"These details on the ancient white-feathered eagle reveal a lot of information.……"

"It is very likely that something unexpected will happen during the next two days of the Red Moon of Apocalypse!"

"In the next two days, everyone must be prepared to welcome a big change!"

In the conference room, seeing Mayor Lin's serious look, a fat-faced leader of Jianghai City spoke directly

"Mayor Lin, are you worrying too much? Isn't the ancient white-feathered eagle just an animal?"

"Animals? Have you ever seen such a powerful and intelligent animal?"

Mayor Lin glared at him and said to the many skeptical people in the conference room.

"Animals are naturally very sensitive to crises. I believe that the subconscious actions of that mysterious ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, will never deceive me!"

"Next, I'll leave it to you all!"

Mayor Lin stood up and bowed!

Everyone in the conference room looked at Mayor Lin and stood up instantly!

They also bowed,"Yes!"


As the Jianghai City officials released the video of Ye Yang's figure, the order was instantly disrupted, and the Jianghai City, which was constantly losing people, returned to some normalcy.

"Holy shit! This official video is actually that monster!"

"This must be fake! The ancient creature White Feather Eagle actually said that it would not enter Jianghai City!"

"Yes! How could the officials of Jianghai City make this powerful ancient creature make a promise?!"

"I speculate that this video has been photoshopped by the authorities in an attempt to prevent everyone from leaving Jianghai City!"

"P you big head ghost! The frame rate of the environment in this video is so obvious, how can you Photoshop it? Do you think that we can create a paleontological white-feathered eagle with our Daxia virtual film technology!"


"By the way, if the ancient white-feathered eagle looks like this, is the species still the white-feathered eagle?……"

"Who knows? Anyway, I believe in our official website. The White-Feathered Eagle will definitely not enter Jianghai City!"

"Me too. I will ask my uncle and his family to come back right now.……"

The video played is still very useful. Jianghai City has gradually stabilized and the number of urban population has gradually recovered.


Time flies.

Two days after the upper echelons of the major countries on Blue Star continuously implemented various policies to deal with the red moon, the Apocalypse Red Moon finally arrived!

In the night of the northern hemisphere, a spherical elliptical moon hangs high in the night sky.

Many astronomy enthusiasts have already prepared their astronomical telescopes, because everyone in their circle knows that today there will be an astronomical phenomenon called the"super red moon" that can only be seen once in decades.

This grand scene has attracted many astronomy enthusiasts to fly to countries in the northern hemisphere, wanting to see this magical astronomical phenomenon with their own eyes.

Daxia Kingdom belongs to the northern hemisphere, so it can naturally watch this phenomenon.

Although it is not yet the time for the"super red moon" lunar eclipse, it has already been hotly discussed on the Internet.

"I never thought that I would be able to see such a rare lunar eclipse in my lifetime! It is said that the next super lunar eclipse will be at least several decades away.……"

"That’s right, and this lunar eclipse is unusual. The light happened to be refracted twice, so this lunar eclipse is red!"

"Why do so many of you know so much? Are you all astronomy enthusiasts?"

"Haven't you seen the recent TV news reports? The super red moon has been reported by various media! However, the authorities seem to have notified people not to go out tonight and stay at home.……"

"Hmm, that’s strange, why do brothers in the southern hemisphere also say that they can see a clear full moon in the sky during the day?"

"Maybe this is a super red moon, and many countries around the world will see it.……"

"Impossible! The Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere are at two extreme geographical locations, how is it possible to see the same astronomical phenomenon?!"

"Why are you so excited? It's just the shadow of the moon during the day, which is normal. It doesn't necessarily mean that there will be a super red moon."

Just as many netizens were discussing it, the bright moon hanging high in the night sky gradually changed...

The whole night sky suddenly dimmed, and the moon became dim and lost its light, as if the lights were suddenly turned off in a closed room, and the world was dark.

This sudden darkness made people feel a little uneasy, as if their hearts were blocked by something, and they felt suffocated...

It was as if something terrible was about to happen.……

"Total lunar eclipse, super red moon is coming……"


On the outskirts of Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a golden eagle stood there.

The golden light flashing all over its body seemed to be the only light source in the entire dark earth.

The bright golden light made the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the monkey king Wukong, who were standing under the spiritual tree and next to the white jade bamboo, stare at the golden light on Ye Yang's body without blinking.

The three animals looked down at each other in confusion. Why did the eldest one glow?

Ye Yang's attention was always on the dim moon in the sky.

At the same time, a trace of throbbing appeared in his heart.……

"The red moon begins……"

In the field of vision, the dim moon in the sky began to turn red from a small corner. The red layer was like a hungry beast, greedily devouring the moon quickly.

Soon the scarlet red filled the entire moon, and at the same time, when the full moon completely sank into a scarlet red moon. The entire dark world was shrouded by the red light emitted by the scarlet red moon!

It seemed that this red light existed forever!

Everything was silent!

Ye Yang raised his head, and his golden pupils changed.

Even he, who had a strong will, felt that something was wrong around him!

"This red moon seems to have a great attraction to me……"

"And how come the forest is so quiet?!"

The wild animals are active at night. Originally, the forest would have been filled with roars of animals at this time, but now even the sound of the mountain wind has disappeared. He couldn't help but look at the three animals nearby.

At this moment, the three animals were quiet and motionless, all looking up at the red moon in the sky.

The shadow of the red moon was reflected in their light bulbs...

Ye Yang also noticed that his three younger brothers seemed to be in a trance, staring at the red moon in the sky, as if they had lost their souls, like huge wooden sculptures standing still. The golden pupils moved, looking at the quiet forest.

"It seems that the red moon is indeed very attractive to living things.……"

"My power or evolution level is higher than other creatures, so I can negate this attraction.……"

Suddenly, some thoughts popped up in my mind

"What changes will the scarlet red moon bring to the blue planet?"

"Is this attraction also true for humans?"


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