In the perfectly circular hall, there are all the candidates who have been selected this year, about a hundred people.

The facilities in the entire hall are quite complete. There are many metal tables in the center, on which are placed all kinds of fruits and foods, as well as expensive-looking drinks, in beautiful utensils.

There are also many decorations around the hall, making everything here look very upper-class.

It's like a very high-end buffet restaurant.

But now, the atmosphere in the hall is a bit weird. People gather in twos and threes to talk, but the voices are very low. The whole hall is very quiet as a whole.

Everyone looks at the people around them with the corner of their eyes. Almost everyone is calm on the surface, but nervous inside. Everyone is a genius of the same age. They have stood out from countless super-powered people, have a place for admission, and come here.

In a while, there will be an additional assessment for all geniuses.

To be called a genius, you must have your own pride. No one wants to fall behind, but everyone also knows that they are...���'s people are also geniuses.

And today is the time to decide who is the genius among geniuses.

No one wants to rank too low, and at the same time, they secretly wonder if it is possible to stand out from this group of people.

And every examiner in charge of the recommendation has told them, just like Jun Anyi, that this assessment is very important, and there will be many big shots coming to observe, and it will be beneficial if they perform well.

So everyone is very restrained, and they all regard the people around them as their competitors. There is no such young people who get along quickly when they meet.

However, there is a very strange thing in this venue.

Almost all the students have had a common action-their eyes stay on someone in the venue from time to time, and then their brows are slightly frowned, with a confused expression.

There are also many people who glanced and turned their eyes away, but soon turned their heads away again, and couldn't help but look again.

——Very strange, take another look.

Because in this venue, there is a man with a very strange style.

Obviously, they are all wearing the same combat uniforms, and the other party does not have any particularly funny hairstyles, but he easily attracts everyone's attention.

Unlike other students who sit in one place in a rigid and orderly manner, Xinyuan frequently walks around in the hall with a plate in his hand.

In his opinion, this place has so many delicious foods and wines, and so many decorations, which is obviously for everyone to eat and relax.

I don't know why these people are all sitting still. Maybe they ate too much breakfast and have a little indigestion?

This is not clear. I will eat to make back my money first, and then I will eat a buffet as lunch.

Before I can make money on my own, Xinyuan is actually quite frugal and doesn't spend too much.

Men keep their words. The 300,000 yuan from Jun Anyi is considered a loan, but he has to pay it back.

So, people saw a guy who didn't feel nervous at all and really treated this place as a buffet restaurant.

And he doesn't just eat, he is very picky about what he eats, as if he wants to try everything. He is afraid that something might go bad, so he keeps using the ability of the Voice of All Things, which is quite selective.

He uses a magical skill to pick out what to eat.

【Kiwi ice fruit: I had diarrhea after eating too much. If your back door can't withstand the bombardment, it is recommended that you try less.】

【Purple tomatoes: I am nutritious, plump and juicy. You can eat more.】

【Green wolfberry: aphrodisiac, eat ten and you will have an erection for three days】...

Xin Yuan followed the guidance of the Voice of All Things and looked around, picking and choosing, becoming the only person walking in the empty food area.

Jun Anyi was sitting behind a table in the judges' seat. When he saw Xin Yuan, who was very different from the others, he slapped his forehead and was speechless.

Although the things here were indeed prepared for the students, they were also used to replenish their physical strength before the assessment.......

But since it was their first time to enter school, most people were relatively reserved. It seemed that no candidate was as relaxed as Xinyuan.

So Jun Anyi had no choice but to take out his phone, organize his words, and say to Xinyuan as a"yogurt bar":

【Yogurt Stick: Didn't you say you had an exam today? Are there many people? Is there anything?...Is he a weird person who is different from everyone else? 】

The implication of this was already quite obvious. He just wanted him to find out his own problems and be more restrained.

Then soon, the news from Xinyuan came back.

【Traveler: Strange people? It seems that everyone else is quite strange. The college prepared a lot of buffet food, but they didn’t eat it. They are all very picky eaters.......

After seeing this message, she threw her phone aside and stopped reading it.......

At this time, Li Qian also came to the scene.

Jun Anyi sat on the judges' seat as the Frost God of War. Normally, an examiner like Li Qian should not come, but today, in order to find fault, she came here specially.

Originally, she was going to find the E-level student, but she saw Xin Yuan, whose style was out of tune with the atmosphere.

When she got closer, she found the super card on the front of his combat uniform.

"E-level?"Li Qian was shocked and looked up at Xin Yuan's face, which was full of confusion.

She felt that an E-level student could be recommended, no matter what means were used, it was like a husky entering a wolf's den.

So when she was looking for him, she thought it was difficult to find him, thinking that he might be hiding in a corner.

This result was something she never expected.

An ordinary man, right? Where do you get your confidence from?!

When she came to Xin Yuan, looking at his expression that seemed to be at ease and only cared about food, Li Qian felt a burst of nameless anger in her heart for no reason.

This guy is as infuriating as Jun Anyi!

So she spoke again in a yin-yang tone:

"Wow, you great genius, you seem to be enjoying your meal. You almost finished all the purple tomatoes. Can’t you afford to eat normally?"

��Yuan looked back at her. The other students were all wearing combat uniforms, but the person in front of him was obviously different, so he mistook her for a waitress and said:

"Hello, could you please give me more of this? It's too little and others haven't eaten yet."

"!"Li Qian didn't react at first, but then she was furious. He actually thought I was a waiter?

She stopped being sarcastic and cursed:

"Is there something wrong with your eyes? I'm not a waiter! Are you so rude to your seniors?"

"Well, I was wrong."Xin Yuan frowned, thinking that this person had a bad temper, and it wouldn't be so bad if she was wrong. He just said something and didn't want to pay attention to this woman.

But Li Qian was obviously not willing to give in, and Xin Yuan's nonchalant attitude angered her even more, and continued:

"Everyone is sitting in their seats, but you are special? Are you a starving ghost reincarnated?"

Xin Yuan was not happy, and didn't care whether this person was a relevant teacher or not, and frowned and said:

"What's wrong? Isn't the food prepared here for the students?"

"Forehead..."Li Qian was speechless for a moment, because Xin Yuan was right, the food here was meant for students to eat.

But she quickly retorted:"But no one comes out to eat. In every assessment in the past, no one has ever been like you. You..."

"So what?" Xinyuan interrupted her, using his height advantage to look down at her eyes,"It's always been like that, so it's right?"

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