On the outskirts of Jianghai City, at Shenfeng Mountain

, a golden bird several times larger than the helicopter parked nearby stood still on the mountaintop. Even so, the aura it exuded was enough to fill the hearts of humans with infinite fear.

"Are there really such terrible monsters in the world?……"

On the helicopter, the pale-faced pilot trembled with his lips, his hands firmly on the helicopter's control lever, which was enough to show his inner feelings.

On the other side.

After listening to the female liaison sent by Jiang Haicheng, Ye Yang's golden pupils could not help but flash a trace of worry.

"The Great Xia Kingdom has invented the spiritual breathing method and the body-building exercise.……"

"It's only been more than three months since the spiritual energy appeared.……"

Ye Yang’s understanding of the revival of spiritual energy came from the novels he read in his previous life. According to the background introduction in the novel... shouldn’t humans promote the practice of spiritual energy only after facing a huge crisis?


He heaved a sigh of relief. He could not have predicted the development of human beings.

"It seems that the human civilization in this world is gradually moving closer to spiritual energy.……"

For humans who are just learning to walk in the spiritual energy system, Ye Yang is now their well-deserved ancestor of the spiritual energy road.

Ye Yang, who deeply felt the evolutionary effect of spiritual energy on the body, knew that if humans gradually discovered the benefits of spiritual energy to themselves, then all humans on the blue planet would flock to spiritual energy.

After all, spiritual energy can not only enhance the strength of the body, but also bring deeper benefits.

For example, life span...

Take Ye Yang now as an example. When he was a young sparrow three months ago, he had human spiritual power and could clearly perceive the body of a baby's fist. He secretly felt that his life span was not long. He didn't know the specific time, but it was probably much less than when he was a human.

But now... Ye Yang's feeling has long disappeared without a trace. His life span is at least more than a hundred years!

Even a thousand years is not impossible...

Immortality is always something that humans dream of. In ancient times when there was no genetic biology, ancient humans showed great desire and ambition for immortality!

In modern times, with the emergence of scientific and technological civilization, some experts have been tirelessly studying the topic of immortality, such as the human body freezing experiment that appeared one or two hundred years ago...

However, all creatures are equal in the face of nature, and humans have not made any progress in the field of immortality.

But now the emergence of spiritual energy can instantly improve physical fitness. I believe that with various human instruments, it will soon be discovered that the body's cells have been optimized under the influence of spiritual energy, which has increased lifespan.……

"Human beings have entered the era of spiritual energy!"

Ye Yang has foreseen in his mind that the future civilization of human beings will definitely move closer to spiritual energy.

For the remaining more than 4 billion humans on the entire Blue Star, it is definitely a good thing!

The vast majority of ordinary people who have no power have the opportunity to upgrade their class under this unprecedented reform.

And those in power are the beneficiaries, who can use their own power to accumulate opportunities faster than ordinary people.

But for Ye Yang, the spiritual energy cultivation method now promoted by the Blue Star humans is not a good thing.

He is a powerful beast. No matter what, he is inherently opposed to humans.

Even if he is now at the top of the fighter pyramid of Blue Star's terrestrial creatures, he will not be a match for humans.

However, he is a giant flying bird with lightning power in his body, so there is no need to worry too much. If it doesn't work, just run away and hide on an isolated island on the sea. After a hundred or a thousand years, it is very likely that the evolution level will reach an astonishing height with the automatic upgrade function of the system.

However, this idea is a bit unrealistic... Ye Yang always feels that the subsequent evolution process will not be as simple and smooth as it is now...

Suddenly, another idea popped up in Ye Yang's mind.

"To humans now, I must be a big, shiny monster!"

"In the spiritual era, will there be any chosen one who will come out to kill me?"

This made Ye Yang careful, after all, he always felt that the God of this world had some ill will towards him.

How could he be reincarnated as a sparrow egg?!

If it weren't for the two girls from Jianghai City, he might have been eaten alive by a wild cat on a tree before he even hatched.

The Jianghai City liaison officer thought about it, and less than a minute had passed in the outside world. While

Ye Yang was thinking, Yu Weiyue, who was a few meters away from him, couldn't help shaking her slender legs wrapped in slim pants, and her beautiful face with delicate makeup was pale.

Although Ye Yang did not release his aura to her, her huge body, which was only the size of a pair of golden claws, made Yu Weiyue feel a huge sense of insignificance and a sense of awe.

At the same time, she raised her slender jade hand and trembled as she touched the brooch hanging on her chest.

The brooch flashed A glimmer of imperceptible light passed through.

Yu Weiyue raised her fair forehead and looked at the huge creature in front of her. She was relieved to find that her little action had not been discovered.

Then she realized that the huge bird in front of her did not pay attention to her, and her crystal eyes began to quietly look at the huge creature in front of her. The huge body was shining with golden light, and the golden light was faintly flickering on the body. The brilliance reflected by the golden body surface was like a beautiful colored gem. A pair of spiritual golden pupils revealed nobility and majesty that made people dare not look directly at it.

Majestic... domineering... beautiful!

"It would be nice if this ancient creature wasn't so big……"

"I really want to have such a beautiful pet.……"

With this thought in mind, a hint of eagerness appeared in Yingying's eyes!

Ye Yang, who was stared at like this for the first time, trembled all over and looked down at Yu Weiyue who was a few meters away.

His face did not change, but his eyebrows jumped in his heart.

"Is this woman crazy? What does it mean to look at me with such a strange look?"


A slight sound rang out in the surroundings!

The petite figure of the nine-tailed little white fox appeared on the top of the mountain.

Yu Weiyue suddenly felt a strong sense of danger approaching, and her hair stood on end!

She looked up at the huge golden bird in front of her.……

"The crisis is not caused by this ancient creature!"

Suddenly, she turned her head to look at the corner of the mountain top, and a small white figure appeared in her sight.

The jade-like eyes suddenly enlarged!

"This is actually a nine-tailed fox!"

At the same time, noticing the anger in the nine-tailed fox's pink eyes, she was sure that the source of the crisis was this nine-tailed fox!


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