In the meeting room of Jianghai City, many Jianghai City leaders saw Yu Weiyue's face full of fear and answered their questions with certainty.

Someone spoke directly

"Oh my goodness... I suddenly feel that this world is quite dreamy. Before I even stepped out of the promotional spiritual energy system, a nine-tailed fox that only exists in mythology appeared out of nowhere!"

"Hey... yes, that's a nine-tailed fox! Judging from the video, it can indeed make people lose consciousness... It's not just a simple loss of consciousness, because after Xiaoyu lost consciousness, his figure was still able to stand, which means that this nine-tailed fox has mysterious abilities!"

"More importantly! From the video, we can see that the relationship between this nine-tailed fox and the ancient giant bird is not ordinary, and can even be described as dependence.……"

"Can anyone tell me where that ancient giant bird found the nine-tailed fox?"

"Nine-tailed fox... good research material. I suggest that we capture it alive. I believe that we can get a lot of valuable data from it, which can help us promote spiritual energy in Daxia.……"

"Haha, we're going to catch you. Our military won't go to Shenfeng Mountain to die in vain!"

The meeting room gradually became noisy.


As the words of Mayor Lin of Jianghai City fell, the conference room seemed to enter a vacuum environment, and it became silent and quiet...

Everyone looked at Mayor Lin with a trace of fear and awe.

Now that the country of Daxia has implemented a city-level sovereignty policy, each city has the highest autonomy and can even formulate laws for its own city.

Then the position of the city's highest leader, the mayor, has great weight.

Although it is not as good as the status of the emperor in ancient times, he is also a big man who can dominate the fate of a city.

Mayor Lin looked at everyone in the conference room with solemn eyes,"Don't be confused because of the nine-tailed fox. I hope everyone understands that our top priority now is to implement the national policy decided by the Daxia Supreme Conference and quickly promote the spiritual practice of body shape."

Then he said,"As for what happened outside Jianghai City... It's useless for us to worry about it now."

Mayor Lin looked at Yu Weiyue, who had remained silent, and asked

"What did you find after close contact with the ancient giant bird?"

The video is just a video, far less detailed than the information obtained from close contact.

Moreover, Yu Weiyue is a careful and observant person, and he believes that he will be able to find more details.

Yu Weiyue replied

"Report to Mayor Lin that I have made some discoveries.……"

"The pressure from the ancient giant bird was very strong... The temperature on the top of Shenfeng Mountain was much higher than the surrounding area.……"

"The ancient giant bird gives me the feeling that it is not a wild beast, but more like a creature with high intelligence.……"

Liu frowned and thought for a few seconds."More importantly... I found that the spiritual energy on the top of Shenfeng Mountain is too dense. I can almost feel that practicing spiritual breathing there is like soaking in a hot spring."


Mayor Lin replayed the projected video, and everyone noticed that the environment on the top of the mountain was filled with a thick layer of white fog.

"This is the white mist formed by the extremely rich spiritual energy!"

"No wonder that ancient creature evolved so quickly, it turns out the spiritual energy on the top of Shenfeng Mountain is so rich!"

"I suggest that we send out the military to capture Shenfeng Mountain! Even if we can't kill the ancient creature monster, we can't let it stay on the top of Shenfeng Mountain. If we continue like this, the monster may evolve again soon!"

"Hehe...I still say the same thing, whoever has the ability can go to the outskirts of Jianghai City and don't attract the attention of our military!"

"Damn it! As soldiers, you are actually afraid of a beast?! It's really a disgrace to us soldiers of Daxia!"


"Okay, stop arguing." Mayor Lin had a headache,"Why are you arguing all day? I've already said that our current mission is to promote spiritual energy cultivation. As for the ancient creatures on Shenfeng

Mountain, we don't have to worry about them for now." Then he looked at the spiritual mist around the top of Shenfeng Mountain, feeling a little envious.

"The spiritual energy in the wild is much richer than in the city... It seems that we need to find an opportunity to grab some wild land.……"

The content of the following meeting was very simple, discussing how to quickly and efficiently promote the spiritual energy cultivation method in the city.

"Come in!"


The door was knocked open and the communicator shouted loudly!

"Oh no, Mayor Lin, Jiangli’s granary has been occupied by monsters!"


Everyone in the conference room stood up! Their faces were filled with shock and disbelief!

Jiangli Granary is the food supply for all the millions of people in Jianghai City!

Food is the first necessity of the people... This is a major event concerning the lifeblood of Jianghai City!


The scene changed.

Outside Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain.

It was afternoon, and a huge brown bear was carrying a huge elephant carcass in its mouth and moving towards the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

When Ye Yang saw the carcass of the Asian elephant, his heart moved.

"I know what I forgot.……"

"The visitor from Jianghai City hasn't delivered the gift yet. I'll have to make up for it next time!"

Then Ye Yang came to the huge corpse of the Asian elephant without any hesitation.

His sharp claws easily broke through the resilient skin and found the internal organs to feast on... He quickly finished eating under the envious eyes of the big brown bear.

He stretched out his slender tongue, licked the meat at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the big brown bear with disdain, his saliva almost flowing to the ground.

"How many of you divided these?"

""Roar... Thank you, Wang!"

The impatient big brown bear Xiong Da immediately ate with big mouthfuls, and the scene was bloody.

Ye Yang shook his head,"Remember to help me clean up after eating.……"

His figure flashed and he rushed towards the lake not far away. He wanted to wash off the bloody smell on his body.

For him, he could go without food for half a month, provided that he did not consume his physical strength too much. By absorbing the spiritual energy in the air, he could replenish the energy needed in his body to a great extent.


Half an hour later, Ye Yang in the air

""Huh?" Flying to the top of the mountain, Ye Yang saw the Monkey King Wukong carefully tearing elephant meat with his strong arms to feed human cubs on the mountainside.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

Looking at the elephant corpse with more than half of its flesh and blood left, he licked his lips and said,"I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time!

" After a while, a wisp of smoke rose from the mountainside of Shenfeng Mountain.

Seeing that the Monkey King Wukong had already begun to skillfully roll the barbecue on the huge wooden rack, and smelling the increasingly strong barbecue smell in the air, Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Why am I so stupid? I should have thought of doing this a long time ago!"


A mechanical reminder sounded, and Ye Yang quickly sank into his mind.

"This is not the system notification sound... Where is it coming from?……"

Turning around, I saw the nine-tailed little fox Ahri facing a glowing thing, doing strange movements...

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