Dark clouds rolled, and golden thunder roared and crossed each other, making bursts of roars and flashes of lightning!

Even those who are not afraid of thunder will be shocked by the golden thunder in the sky. However, there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of beasts on the ground. The number is too large, and the fatal attraction from the top of the mountain makes them ignore the pressure of the golden thunder in the sky above their heads.

In the golden ocean, there is a golden figure.

Ye Yang unconsciously spread his wings with a wingspan of nine meters, and his whole body was bathed in the golden sea of thunder.

"Tip: You are going through a transformation...please don't quit……"

The golden energy in his body was running wildly, attracting the surrounding electromagnetic field, making the dark clouds more surging, and the golden thunder became more and more powerful, as if it was pregnant with something terrifying...

Under the traction of Ye Yang, the golden thunder turned into golden energy, which continuously flowed into his body.

His limbs and bones quickly became stronger under this golden energy. His whole body was covered with golden thunder, absorbing the strong gravity brought by the power of thunder, so that he could stay in the air without flapping his wings.

Ye Yang looked down at the ground at this time. When he saw a huge tide of beasts on the ground surrounding his Shenfeng Mountain, a surge of anger surged in his heart! The golden pupils flashed with golden cold light!

"These beasts are simply courting death!"

Ye Yang, who was in the thunder of several thousand meters in the sky, was bathing in the thunder and preparing to transform, and did not notice the attraction coming from the top of his Shenfeng Mountain.

He couldn't understand why some beasts dared to come near his Shenfeng Mountain, and even went up the mountain.

If this was the case, it would be fine. There might be unknown reasons for this group of foreign beasts to invade his territory.

But what made him angry was that he also noticed that many of the beasts in the beast tide were beasts from his woodland forest.

"This bunch of ungrateful wolves!"

He silently labeled them dead in his heart.

However, despite Ye Yang's anger, he still stagnated in the golden thunder without moving.

He was now transforming and moving towards the next level of evolution, and he must not be interrupted.

Otherwise, all the previous efforts would be wasted, and he would have to accumulate energy again to break through.……


In the dense forest far away from Shenfeng Mountain.

A group of tall soldiers in camouflage uniforms stopped advancing. From their sturdy figures, white hair and blue pupils, it was not difficult to tell that they were foreigners.

This team was a special forces team from the Bear Country, and they were the elite among the elite.

Captain Qiao stared at the deep gullies on the ground, and his eyes followed the gullies and found that the direction of the gullies pointed to Shenfeng Mountain.

He took a breath of cold air.

"Hurrah! The creature that left the gully must be very powerful……"

"Could it be that the monsters in the Qinling Mountains of Daxia have rushed out?"

The faces of the Maoxiongguo team changed drastically. The days of sneaking in the Qinling Mountains were a fear they would never forget. There were too many monsters in the Qinling Mountains of Daxia.

Captain Qiao looked through the military telescope for a while and saw that Shenfeng Mountain was full of wild beasts.

His heart moved.

"So many powerful beasts are heading towards...Shenfeng Mountain...There must be something there that is attracting them!"

The blue pupils lit up!

Their mission this time is to obtain the genetic specimen of the ancient white-feathered eagle. It would be best if they could capture the white-feathered eagle alive so that their genetic serum from the Bear Country can develop rapidly.

But now it seems……

"Maybe there will be unexpected gains……"

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"Mission objective: Reach the top of Shenfeng Mountain as quickly as possible!"



"Suka Bulie!"


On the mountainside of Shenfeng Mountain, a brown wild boar as big as a small mountain lay quietly on the ground, motionless.

A group of wolves with drooling mouths approached the brown wild boar.

Powerful creatures not only represent danger, but also opportunities!

As long as the wolf pack eats this wild boar, the overall combat effectiveness will definitely be improved to a higher level!


At this moment, the wild boar, which had been standing still, let out a heavy breath.


The wolves scattered!

They didn't dare to challenge a wild boar that was much stronger than them.

The brown wild boar stood up from the ground and shook his dizzy head. He didn't know how he fell asleep. He only remembered a flash of pink light and then he lost consciousness.

Then his pupils, as big as footballs, looked at the fleeing wolves with contempt.


He knew that the wolves thought he was dead and wanted to eat his flesh and blood, but even if he stood still, the fangs of these weak creatures could not break his tough skin.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, the attraction attracted him more and more.

He couldn't miss such a great opportunity!


As soon as he took a step, his body paused.

The huge body with brown mane trembled all over, and an extremely cold breath locked onto him. He turned around with a trembling body and saw a huge black creature... a snake!

What a big snake!

I don't know when, the mountainside that was originally full of beasts was left with only this giant black snake and a big brown wild boar. The black giant snake was as black as ink, exuding an extremely cold breath, and the mountain wind became even colder. The long body looked at least twenty meters long!

The snake's body was more than three meters wide!

Each of the black scales on its body was as big as a plate, reflecting a bright and hard color in the sun.

A pair of pupils that stood up like a devil were full of haze and chilling.

This appearance, just looking at it, can make many humans faint directly.

The big brown wild boar, his whole body tensed up, and without hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain!

Because he was here���Not only did he sense a dangerous aura from the terrifying giant snake, he also sensed a murderous intent!


But soon, a snake cry that penetrated deep into the bone marrow fell into my ears.

A strong smell of blood came!


The brown wild boar was tripped by the giant snake, and the huge snake body wrapped around it...

It looked like a zongzi.


The brown wild boar let out a feeble roar!

Unable to break free from its restraints,……


With a crisp sound, the bones and internal organs of the brown wild boar were shattered at the same time.


The black giant snake loosened its body and quickly rushed to the top of the mountain.

Only a brown wild boar corpse was left.

After a while, the beasts that were scared away by the black giant snake rushed over from the foot of the mountain again.

Looking at the body of the brown wild boar, their eyes lit up and a new round of fighting began again...

However, few beasts in the beast tide moved up again, because they clearly felt from the black giant snake that with the black giant snake there, they had no chance at all...

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