After the battle with Obito, Naruto returned to the Hidden Rain Village.

Konan witnessed the entire battle through the telescope.

Also witnessing the battle was Captain Yamato.

Yamato came to the Hidden Rain Village with Tsunade's"long-term mission".

【Regarding the setting that Wood Release consumes vitality, the author has carefully considered and decided to abolish it. Tsunade's words to Yamato and the death of the first Hokage are amended as follows】’

"Tenzo, Naruto has now mastered the Wood Release of his grandfather Hashirama, but Wood Release consumes a lot of chakra. This is nothing. What is really worth paying attention to is the healing ability of his grandfather's cells."

"While the Muji healing method is convenient, it is also easy for people to ignore its harmfulness. In a person's lifetime, the number of cell divisions is limited. When it reaches a certain level, it will shorten the life span. Even my grandfather, Hashirama Senju, was powerless in the face of the accumulated side effects and eventually died young.……"

"So Tenzang, I hope you will stay with Naruto and supervise and remind him more to prevent him from repeating the mistakes of his grandfather. Naruto has already agreed. This is an extremely glorious and arduous mission. What do you think, Tenzang?"


In the high tower in the southern part of the Hidden Rain Village,

Captain Yamato said,"Naruto, although you can recover easily now, you should still avoid getting injured as much as possible. In the Warring States period, the research on cells was very limited, so even the first Hokage, Hashirama, did not know the drawbacks of the No-Seal Healing Technique."

"Therefore, in battle, he did not pay much attention to avoiding attacks. Sometimes, Lord Hashirama, who was kind-hearted by nature, would even get injured deliberately in order to take care of his opponent's self-esteem!"

"Once injured, Hashirama would use the seal to heal him afterwards. The side effects accumulated from years of fighting led to the untimely death of a great Hokage.……"

"So, you have to pay special attention! Got it! Never take an attack that you can dodge! Don't squander the limited number of cell divisions just because you have a strong regenerative ability! Got it!"

Naruto listened to Captain Yamato's chatter with a smile.

After the latter finished speaking, Naruto said with peace of mind:"Don't worry, Captain Yamato, I know what I am doing. Apart from Samehada and Sasuke, no one has ever hurt me and made me bleed~ By the way, is the new house comfortable to live in?"

Yamato scratched his head:"Well, the house... it's really nothing to say. I have never lived in such a spacious and comfortable house since I was a child. By the way, is it really okay for me to live in that big house alone?"

Naruto joked:"Why, you still want to marry a wife in Yuyin?"

Yamato blushed:"What are you talking about? My roots are in Konoha! If you don't mind, I will bring the woman of Yuyin back to Konoha to live in the future. I can consider what you say!"

Naruto smiled and patted Yamato on the shoulder:"Go back and find Director Kakuzu to collect this month's salary!"

Yamato was stunned:" this appropriate? I already have a salary from Konoha, and it's not appropriate to collect the salary from the Hidden Rain Village, right?"

"What's wrong with double salary?" Naruto said fascinatedly:"Saving more money while you are young, and enjoying a peaceful life after retirement, is the best destination for ninjas, right?……"

Yamato couldn't help but ask:"Naruto, what are you doing this for?"

"Me? It's to allow more ninjas to have this kind of fate.……"

Naruto said calmly and walked into the rain outside the tower.

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life. Someone always has to carry the burden forward.……"

Konan left these cold words, opened the oil umbrella, and followed Naruto.

Captain Yamato was left standing there with a complicated expression.

The two held an umbrella and walked towards Orochimaru's experimental base.

Konan:"What should we do with Uchiha Obito's blood?"

Naruto:"Let's keep it as a deterrent. He said that the next duel with me will be the last time. He must have made up his mind. He won't show up easily before he is absolutely sure."

Naruto turned his eyes to Ryusei:"And before showing up, Obito will definitely do one thing……"

Xiaonan was curious:"What's the matter?"

Naruto smiled:"That is to kill Feidan. I think he will not leave any hidden dangers before taking action."

Xiaonan frowned:"Then should we strengthen the protection of Feidan?" Naruto shook his head:"With the terrifying space-time pupil technique of Obito, no matter how much protection he has, it is not absolutely safe."

"Therefore, I have an idea. Let Orochimaru clone a fake Hidan, hide the real Hidan, and let the fake Hidan go out and show his face to be killed by Obito instead of the real Hidan. This is the so-called"Li Dai Tao Jiang". In this way, Obito can rest assured to fight me in the final battle, and we will not lose the important trump card of Hidan.……"

Xiaonan sighed:"I think that you, who can think of this, are the 'terrible’"

After meeting Orochimaru, Naruto got straight to the point:"Orochimaru, I want to use the same senjutsu as Hashirama Senju!"

"Oh?" Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, put down the equipment in his hand, turned around and said:"Naruto-kun, is this what you finally meant to do?……"


Naruto sat upright:"Tell me the origin of Hashirama's senjutsu!

" Orochimaru leaned against the table, his eyes deep:"Senju Hashirama's senjutsu is called 'Freedom Senjutsu', which does not belong to any of the 'Myoboku Mountain', 'Wet Bone Forest' and 'Ryuchidong' schools, but it combines the strengths of the three schools.

" Naruto pinched his chin:"The strengths of the three schools, I also know about the three major senjutsu, the Ryuchidong senjutsu, also known as the 'Radical Transformation Senjutsu', is known for its violent senjutsu, focusing on the increase of physical energy, the characteristics are rapid activation, no need for meditation, and extremely long duration, the disadvantage is that the body shape will change, and the spirit will enter an extremely excited state!


"The magic of the Wet Bone Forest, also known as the 'Silent Magic', focuses on the increase of spiritual energy. Its characteristic is a calm mind. In battle, one can calmly judge the situation and reduce mistakes. The disadvantage is that one needs to meditate for a long time before entering!"

"Myobokusan's magic, also known as the 'Harmony Magic', focuses on the perception and manipulation of external natural abilities. It has the strongest natural perception among the three magics, and can use external natural energy as a weapon to attack. The disadvantage is that it requires meditation and has a short duration."

Orochimaru nodded and smiled:"Yes, Lord Hashirama, on the basis of mastering the three magics, took the essence and removed the dross, and created the 'Free Magic', which improves physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy. It can be activated without meditation, without the side effects of physical changes and mental excitement, and the endurance is top-notch. It is a dreamlike magic.~……"


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