The huge hurricane formed a powerful wind pressure that rushed towards Ye Yang!

Ye Yang's gray feathers danced violently in the wind, and at the same time, his heart condensed! A powerful crisis is approaching!

If he is hit, he will die miserably!

He looked unwillingly at the white jade bamboo that was about to break out of the ground, and immediately gritted his teeth.

The claws loosened and left the spot!


The next second, a big pit appeared on the ground next to the white jade bamboo, and there was a huge black monster, which was the big black wild boar!

The big black wild boar raised its head and made a protest sound to the big bird in the sky, and at the same time, its eyes were contemptuous, as if to say that this little bird dared to steal his things, it was really looking for death!

Ye Yang in the air completely ignored the mocking expression of the big wild boar, but looked down at the white jade bamboo on the ground, thinking and pondering in his heart.

"This big guy reacts really fast.……"

"How can I snatch the white bamboo from this giant pig?……"

Ye Yang, who had tasted the benefits of Bai Yuzhu, knew that the thing in front of him was a treasure that was very important to him and could make him stronger quickly.

However, now that he had failed to steal the chicken for the first time, the big wild boar must be very vigilant and would not leave Bai Yuzhu.

And he was far less powerful than the big wild boar, so it was impossible for him to take Bai Yuzhu away from the big wild boar.

"Is there really no way out?"

Anyway, this wild boar can't fly, so he has enough time to think, so Ye Yang is not very nervous.

""Eh... got it!"

Ye Yang glanced at the brown bear lying in a pool of blood not far away, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind!


He flapped his wings and came to the top of the brown bear.

"coo coo……"

The brown bear, who was knocked unconscious by the wild boar, gradually opened his eyes.

He saw a small grey eagle in the sky and wanted to roar to drive it away, but he felt a sharp pain all over his body.


The brown bear slowly stood up, and when he saw the big wild boar guarding the white jade bamboo not far away, he remembered that it was a critical moment!

He wanted to stand up and run away!

"coo coo……"

A grey eagle landed and blocked his way.

The brown bear did not move, but bared its fangs in hostility towards the eagle that blocked its way. If he were in his usual state, he would not have such a good temper, and any creature that appeared in front of him would be torn to pieces by him, but now he was seriously injured. Although his physical condition was very low, his brain was very sensitive to danger.

He felt a strong sense of crisis from this grey eagle that was much smaller than him, which was the reason why he stopped.

Ye Yang got straight to the point, raised his golden claws, and pointed at the big black wild boar that was alert to them not far away.

It was self-evident that he wanted the brown bear to deal with the big wild boar.

Seeing the pupils in the brown bear's eyes shrink, Ye Yang knew that the brown bear should have understood what he meant.

The brown bear was originally the overlord of nature, and this was not only in terms of body, but also in terms of IQ which far exceeded other creatures.

Now that all things are blessed by spiritual energy, this brown bear is so big and smarter than before.


After thinking for a while, the brown bear growled and turned to walk slowly towards the big wild boar.

Ye Yang couldn't help but secretly marvel at the wisdom of the brown bear, because if the brown bear didn't cooperate with him, he didn't need to do anything and just left, and the big wild boar wouldn't let the brown bear leave.

After all, the big wild boar was worried about the brown bear leaving, and once the injury was healed, it would pose a huge threat to him.


Seeing that the brown bear dared to approach here, the big wild boar gave a warning and angry roar.

When the brown bear ignored his warning and was gradually approaching, the big wild boar was angry and went into a rampage state, rushing straight over!


The sound of heavy objects colliding, there is no doubt that the seriously injured brown bear is no match for this big wild boar!

As the saying goes, one bear, two pigs and three tigers still makes some sense.

Ye Yang also seized the opportunity and quietly came to the white jade bamboo.

The golden claws grabbed the bamboo joints of the white jade bamboo fiercely...

As soon as it touched the white jade bamboo, a gust of wind blew from not far away!

A huge breath was approaching rapidly!

Ye Yang knew that this was the big wild boar back, but this time he did not let go of the bamboo joints of the white jade bamboo.

Because after his last power not long ago, the roots of the white jade bamboo buried in the ground had been very loose, and it was easy to leave the ground!


Ye Yang exerted a little force and easily pulled out the white jade bamboo with his claws.

He quickly flapped his wings and took off into the air!


Just as Ye Yang took off into the air, the ground shook, and a half-meter-deep pit appeared where the white jade bamboo was before!

The big black wild boar raised its head, panting with anger, and its pair of eyes as big as light bulbs were full of blood!

""Ahhh!!!" Ye Yang roared with extreme anger at the eagle in the sky that stole his treasure!

Ye Yang didn't care and ignored the angry big wild boar on the ground.

His golden pupils looked at the brown bear that was fleeing away not far away.

At this time, the brown bear, which was originally seriously injured, was hit by the brute force of the big black wild boar, and his injuries became more serious. He staggered and fled away at a very slow speed.

If Ye Yang just flapped his wings and flew away, then this seriously injured brown bear would face an extremely angry big black wild boar, and the result... it's a bit scary to think about it.

"If it weren't for the brown bear, it would take a lot of time to get the white bamboo.……"

"Oh... never mind, just help me……"

Thinking of this, Ye Yang, who was flying in the air with his claws grabbing the white jade bamboo, descended a distance at the right time and did not fly high.

This made the angry big black wild boar on the ground look shocked, and then happy!

He thought that the eagle in front of him could not bear the weight of the treasure!

This treasure will definitely fall to the ground, and the treasure still belongs to him!

Immediately, roars followed Ye Yang, who was only a dozen meters above the ground, and ran away.

Ye Yang controlled the height, distance and speed just right, as if there was an invisible fishing line, holding the big black wild boar and moving away. After dozens of minutes, Ye Yang could no longer see the figure of the brown bear in his extremely farsighted vision. Then he looked down at the persevering wild boar on the ground.

"Goodbye, silly pig!"


He turned into a gray figure and rushed into the sky, disappearing from the wild boar's sight.

The wild boar, who was originally roaring excitedly, was stunned, his eyes widened, and then his high roar of anger resounded throughout the forest!

In the dark night, there was silence, and this angry roar spread extremely far.

In the distance, in a cave, a brown bear covered in blood was lying on the ground, and the roar was heard on his round head.

A pair of eyes reflecting green light in the darkness looked thoughtfully at the source of the sound...

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