Odd changes, even remains unchanged, the sign depends on the quadrant? ? ?

This mathematical formula has been memorized by all high school students in the country, and Xinyuan has already memorized it.

However, he thought that after his time travel, he would never hear this playful jingle again in his life.

Unexpectedly, here

This means that the great man a hundred years ago, the father of the superpowers, was a time traveler!

He was a time traveler like me! Before me, there was a person who came to this world!

I am not a traveler lost in another world. There was another predecessor before me who had encountered the same thing! Is he still alive?......

A century of time...What had he been through?

How did he overcome the strangeness and loneliness of this world?

He spent his entire life without finding another time traveler. Did he die of loneliness? In the end, no one knew the deepest secret hidden in his heart.

Xin Yuan felt like he had fallen into ice water. His five senses were gone, and his mind was completely filled with these things. He could no longer hear anything.

Mo Qinggu noticed that he was different, but he couldn't really abandon all the other students just because of him.

So he could only ignore his dull expression for the time being and continue to narrate:

"Of course, you can just treat this as an interesting story."

"Another major reason is spiritual pollution!"

"Gods can easily deceive others in various ways. Those with weak wills may become servants of God, while others may simply fall into madness."

"This ability to directly interfere with human spiritual beliefs is also the reason why they are called gods - they can easily make people feel submissive."

"So the real superpowers are actually godslayers!"

After saying this, Mo Qinggu brought the topic back and continued to tell the students about the most important problems that superpowers will face in the future.

There is only one main problem - the strangulation of the servants of God and the prevention of the arrival of gods.

There are gods everywhere, but God is not in this world, and no one knows where he is.

But after so many years of experience as a superpower, one thing is very clear - the servants of God can make the gods come to the world through various weird and evil rituals of God's descent.

The gods who have not descended are just the fetuses of God, and the impact they can have on the world is very small.

But if they succeed in descending, then even the weakest god will cause a disaster of a destructive nature.

"Every year, many superpowers die at the hands of gods and their servants, and the massacres of ordinary people and the resulting property losses are countless."

"That’s why I want to tell you why the real world of superpowers is cruel."

"From today on, you already know the truth of it all, which means that you will have to face this tragic reality and the blood in the future!"

"Now, the descent of gods rituals that are taking place in various places���As the number of sacrifices from God increases, they become more and more terrifying, and even methods such as city massacres appear!"

"Therefore, the world will become more and more unstable, and one day in the future you will all face life and death!"

"I hope that the feeling of powerlessness you faced in this assessment will not be felt again on the battlefield one day in the future."

After saying this, Mo Qinggu looked at the expressions of each student, and felt somewhat sad in his heart.

On these young and naive faces, there was fear, excitement, uneasiness, and anger towards the gods and servants.

Of course.....And Xinyuan's daze, I don't know what this kid is thinking......

But Mo Qinggu didn't dare to think about how many of these people would die on the battlefield fighting against the gods in ten years, and how many would die in the intrigues of their own people.

Although it is not fair that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but there is no way......

Under the calm and peaceful appearance of today's world, the storm that is about to sweep the world has actually already begun to brew.

Everyone is slowly recalling what Mo Qinggu said before. This fact has brought them a huge shock.

This kind of reality is something they never thought of.

After they got the admission quota, they returned home to celebrate as soon as possible. They were all sure of their bright future prospects and would definitely reach the pinnacle of their lives.

But they didn't expect that after a hell-level assessment, they would face such a horrible world situation.

At the moment, everyone is thinking about it.

And Xinyuan didn't feel these huge spiritual shocks and the completely unclear thinking about the future situation at all.

Because he didn't listen at all, his mind was still echoing with that sentence.

Odd changes, even does not change...Odd changes, even remains unchanged...

""Hey, what's wrong with you?" Jun Anyi, who was standing next to him, had already noticed that something was wrong with Xin Yuan, so she nudged him gently with her elbow.

But Xin Yuan didn't move at all, as if he had lost consciousness. After she nudged him several times in a row, he looked up in a trance.

Jun Anyi was extremely surprised. In her impression, Xin Yuan was a person with an extremely good psychological quality, and he could look at everything with a cold eye and indifference.

Although the truth about the super-powered person was cruel and hard to accept, she didn't think that this news would crush Xin Yuan.

After all, facing the twelve servants of God without any experience, Xin Yuan was expressionless and ruthless. How could his mentality change so much because of this incident?

"Jun Anyi, do you know about the father of the super-powered person?"

"What's his name? Is he still alive?"

Jun Anyi frowned and thought for a moment.

"That happened a long time ago, I don't know much about it. I have collected a lot of information, but the authenticity of the information that has been passed down is also questionable."

"As for whether he is still alive, no one is sure, but he suddenly disappeared from the world."

""Oh." Xin Yuan nodded and returned to his thoughtful look.

Mo Qinggu finished the lecture and asked all the students to go back and rest. After all, thirty-six hours of high-intensity fighting was very physically demanding.

After a day, they would come back to distribute rewards and conduct a two-way selection between students and the academy.

On the way to his dormitory, Jun Anyi followed him from behind.

This time, seeing Jun Anyi coming, Xin Yuan took the initiative to slow down his pace and turned back to look at her.

"You said you have collected information about the father of superpowers, can you give it all to me?"

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