Mito and Kushina have a history.

Decades ago, Mito was the first Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of Konoha. When he was dying, he needed to select the next generation of Jinchuriki.

So, Kushina, whose bloodline was also outstanding in the Uzumaki clan, was brought to Konoha Village.

Kushina was still a child at the time, and she was very nervous about her impending fate.

The elderly Mito, holding Kushina's hand, gave her care and guidance as a person who had experienced it.

Hearing that the successor she entrusted that year already had a child, and that the child was right in front of her, Mito was very pleased and looked at Naruto intently.

"This child has the same physique as me. Not only that, he also has the power of Hashirama. Hmm? This is the chakra of the Nine-Tails. In this case, Kushina has already……"

After deducing that Kushina was dead, Mito couldn't help but feel sad.

While Mito was looking at Naruto, the latter was also looking at her.

"This is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki before my mom and I. He has the same red hair as my mom, and he is so beautiful. Our Uzumaki clan is really rich in beauties, but none of them are as beautiful as my mom.……"

"Is she still the wife of the first Hokage? The first Hokage was Ashura in his previous life, and I am Ashura in this life. Anyway, it's so confusing. She is an elder who has done a favor to my mother, Tsunade's grandmother, so she can be considered my 'grandmother'’?"

After confirming Naruto's background, Mito's expression was gentle:"Child, your name is Naruto, right? Who is your father?"

Naruto said solemnly:"My father is Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha!"

Mito suddenly realized:"Oh... Is it the introverted little boy from the Namikaze family? I have some impression of that child. The child gave people the impression of being fragile, but I didn't expect that he has the talent of a Hokage? By the way, what happened to your father and mother? Also, as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, why do you wear the forehead protector of the Hidden Rain Village?"

Naruto's eyes sank slightly:"This... It's really a long story. I have a way to let you know everything quickly!"


Three magatama flashed in Naruto's eyes!

"Huh! ?"Mito's eyes suddenly condensed:"Sharingan... It seems that you, kid, have been through a lot."

Naruto said calmly:"Grandma, do you mind if I use Sharingan to transmit information? With your ability, if you resist, the pupil power will definitely not work.……"

Mito closed his eyes and pondered:"It's okay, let me take a look.……"



——Illusion: Sharingan!

Mito's mind raced as he quickly digested the vast amount of information!

"So that's how it is. It's hard to believe... So, there's one thing, let me confirm it for now!"


Golden chakra burned on Mito's body and turned into a coat!

Naruto was surprised and said,"This is... Kurama's chakra!!"

Mito said calmly,"In the past, I also played 'tug of war' with the Nine-Tails and extracted that chakra from it. I carried it with me until my death, so I can use it after my reincarnation!"

In this mode, Mito sensed and confirmed it, and her expression became much more solemn.

"I don't sense any malicious intent from you, which proves that what you showed me with the illusion before was true...

Alas, I really hope you are lying. I don't want the peaceful and prosperous world created by my generation to end in a miserable way. After all, is it the opposite of what we want?"

Mito sighed and released the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

The look she gave Naruto was full of trust!

She said gently:"Kushina, is she in your chakra? Can I meet her?"

Naruto smiled and raised his hand:"Of course, to be honest, mom wants to see you too.……"


After the fistfight, ripples appeared in the lake of heart.

Mito saw Kushina in Naruto's spiritual world!

In front of Mito, Kushina seemed to have turned back into the little girl of the past. She said excitedly:"Grandma Mito, I never thought that I could see you again in my lifetime!"……!"

Mito was sad and distressed:"It's not in our lifetime, we are all dead, but it's gratifying to see that you are still so energetic after death. I'm sorry for making you suffer, Kushina……"

Kushina's eyes filled with tears:"Although my life is short, it is happy and fulfilling. When I first entered Konoha, you gave me the courage to face reality. Under your teachings, I was able to have love and hope in my heart. In the end, I met the person I love most in my life, and I also had such a son who I am proud of.……"

Mito said from the bottom of his heart:"Although I was not able to witness his growth in person, but looking at his current appearance, as an elder, I am both proud and distressed. If our generation is more motivated, we won't have to let the younger generation bear all this. Kushina, you should take good care of yourself, and leave the rest to Grandma.……"

Ending the meeting in the spiritual world.

Mito looked at Naruto's expression and became even closer. She took Naruto's hand and said gently,"Child, you want to learn the Wet Bone Forest Fairy Technique, right? I am willing to be your guarantor.……"

Naruto thanked her profusely:"Thank you so much, Grandma Mito.……"

Mito doted on her,"Calling you grandma makes it seem like we are too far apart in generation. How about this, Naruto? We are from the same clan. I treat Kushina as my daughter. You can just call me 'grandma'."……"

Such a friendly and approachable person, a sense of intimacy arises naturally!

Naruto called out eagerly:"Grandma Mizuto!!"

Mito smiled and said:"Wow... What a good child, I will summon the slug out now, let's choose a spacious place."

They came to the open space outside the Hidden Rain Village.

The Yin Seal on Mito's forehead was released!

It turned out that Mito was not only the first ninja to summon the slug, but also the creator of the Yin Seal, and... the first human to master the Wet Bone Forest and the Silent Immortal Art!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

After Mito made seals with both hands, he pressed his palms on the ground!!

——Summoning Technique!!


A huge summoning technique appeared, and a storm suddenly rose.

Naruto covered his face with his hands, his clothes fluttering, and said in shock:"It's so strong... It's stronger than the summoning technique performed by Granny Tsunade and Sakura together. Can it summon the complete body of the Slug Sage!?"

Orochimaru said solemnly:"Summoning the complete body of the Slug Sage is impossible, but according to Mito-sama, summoning 'two-tenths' of the body is more than enough!"


Accompanied by a huge smoke screen, the slug descended!

That body, which is more magnificent than the complete form of Susanoo, is hard to believe, but it is only two-tenths!

Mito greeted:"Sister Miao, long time no see!"


Looking at the beautiful figure standing below, the slug's drooping eyes were actually moistened, and she called out tenderly:"Sister Shui, it's great to see you again.……"

Mito waved his hand:"I have something to tell you in private.……"

Swish, swish, swish...!

The slug bent its huge body and put its head close to Mito.

Mito covered her lips and said,"Search, search, search.~~【Such and such】"

The slug said cheerfully,"I understand~, let Naruto follow me to the Wet Bone Forest.~!"

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