A bright red light appeared in the students' field of vision, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the classroom!

Instantly, there was a wave of exclamations!

"Didn’t the official staff just say there are only six colors… I remember there was no red?!"

"Yeah, I remember...it was gray, white, green, blue, yellow and orange...no red!"

"In this situation... could it be that there is something wrong with the spirit ball?!"

"No! Another possibility is that the tester is very qualified!"

"Could this be the perfect start for the protagonist in the novel?!"

Unlike the exclaiming students, the government official standing nearby in a white coat was in a state of complete shock, staring at the red-glowing spirit-detecting ball in the student's hand with wide eyes, as if he had seen something incredible happen! Judging from his shocked expression, it was obvious that what he said before about the spirit-detecting qualification having only six levels was wrong.

That was because their Great Xia Research Headquarters had already conducted experimental data statistics, and now it was affected by the"Super Red��"The effect of the strange substances brought by the attack is very short-lived, and the human body will not be very adaptable to spiritual energy.

Most people's spiritual energy qualifications are only E or F. In fact, this is the case. Until now, after testing more than half of the students, there is only one rare C-level in the class.

According to the data from the Daxia Research Headquarters, there are no more than 40 people with A-level qualifications among the more than 400 million people in Daxia...

But now, there are people who have surpassed the A-level qualifications!

Red! This represents S-level qualifications!

The highest test qualification level of the spirit ball that has just been developed is S-level qualifications. He dare not even think about higher qualifications!

"Won the lottery... Which classmate is this?……"

The staff member's hand holding the list was shaking with excitement, and his eyes took a glance...Ran Xiaoyue!

"Good, very good! Don't worry, classmate, you won't make any mistakes in the spirit ball test. You have the highest S-level qualification!"

"Ran Xiaoyue, please wait for me. I will finish the test later and have something to discuss with you."

Ran Xiaoyue, who was holding the spirit ball emitting red light, was stunned on her smooth, white and tight face. She was also shocked.

When she saw the red light emitted by the spirit ball, she thought there was an error, or worse, she did not have the spiritual qualification.

But now it is confirmed to be a good thing. She was very happy in her heart, with a gentle smile on her face, and said,"Thank you."

"S-level qualifications! Just hearing this makes it clear that they are much better than our E and F-level qualifications!"

"And look at the expressions of the work testers, it’s as if they found a huge sum of money!"

"Could it be that Ran Xiaoyue will become a big shot in spiritual energy cultivation in the future?"

"How scary! Maybe Ran Xiaoyue, the beauty in our class, can really become a goddess in the future!"

"I don't know how to hug your thighs.……"

The classmates were shocked and looked at Ran Xiaoyue with envy.

Ran Xiaoyue, who had a gentle personality, was a little shy when so many people suddenly talked about her. Then she cheered for the next tester, Li Minmin, who was also her best friend.

"Come on, Minmin!"


Li Minmin replied softly. Seeing her best friend get such a high spiritual qualification evaluation, she felt a little yearning in addition to blessing and envy.

Now Daxia... no! The entire Blue Star has known the importance of spiritual energy!

So the spiritual qualification officially tested by the government must be very important.……

"God bless you……"

The excited heart trembled as he grasped the gray spirit ball. A ray of red light continued to flow into the vision of many teachers.……

"Damn! It's still red light!"

"This means that Li Minmin also possesses S-level spiritual energy qualifications?!"

"Is there something wrong with the spirit ball? How come both of our class beauties are S-level students?!"

The staff member next to him was dumbfounded,"There is another S-level student?!"

He was now like the students around him, somewhat doubting whether there was something wrong with the spirit ball, but he still said to Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue that he would come to talk to them later.

Next, the light emitted by the spirit ball returned to gray-white again for the students who came up for the test, which made everyone sure that there were really two S-level students in the class!


At night, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin were a little dazed when they returned to the double dormitory.

Their experience today was so magical that they were completely unable to react.

They actually received an S-level evaluation in the spiritual energy aptitude test, and later they also found out that they were the only two people in the entire Jianghai City with S-level qualifications, and there were only a few B-level and dozens of C-level people in the whole city of Jianghai.

They were later notified that the authorities had concentrated all the students above C-level in the city into special classes for intensive training.

Now the authorities are giving them time to consider whether they are willing to go or not. Of course, anyone with a normal mind would not refuse such a good thing.

Ran Xiaoyue lay on the big bed in the dormitory with a sad face, not knowing what she was thinking.

Li Minmin sat aside,"What's wrong, Xiaoyue, we all have S-level spiritual energy qualifications, shouldn't we be happy?"

"Why……"Ran Xiaoyue sighed and stood up."Minmin, have you ever thought about why we have S-level spiritual energy qualifications? The staff member said that... S-level qualifications have not appeared in the entire Daxia yet. We are the only two……"

"Uh...why think so much, it's a good thing anyway."

Looking at Li Minmin with a carefree face, Ran Xiaoyue was speechless.

"This kind of thing beyond common sense is very simple to explain.……"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Li Minmin looked at her best friend Ran Xiaoyue with some confusion. She knew her best friend well, so she must have known something to say that.

"We are just ordinary high school students, it is impossible for us to have such an adventure... The most bizarre thing we encountered was meeting Little Phoenix……"

Li Minmin was startled, and changes appeared on her fair and delicate cheeks

"Xiaoyue, what you mean is...the reason we have S-level spiritual energy qualification is because of the little phoenix!"


"This is simply incredible!"

After they took the test today, they met the director and principal of their school, and were interviewed by some major media.

Many leaders from Jianghai City came to see them. They knew that this was a show of goodwill to them...

Everything was very dreamy...

But they knew in their hearts that this S-level spiritual talent would be of great benefit to their future! They looked out the window with touching eyes, silently grateful to the figure on the outskirts of the city...

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