"It must be that ancient creature monster coming!"

"Ah! I don't want to die yet!"

The leaders of Jianghai City on the helicopter, who were affected by the golden light and had their eyes closed, screamed out loud!

In the face of life and death crisis, few people can remain rational.

Moreover, this golden light not only affected their vision, but also made them feel infinite fear in their hearts, as if this golden light was eroding their souls.

Mayor Lin, who also closed his eyes, quickly regained a bit of clarity with his amazing willpower.

"No! If you continue like this... you will definitely die!"

"That ancient creature is angry now! It must be because we stepped into his territory!"

He shouted immediately!

"We are here to talk! We have no intention of entering this territory that belongs to you!"

A hoarse voice echoed in the air.

However, the sound of the helicopter propeller completely covered his voice. He also knew this situation.

Despair arose in his heart. The performance of a helicopter is simply a world apart from that of a fighter jet!

The ancient white-feathered eagle can easily destroy a fighter jet. Naturally, this helicopter is like paper to the ancient white-feathered eagle. It is clearly still nearly dozens of miles away from Shenfeng Mountain. Why can this ancient creature discover them so quickly!

This makes it impossible for the communication equipment they prepared to operate!

"Hey...the golden light disappeared……"

At this moment, they suddenly felt that the dazzling golden light disappeared!

They opened their eyes and looked at the sky around them. They could see nothing in the sky except their helicopter!

This scene made the people on the helicopter feel very strange, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

"Are we... hallucinating... or encountering a ghost?"

The other leaders of Jianghai City turned pale. Although they did not speak, they were thinking the same thing in their hearts.


"Land on the ground! This bird is waiting for you on the ground!"

A clear cry suddenly appeared in the minds of several people!

Following the direction of the sound, looking down, a golden figure stood on a wide ground.

"That must be the ancient white-feathered eagle!"

"How did he appear here?……"

"I don't know. I didn't see it clearly.……"

"No wonder our Daxia military suffered such heavy losses and was unable to destroy this monster!"

A timid leader of Jianghai City trembled his lips,"City Chief Lin, why don't we go back? This monster will definitely eat us!"

Although the other people on the helicopter did not say anything, their eyes all looked at City Chief Lin, and the meaning of their expressions was self-evident.

City Chief Lin also turned pale and decisively refused.

"Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Besides... even if we want to leave here now, it's too late.……"

"The speed of a helicopter is not as fast as that of a paleontological white-feathered eagle……"

"You all stay quiet for a moment, I am here to talk to this ancient white-feathered eagle……"

He shouted to the stunned pilot,"Descend, prepare to land."

Several leaders of Jianghai City looked at each other helplessly and desperately.

"Old Li, why do you look much better than us?"

"Because I bought life insurance in advance……"

"So cunning!"


After a while, the helicopter landed shakily on the open ground.

The propeller stopped turning and several people stepped out.

"That's the ancient white-feathered eagle?! It looks golden, where's the white?"

"Are you stupid? The ancient white-feathered eagle has already evolved once, and the current species may have changed!"

"Shh... keep your voice down so that the monster can't hear you.……"

Several people were looking at Ye Yang, and Ye Yang was also looking at them secretly.

Hearing the conversation among them, Ye Yang's golden pupils moved involuntarily.

Their words entered his ears without missing a word.

"These people have some of the aura of officials. Could it be that they are all high-ranking officials?"

"What is their purpose in entering my territory?"

Ye Yang originally wanted to destroy the helicopter that entered his territory, but just before he was about to leave, he heard a voice shouting inside.

At the same time, he noticed that there were no human weapons and equipment on the helicopter, so he stopped.

After a while, several people walked to the open space ten meters away from Ye Yang with trembling legs.

Swallowing their saliva, facing a creature whose size was much larger than a large truck, the visual effect of its size made them feel a huge sense of insignificance.

Thinking of the scene of Ye Yang destroying fighter planes one after another, they were terrified and their legs trembled.

Among them, Mayor Lin, who had the most resolute willpower, took a deep breath and took a few steps.

He said solemnly

"Hello... I am the mayor of the human city not far away.……"

"I came to this territory to seek help from the powerful lord.……"

Considering that he didn't know the name of the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle in front of him, Mayor Lin thought of some simple words and said them.

Then everyone looked nervously at the huge ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, ten meters away.

They only knew that this ancient creature could speak human language, but they didn't know whether they could communicate.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Ye Yang moved his head, chose an angle to look down, and looked down at the group of people with a pair of golden pupils.

"Gu... help? Why should I help you?"

""Gu... If this is the reason why you entered my territory, then you will soon become a pile of meat paste!"

The cry was very loud, filling everyone's mind!

Especially the last angry cry, which made their brains feel like they were exploding.���

Mayor Lin calmed down his fluctuating emotions, and his eyes were filled with shock and surprise!

What shocked him was that this ancient creature could really communicate, and judging from the sound it made, the ancient creature in front of him had a high IQ!

The surprise was naturally that the ancient creature had the wisdom to communicate, so they would not be in any danger for the time being.

Mayor Lin had already prepared for the threat of the second cry.

"My powerful lord, if you agree to help us, we will give you many benefits.……"

"For example, this……"

A man behind Mayor Lin opened the box in his hand.

The box was filled with various kinds of fruits.

"Oh? Is this a spiritual fruit?"

Ye Yang was a little interested. The spiritual fruit had little effect on him, but if there were a lot of spiritual fruits, it would still have a good effect.

At the same time, he was even more curious about what these big shots in Jianghai City needed his help with...

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