——Heavenly Puzi!

The moment their eyes met, Danzo activated the pupil technique of his right eye!


Sasuke's pupils trembled, and he found himself in a dark red space-time, his whole body imprisoned, and he realized in shock:"Is this... an illusion!?"

A red light flashed, and Danzo was already close!

"!"Even though it was an illusion, Sasuke still instinctively dodged!

But due to the restraint effect, his movements were very small, and he managed to avoid the vital parts, with only his left arm being cut off... in the illusion!

However, in reality, Sasuke's left arm was also cut off, and blood spurted out!


The severe pain woke Sasuke from the illusion. He covered his broken arm and screamed!

"Wrong? What a pity.……"Outside Susanoo, Danzo covered his right eye and murmured with regret.


Susanoo's giant fist slammed into his flesh and blood!

Danzo's blood was shed in the sky, but Izanagi turned everything into a dream!

Only Sasuke lost his left arm, and this result was real!

The exhaustion of physical strength, the severe pain of the broken arm, and the dizziness of blood loss tortured Sasuke's will...

Boom! Susanoo's complete form could not be maintained and began to disintegrate!

Seeing this scene, Kabuto Yakushi, who was watching the fire from the other side of the river, looked deep...

"Tian Pu Bei Ming, the pupil technique bred by Uchiha Kagami's right eye, can imprison the opponent in an illusion and cause real damage"

"Jing is the ancestor of Shisui. The power of this illusion is no less than that of the god of the sky, and it is effective against the eyes below the eyes of the Samsara Eye!"

At this point, Kabuto pressed his fingers to the frame of the glasses on his nose, and the lenses reflected white light, just like his unfathomable thoughts.

"But Sasuke, you have the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan after all. This advanced eye power can still slightly resist the"confinement effect" in the illusion."

"In addition, Tian Pu Bei Ming is a genuine"killing illusion". If it fails to kill the victim in one blow, the victim will break free from the illusion due to severe pain, and there is a risk of counterattack."

"Hehehe, this is exactly the result I want to see.……"


The disintegrated Susanoo was finally maintained by Sasuke in the"half-body second form"’!

"Whirring whirring……"In Susanoo, Sasuke knelt on one knee, holding his broken arm, breathing heavily.

Outside Susanoo, Danzo looked down at his chest, raised his eyes and said:"I have worn out 30 of your eyes. Unfortunately, this is your limit.……"

Crack, crack, crack!

Sasuke's teeth were grinding, and he was about to fire the Kagutsuchi arrow again to attack Danzo!

""Ha." Danzo smiled sneerily, and slightly hooked his two fingers!

The blade that he had buried in the ground during the disintegration of Susanoo was now controlled by Shin's pupil power and shot out from the ground inside Susanoo!

"Uh ah……!!!"The blade pierced into Sasuke's chest, and he was distracted by the pain!


Kagutsuchi's arrow missed and hit the ground behind Danzo's right side, who didn't even use Izanagi!

Danzo said contemptuously:"With your eyesight, you should have been able to see through the blade with chakra reaction underground. Is it because you lost too much blood that you can't even see your feet clearly? Or are you a waste and wasted a pair of good eyes in vain? Well... In any case, it doesn't matter. You will go to the underground to meet your people soon!"


Danzo hooked his two fingers, and the blade on Sasuke's chest turned and drilled into the heart!

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……!"Sasuke screamed, grabbed the blade with his right hand, and struggled desperately, blood oozing from his fingers.

Squeak! With the will to survive, he pulled out the blade from his heart, and used the fire of Amaterasu to destroy the pupil power mark on it...

But the price was that even the half-body form of Susanoo could not be maintained!


Danzo took advantage of the situation to chase him, forming seals with both hands, and suddenly took a breath.

——Wind Style: Vacuum Ball!

Biu! Biu! Biu!

Wind Style Chakra was fired out like a bullet, and Sasuke's skin was torn apart and he flew backwards.……

——Wind Style: Vacuum Blade!

Danzo took out a kunai and exhaled the breath of wind style chakra from his mouth, which lingered around the kunai and turned into a wind blade. He rushed forward with all his strength and launched the final attack on Sasuke!

Losing a lot of blood, being seriously injured, overdrawn chakra, and scattered consciousness, Sasuke was unable to maintain his Sharingan. He knew that he could not escape death. He remembered the instructions that Naruto had conveyed to him through Jūgo.

——"Sasuke, Danzo is not in Konoha, but has gone to Kabuto Yakushi, seeking a comeback. You'd better strike first!"

"What on earth have I done?"

With regret, Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes.

"Die, the last remnant of the Uchiha!"

Danzo's murderous intent stabbed Sasuke's heart with a wind blade!


At this critical moment, a kunai flew in front of his eyes!

Danzo's pupils shrank suddenly:"This is……!?"

A figure covered in purple lightning came from the kunai!


Danzo's wind blade broke the moment it touched the lightning!

The wind escape that was enough to restrain the attributes and change its form was inferior to the lightning escape!

Only Uzumaki Naruto's purple lightning chakra mode could be so amazing!

——Thunderous Prelude!

Naruto kicked.


Lightning exploded, and Danzo fell diagonally into the ground...!

Wow! Naruto retracted his legs and turned around, holding Sasuke firmly in his arms. Looking at the unconscious Sasuke who was seriously injured, the Rinnegan under the mask was spewing anger. The

Rain Village Anbu left the Flying Thunder God Kunai at the border of the Land of Rice.

Therefore, Naruto was delayed a little, otherwise, he would not have watched Sasuke get injured like this!

After landing, Naruto turned his head and glanced to the side:"Come out!……"

Swish, swish, swish...!

A White Zetsu appeared from there, looking very nervous.

Naruto stretched out his hand, and Sasuke landed a hundred meters away.���'s broken arm was pulled over by gravity.

He gently put Sasuke on the ground and placed the broken arm on his chest.

Naruto stood up and said to the White Zetsu,"Take Sasuke back and treat his injuries as soon as possible!"

The White Zetsu rushed forward and put Sasuke on their shoulders.

One White Zetsu wanted to say something, but the other said,"Don't say anything, let's go. If he changes his mind, our lives will be in danger!"

Swish, swish, swish...!

The White Zetsu took the dying Sasuke and sneaked into the earth and left.

Naruto turned his head and glanced coldly at Danzo who climbed up from the bottom of the pit.

Naruto was not unfamiliar with the eyes all over the latter's body. After all, after becoming Hokage in his previous life, Naruto and Uchiha Shin had fought each other.

"Those are the eyes of Nobu, and there is this number. So that's it. I roughly know what Yakushi Kabuto did to you.……"

Naruto looked at Danzo's right eye and murmured,"I've never seen that right eye before. It has a curved magatama. It should be good at illusion. And judging from the color of the chakra, it has a blood relationship with my right eye. Is it the eye of Shisui's grandfather, the disciple of the second Hokage Tobirama, 'Uchiha Kagami'?"……"

Seeing the mortal enemy who once pushed him into a desperate situation again!

Danzo was extremely jealous:"Uzumaki Naruto, you came at the right time. I want to avenge the shame of the Five Kage Talks and revive the reputation of Konoha Hokage!!!"

Naruto had a blank expression:"Shimura Danzo, you will die tonight. Even the previous Hokage can't save you. I swear in the name of 'Hokage'!"

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