The blue fire wave was like a hat, perfectly covering the top of Shenfeng Mountain. The top of the mountain was shattered, and the huge shock wave generated by the explosion was transmitted to the mountain below...

The entire 800-meter mountain of Shenfeng Mountain was shaking violently, and the shaking amplitude was getting bigger and bigger... Finally, it staggered and smashed towards the ground...


A loud thunderclap!

The ground within a radius of dozens of kilometers shook!

The trees in the nearby area were knocked down by the shock wave of the mountain, stirring up dust in a range of several kilometers.

The dust and haze blocked people's vision, making it difficult for the Jianghaicheng reconnaissance team on the helicopter to see the situation on the ground.

"I didn't expect these guys to have such powerful firepower.……"

"It's incredible. They didn't carry any heavy firepower equipment, but they were able to blow up a mountain... The military strength of the Bear Country is very strong."

"Are all the beasts on the mountaintop dead?!"

"Probably not, those beasts that can 'speak human language' are not so easy to die, this level of explosion power cannot kill them!"

"Well... I don't believe that the black python died just like that."

The members of the Jianghai City reconnaissance team nodded and agreed with this view.

After two months of confirmation by the Daxia Intelligence Department, the beast that could"speak human language" was compared with the"level of fierce beasts" sent by the mysterious organization."D-"Level of fierce beast."D-"

The explosion caused by the Bear Country team was indeed very powerful, blowing up a mountain, but it certainly could not destroy these powerful beasts, especially the black python that was more than 20 meters long.

"It's a pity that the spiritual fruit produced by the big tree on the top of the mountain is gone."

"Yes, if the fiery red spiritual fruit is obtained by our Jianghai City, it will definitely help us improve the spiritual energy cultivation system of Jianghai City.……"

The leader of the reconnaissance team did not speak, but looked around with a telescope.

He seemed to see a golden flash passing by when the blue fire wave engulfed the top of Shenfeng Mountain.……

"Could it be that the ancient giant bird has returned?"

His mind was tense, and he suddenly looked up. Unconsciously, the golden thunder and dark clouds in the sky were gradually dissipating.……

"This...the mutation of the ancient giant bird is over!"

"Quick! Get out of here!"



At the same time, the collapse of Shenfeng Mountain startled the beasts waiting in the distance.

Hundreds of thousands of beasts watched the collapse of Shenfeng Mountain with doubtful eyes. In their cognition, no creature had ever been able to have such a destructive power!

Just a few breaths later, a palpitating breath came instantly.




"Woo woo woo……"

Without any signs, this palpitating breath suddenly became stronger, like a huge mountain pressing down on them, making their bodies unable to stand up and being pressed to the ground. They trembled all over and lost control of their bodies.

Hundreds of thousands of wild beasts also realized the seriousness of the matter, with panic in their eyes...

They knew that something was wrong with their bodies. This was the breath emitted by a powerful creature that shocked their hearts and made them instinctively succumb deep in their bodies...

And the creature that emitted this powerful breath... was even more powerful than the black giant snake that made them evacuate from the mountains to here!

However, some of the wild beasts in the beast tide were even more panicked, because they were very familiar with this vast and powerful breath. This was the breath of the golden giant bird, the lord of the entire territory!


Thinking of this, the tens of thousands of wild beasts living in this hundred-mile mountain forest became even more panicked.

Out of their desire for the mountain top, they stepped into the mountain territory of the lord golden giant bird. This was simply seeking death!

But no matter how they struggled, they could not control their bodies. The vast aura steadily suppressed their minds!


A few kilometers away from the collapse of Shenfeng Mountain, in a wide mountain forest.

Several huge wild beasts were sitting on the ground, gasping for breath. They were a big brown bear, a giant panda, a golden ape, and a nine-tailed little white fox holding a mobile phone in its two paws.

Beside them, there stood a huge figure.

The entire huge body was bathed in an extremely rich golden light, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Soon, as the golden lightning energy in Ye Yang's body converged, the extreme golden light disappeared into his body.

Ye Yang looked at the fiery red fruit on the spiritual tree next to him, and felt the powerful attraction. Only then did he understand why the beast tide came to step into his Shenfeng Mountain territory.

"Fortunately, the timing came in time, otherwise my little brother, the spirit tree and the white jade bamboo would all be gone.……"

After the evolution just now, Ye Yang immediately swooped down to the top of the mountain, and his three younger brothers did not let him down.

Before the blue fire wave engulfed the top of the mountain, the big brown bear Xiong Da and the monkey king Wukong directly pulled up the spiritual tree, and the giant panda Xiong Er rushed to the white jade bamboo.

When he finally arrived, he could easily take them away.

Looking at the big brown bear Xiong Da sitting on the ground and breathing heavily, Ye Yang nodded secretly in his heart.

"Evolved to‘C-’After reaching the next level, I finally caught up with the size of the big brown bear.……"

Birds are naturally not as big as bears. Before his evolutionary level was raised, Ye Yang weighed only half as much as a big brown bear.

But now he feels that his weight is about the same as a big brown bear, and his size looks even more amazing.

A pair of twelve-meter wings that seem to be made of high-purity gold. Even if the lightning energy in his body is restrained, under the light, his whole body still emits bursts of dazzling golden light.

"Such a powerful force……"

A humming sound was heard

"Chirp! Big brother, have you evolved successfully?!"

The little white fox Ahri wagged his furry tail, looking like a curious baby.

Ye Yang nodded,"Yes, it was successful."

"Chuchu...but why do I feel...that my brother hasn't changed at all……"

"We'll talk about this later, let's deal with those bold trash first."

The little white fox Ahri's big pink eyes lit up,"Chirp! Big brother, those bold and rude guys... actually made big brother lose his territory!"

"Tweet! We must teach them a lesson!"




With a loud sonic boom in the air, Ye Yang's huge figure instantly disappeared from the spot!

A few seconds later, a few kilometers away, hundreds of thousands of wild beasts crawling and trembling on the ground suddenly trembled more violently, and the creature that exuded a powerful and suffocating aura was approaching.……


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