Shenfeng Mountain.

Influenced by the spiritual plants, spiritual trees and white jade bamboo on the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain has been shrouded in a thin mist of spiritual energy for a long time.

The rocks on the ground on the top of the mountain have also been nourished by the spiritual energy for a long time, and the surface of the rocks has a white luster like jade.

Ye Yang stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the red moon shadow in the sky, thinking about some messy things in his mind.

Suddenly, the golden pupil moved and looked at the corner of the top of the mountain.

The big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the monkey king Wukong walked slowly


"Woo woo woo……"

Seeing their boss's golden appearance up close, they were surprised.

It was only less than a day, but the boss's appearance had changed so much!

Then the three beasts trembled, and their keen beast instincts told them that the golden figure in front of them was very dangerous!

It was as if they had returned to a long time ago, when they were still cubs facing a powerful natural enemy.

If the golden figure in front of them did not exude the same aura as the boss, and they knew that the boss would not hurt them, they would have turned away and dared not approach here.

Ye Yang looked at the three younger beasts in front of him with his huge golden lightning pupils.

The three animals all had a lot of injuries on their bodies, and the aura they exuded was more fierce than before. After this battle, they became stronger. The biggest change was the big brown bear!

"This guy actually evolved to a higher level...‘D-’Level Beast……"

"It's really interesting……"

However, the big brown bear Xiong Da has always been concerned about strength. He usually either hunts and eats powerful beasts or stays at the foot of the mountain to absorb spiritual energy. He should be the fastest among the three animals to upgrade. The big brown bear Xiong Da, who was hit by the aftermath of the explosion of the medium-sized missile, was as black as carbon and had a weak aura. It can be seen that his body injuries are still very serious.

"As expected of a bear... This physique is so strong, maybe in a few days, Xiong Da will be able to heal his injuries with his own physique."

The big brown bear Xiong Da, who was being watched by Ye Yang, trembled, and when he saw the golden light flashing in the pair of golden pupils, he lowered his huge head unconsciously and let out a low roar.

"Roar... Respected King……"

Ye Yang nodded in satisfaction. After the evolution level of the big brown bear was raised, it not only had the ability to communicate with the mind, but also seemed to be much smarter.

It was worth his energy and time to train their IQ.

Then he shouted at the big brown bear.

"Gugugugu...Big Bear...stay on the top of the mountain for the time being……"

Ye Yang considered that the big brown bear was seriously injured and the red moon that had made him nervous before would come soon. He didn't want any accidents to happen, so he wanted to use the rich spiritual energy on the top of the mountain to help the big brown bear recover faster.

""Hoo... Thank you, King!"

Big Brown Bear Xiong Da shouted excitedly!

After his evolutionary level was raised and he came to the top of the mountain, he knew more clearly how beneficial the environment on the top of the mountain was to him!

"Woo woo woo……"


Monkey King Wukong and giant panda Xiong Er on the side hurriedly followed suit and shouted!

Although they don't have the skill of telepathy yet and can't speak, they can understand! They also want to stay on the top of the mountain like the big brown bear Xiong Da, and their bodies have an instinctive desire for the top of the mountain.

Ye Yang glanced at the injuries on Monkey King Wukong and the giant panda and nodded.

The three guys made great efforts in the battle, buying a lot of time for him to transform in the dark clouds and thunder, and from this incident he could also see the loyalty of these three animals.

Being able to face the danger head-on and lead the wild beasts in the mountains and forests to attack the Daxia army without fleeing, Ye Yang can really regard them as his own people.

Monkey King Wukong's pale yellow eyes moved around, as if he thought of something.

He quickly rushed to the foot of the mountain between jumps, and soon he went up the mountain again.

However, he was carrying a small thing.

Looking at the baby in the palm of Monkey King Wukong, Ye Yang was a little speechless

"My goodness, does the Monkey King Wukong really want to be a nanny?"

"This baby is still living among monkeys……"

"Never mind, let him be, who doesn't want a little fun?……"

Sensing some small movements behind him, he turned around and a pair of golden pupils shot out a golden electric light!

The giant panda, who was about to secretly eat a piece of white bamboo leaf, was hit by the light, and his muscles were paralyzed, crawling on the ground.……

"You are such a foodie, you always want to take advantage of my baby……"

Ye Yang did not hurt the giant panda Xiong Er. The golden electric current only made him feel numb all over.

The area of the mountain top was only about 100 meters. Four huge beasts appeared here at once, which seemed a bit crowded.

Ye Yang, who inherited the bird's slightly lonely and arrogant nature, could not stand it and turned back to the cave.

"Then, just wait quietly for the red moon.……"


At the same time.

Jianghai City was in chaos at the moment. After countless city residents packed their luggage, they hurriedly wanted to leave Jianghai City.

This is natural. Anyone who realizes that there is a huge creature that can shoot lightning and speak human language in the suburbs of the city wants to escape from here.

The impact this time is much more serious than the previous times.

Before, the residents of Jianghai City were just curious and fearful of the ancient white-feathered eagle in the suburbs, but out of long-term trust in the officials of Jianghai City, they chose to stay in the city.

After all, no one wants to leave the city where they were born and raised unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now... the situation has changed!

When they saw with their own eyes that the Daxia military dispatched troops and used a series of modern weapons such as rocket launchers and fighter jets, but still couldn't do anything about the ancient white-feathered eagle, many Jianghai City residents were afraid.

What's more, the white-feathered eagle seems to have evolved again. Not only has the color of its body changed, it can also shoot golden lightning!

For the safety of their families, many people chose to leave Jianghai City with their families as soon as possible, and the situation became more and more serious.……

"Mayor Lin! Nearly 50,000 people have left Jianghai City, and more and more incidents like this are happening.……"

"If we don’t find a way to stop it, the comprehensive data of Jianghai City will definitely regress by decades!"

Mayor Lin said helplessly,"Then how can we stop the residents from leaving?"

"How about we lock down the city?"

"No! We must not close the city. We have no right to restrict the legal freedom of residents!"

Mayor Lin rejected the proposal and then his face was heavy.

"In order to prevent citizens from panicking and leaving the city, we can only choose to solve the source of the problem.……"

"Get ready, I'm going to the outskirts of Jianghai City tomorrow……"


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