ball Shuriken!!

"call……"Uzumaki Naruto took a deep breath and suddenly raised two fingers in front of his chest!

Snap! Outside his body, the chest armor of Susanoo opened, revealing a furnace-like fiery red chakra source, and fiery red magatama shot out from it!

Naruto's hand seal suddenly changed, forming the hand seal of the Wood Dragon Technique!

Swish, swish, swish...! The wooden dragon that was wrapped around the wooden man's shoulders split its body, holding the fiery red magatama in its mouth, and rushed forward!

——Susanoo: Red Lotus Dragon Roar!


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