Lightning and thunder, rolling dark clouds appeared without any sign, covering the forest for hundreds of miles.

The originally good weather suddenly dimmed, and the dark clouds covered with golden thunder had a huge sense of pressure, like a doomsday catastrophe, which made people feel uneasy.

The golden thunder roared, and the breath that made people feel like they were facing the power of heaven made the beasts in this hundred-mile forest roar uncomfortably.

All the beasts in the forest crawled on the ground, looking at the dark sky with fear in their eyes, and roared in fear...

On the mountainside of Shenfeng Mountain.

Big brown bear Xiong Da, giant panda Xiong Er, golden monkey Monkey King Wukong, and the little white fox Ali holding a mobile phone in his two little paws, all looked up at the dense thunder and lightning clouds in the sky.

Fear could not help but emerge in the huge and smart eyes...

From the golden color of the lightning and the familiar breath, they knew that this was the movement made by their boss...

Although they knew that the boss would not hurt them, a strong sense of fear still surged in their hearts!

"Wow wow wow……"

The baby in the palm of the Monkey King Wukong suddenly started crying... but there was not much fear in the pink eyes of the little white fox Ali, but rather longing!

"Chirp... No wonder Big Brother asked us not to go to the top of the mountain today... It turns out that Big Brother is going to become even more powerful!"

Seeing the golden thunder and lightning, the little white fox Ali had a lot of pictures in his mind for some reason...

On the top of Shenfeng Mountain, no one noticed that the spirit tree and the white jade bamboo began to sway autonomously without wind, absorbing a lot of spiritual energy from the air, as well as the energy of the golden thunder and lightning in the sky, and growing rapidly...

The mother white jade bamboo was growing wildly with several short daughter bamboos next to it... and the green buds on the branches and leaves of the spirit tree were expanding and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning red... In a few minutes, the buds bloomed and bloomed into bright red flowers...

Then these fiery red flowers quickly withered and produced green fruits, and these green fruits were growing at an extremely fast speed.……


The mountains and forests around Jianghai City


A huge roar of beasts sounded from a dense forest!

This roar was like the flame that triggered a bomb explosion. For a moment, all the beasts in the forest roared wildly!

The roar was like a tide! Countless weak animals trembled all over.……


Boom boom boom!

A large group of beasts rushed in one direction like a stream of water!

It was as if something was attracting them and making them flock to it!

This abnormal phenomenon was naturally noticed by the troops responsible for the alert outside Jianghai City.

"Oh my god! How could this group of beasts form such a huge beast tide?!"

"It would definitely be a disaster if this tide of beasts rushed towards Jianghai City behind us!"

"Hurry up and inform Jianghai City!"

When the reconnaissance team was anxiously preparing to send the evacuation information to the city, they were surprised to find that the direction of the beast tide that seemed to have no end had turned!

Rather than saying it was a turn, it was better to say that the direction of this huge beast tide was not Jianghai City behind them from the beginning!

This made everyone in the reconnaissance team feel relieved.……

"This is probably the first time such a large tide of beasts has occurred in the country, right?"

"I don't know where this group of beasts is going.……"

"This direction... seems to be Shenfeng Mountain on the southern outskirts of Jianghai City!"



At the same time, the upper echelons of Jianghai City also received information about the beast tide.

And the troops they sent to supervise the suburbs of Jianghai City also sent information that the weather there had changed dramatically, with dark clouds and thunderstorms in the dark clouds...

More importantly, the thunderstorms on the dark clouds in the sky were golden thunder!

In the conference room, the scene on the screen was exactly the situation of the dark clouds covering the suburbs of Jianghai City. This video was sent by the detection troops.

When the upper echelons of Jianghai City saw the golden thunder and lightning in the video, they all stood up!

"This is……"

"The last time the ancient giant bird on Shenfeng Mountain was in such a scene, the mutation and evolution became even more powerful... and defeated the army of our Daxia headquarters!"

"No! This time the thunderclouds cover a larger area!"

Mayor Lin stared at the dark clouds in the video for a long time without saying a word. According to the current situation, the giant bird of the ancient creature Shenfeng Mountain will mutate again and become even more powerful!

"Mayor, do you need to send our city's army to stop the mutation of ancient creatures?……"

"Yes, this ancient creature is already so powerful that even small and medium-sized missiles cannot destroy it. If it mutates and evolves again, I wonder how terrifying it will become!"

"Mayor, for the safety of our Jianghai City, you must send troops!"

The leaders of Jianghai City, who were present in the meeting room, wanted to send troops to suppress the evolution of ancient creatures!

They also had the strength to do so. After Daxia implemented the city-level autonomy, the firepower configuration of each city, except for nuclear weapons and some special weapons, was almost all obtained from Daxia headquarters.

However, Mayor Lin shook his head and rejected the proposal.

"First of all, we don't know exactly how the ancient giant bird evolved. It may have completed its evolution before we even started.……"

"In addition, we have an agreement with the ancient creature. If we break the agreement first and let the ancient creature escape... then our Jianghai City will be in great danger!"

The reason is that there is no 100% certainty of destroying the current ancient creature. If the ancient creature escapes, then their Jianghai City will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Alas, but we can't count on ancient creatures. What if they evolve and attack our Jianghai City?……"


Lin Cheng sighed.

Who told them that there was an extraordinary ancient giant bird outside Jianghai City?

"Don't talk about this. If you are not 100% sure of destroying the ancient creature, don't even think about attacking him."

"The spiritual energy cultivation method that is now being fully implemented in the city has a remarkable effect. Maybe in the future, that ancient creature will die in the hands of the twins with the highest spiritual energy qualifications in our Daxia!"

As soon as these words came out, the people who were originally a little depressed were shocked!


"Yes! I didn’t expect that there would be two people with S-level spiritual energy qualifications in Daxia, and I didn’t expect that they would appear in Jianghai City!"

"Speaking of"twin stars", it suddenly occurred to me that these two girls seemed to have a good relationship with the ancient giant bird and had been to the outskirts of Jianghai City.……"

"Let's talk about this later. Now let's take a look at the situation of the ancient fossils in Shenfeng Mountain. This is the most important thing at the moment.……"


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