The capital of the Bear Country, Moscow.

In a hidden place in the city with few people, a heavily guarded military stronghold stands here like a steel fortress.

Soldiers from the Bear Country patrolled the military stronghold non-stop, surrounding it so tightly that not even a bird could fly in.

Even if the Bear Country government personnel wanted to enter, they still needed to go through layers of approval procedures.

Because this military stronghold is one of the most important core research institutes in the country for the Bear Country - the biological and chemical weapons research institute!


Inside the institute, a group of doctors in white coats were busy working. Judging from their skin color and appearance, it was not difficult to tell that they were all Chinese.

The director of the institute took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His blue eyes were full of tired bloodshot.


He exhaled, took out a piece of data and said to a tall man in a general's uniform

"General Los, this is the data we obtained after more than half a month of research.……"

General Los took the thick stack of information and frowned.

"Director Marcus, please summarize it."Director

Marcus nodded and said,"We have obtained experimental data from the Daxia Biological Research Institute. After half a month of long research in our institute... we found that it is indeed possible to produce warrior serum.……"


General Los's sturdy body trembled when he heard this, and his majestic face changed.

Ever since the Great Xia Kingdom promoted the spiritual energy cultivation method to the whole country, it has been known to all countries in the world.

All countries on the Blue Star realized that the spiritual energy in the air, that is, the evolution factor, can act on humans after the"Super Red Moon"!

So they focused on studying the spiritual energy training method of the Great Xia Kingdom, mobilizing a large amount of domestic resources and manpower for uninterrupted research.

However, the country of Mao Xiong does not have outstanding economic strength, but it is still one of the great powers of the Blue Star, relying on its outstanding military strength!

After the evolution factor appeared in the air of the Blue Star a few months ago, all countries in the Blue Star were studying it, and the direction of Mao Xiong's research was exactly the warrior serum!

It's just that the evolution factor substance is very complex and cannot be analyzed, so it has never been successful.

Until after the"Super Red Moon", the strange substance in the air transformed the human physique, and coupled with a biological experiment data stolen from the Great Xia Kingdom, their slowly progressing warrior serum project finally made a breakthrough!

Director Marcus's tired face was a little embarrassed,"General Los, this is the result of the warrior serum……"

As he spoke, he opened a white metal box in front of him, inside of which lay a crystal clear white liquid tube.

"But... we need some materials to make the serum."

General Ross's blue eyes were full of excitement. He took out the white warrior serum from the white metal box with both hands and placed it in front of him.

"That's easy. As long as the warrior serum is effective, I will get you any materials for it!"

He looked at the three-inch-long crystal warrior serum in his hand excitedly and turned to ask

"By the way, are there any clinical trials for Warrior Serum?"

Marcus shook his head."At present, Warrior Serum has only produced this finished product, which is not enough to support human trials.……"


General Los was stunned, then he spoke

"Let's do a human experiment now.……"


Afterwards, in the closed alloy chamber, a volunteer soldier from the Bear Country was injected with the only soldier serum. He lay on a metal test bench, with electrode plates all over his body, and electrode wires connected to various equipment and instruments. General

Los and Director Marcus stood in front of the alloy chamber. There was a large piece of transparent glass that allowed them to see inside and see the situation clearly.

Beside them, a large group of staff members were staring at the data on the electronic screen, which clearly showed the physical condition of the soldier from the Bear Country who was injected with the soldier serum.

A few minutes later, the normally calm screen suddenly showed violent fluctuations!

"Beep, beep, beep!!!"

And there was an urgent alarm!

"The soldier's heart rate fluctuates greatly!"

"The soldier's heartbeat is beating faster and faster!"

"Irregular breathing……"

"The oxygen concentration in the metal laboratory is rapidly decreasing!"

The laboratory staff on the side became busy. They were all keen on experiments, so they began to divide the work and record all the data in front of them!

In front of the transparent glass, General Los and Director Marcus held their breath and concentrated, and they were a little nervous.

Marcus was nervous because this was the result of their research in the past few months, and he didn't want any accidents.

And General Los didn't want any accidents, this was his project. If this project succeeded, then when the Mao Bear Country competed for the next leader, he would have a place.

On the contrary... If the warrior serum project failed this time, then he would never have further room for advancement.

At the same time, in the laboratory made of metal alloys, the Mao Bear Country soldier lying on the metal test bench injected with warrior serum, his skin turned red all over. Through the data on the screen, it can be seen that the temperature inside the body has reached an astonishing temperature, and even a wisp of white smoke can be seen floating out of the red body! The blue and red meridians on the face and body burst out, densely packed, and looked a bit creepy!

The Mao Bear Country soldier's body was also shaking violently, his face expression was painful, and he was enduring a pain beyond ordinary people!


In the end, the huge pain exceeded his endurance limit, and a scream full of severe pain came from the metal chamber, making everyone outside the room tremble in their hearts.

How much pain was this...

But after the scream, the body of the bear soldier in the room stopped shaking, and the fluctuations displayed on the screen returned to normal.

"The experimental target survives!"


This made everyone present feel relieved.

Half of the goal was completed, and the next step was to experiment with the most important part of combat power.



With a loud bang, a two-meter-high, six-millimeter steel plate was pierced!

General Los saw the hole in front of him and looked at the powerful soldier in front of him with satisfaction.

"The punch has a force of at least two tons.……"

"This Warrior Serum is simply perfect!"

"Compared with the warrior serum, the spiritual energy training system of Daxia is simply vulnerable!"

Marcus looked at the excited expression of General Los and couldn't help but speak out.

"General Los, compared to the results of the Warrior Serum, I would like to remind you that the materials for making Warrior Serum are not easy to obtain.……"


"Paleontological white-feathered eagle!"

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