The big trees beside the road seemed to be swept by a typhoon, with their thick trunks shaking violently and leaves falling.

If you listen carefully, you can hear bursts of rapid and heavy breathing in the green forest.

The scene at this moment is like the beginning of the appearance of monsters in a science fiction horror movie.

The outdoor anchor who was eating instant noodles on the road noticed that something was wrong around him, frowned, and didn't know why his heart was throbbing.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and his face turned pale!

"Damn it! That wild beast from the suburbs is not going to rush over here!"

Immediately dropped the instant noodles in my hand, got into the car, pulled the handbrake, and wanted to drive away from here.

But a light bulb went off in my head! Stop the action... muttering to himself

"If this is really the mysterious beast in the dense forest outside the city, it will definitely bring me a lot of benefits!"

The closed car gave him a strong enough sense of security.

When he thought of this, he quickly controlled the drone to rush here!

"Damn! Why is the camera shaking so much? Are you doing some kind of craft, host?"

"That’s right, in the middle of the day, the anchor looks like a young man who can’t control himself!"

"Look! Something seems to be wrong with that forest... Why is it shaking so violently?"

Soon someone carefully discovered something was wrong with the forest on the ground through the camera.

A patch of trees was actually shaking slightly. Although the amplitude was small, it still attracted the attention of many people.

After all, these trees are generally decades or even hundreds of years old. Under the influence of spiritual energy, their growth is even more amazing. Now they are actually shaking. There must be something abnormal!

Sure enough, in a relatively open forest, a huge black figure appeared in the camera!

"What kind of black monster is this? It can't be a monster!"

"Damn! Even a small truck is not so powerful!"

""Oh my god! It's a big wild boar!"

The speed was very fast. If this black monster that looked like a small truck had not stopped, they would not have known that the creature running wildly on the land was actually a large wild boar!

Although it was a camera shot, the huge size of the wild boar and the two tusks on its head that were more than half a meter long made everyone feel terrified.

"This thing is definitely a wild beast in the suburbs!"

"This is the first time I have seen such a big wild boar! It must be at least five meters long! Almost as tall as two people! Even bigger than an elephant!"

"It seems that I should go less outdoors in the future, as the national announcement about the dangers in the wilderness turns out to be true!"

"I guess this is not only the case in Daxia, but also in other countries on Blue Star.……"

"This is nonsense! Many countries are now relocating the population of towns near mountainous areas.……"

"I really don't know what will happen to us humans in the future.……"

"Damn it! Streamer, stop broadcasting! Run away! That wild boar is charging at you!"

"What?"The outdoor live broadcaster, who was laughing as he watched the number of people in the live broadcast room reach 500,000 and the gifts falling down, glanced at the barrage inadvertently.

The barrage was full of words like"Danger!","Run!","Open the banquet!" He immediately looked at the live broadcast screen and found that it was the big wild boar approaching here!

This scene instantly made the outdoor anchor feel cold in his heart, and he immediately started the car and wanted to escape from here.


The roar of the car starting scared the big black wild boar approaching here!

Then, the light bulb-sized eyeballs turned red and angry!

All the wild beasts along the way did not dare to approach him and hid far away, but the strange creature in front of him saw him approaching and not only did not leave, but also dared to demonstrate to him!

It was really courting death!


With an angry roar, the strong muscles in the truck burst into power instantly, showing an extremely terrifying momentum and rushing towards the moving car!


Bang! Bang!

The car that was hit was like a toy model, flying more than ten meters away and rolling on the ground……


The big wild boar looked at the creature that was blown away with disdain. Such a weak guy dared to ignore him and was really looking for death.

Then he ran towards the depths of the dense forest. He remembered that this direction was the direction where the thief bird left.

Live broadcast room

"Anchor? Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance?"

"Do you think you are filming a movie?! The car was knocked more than ten meters away by the wild boar and rolled so many times on the ground that the people would have been unconscious!"

"Experts suggest notifying the crematorium directly! The whole village should prepare for the feast!"

"The anchor is driving a domestic car! Domestic cars are so safe! If it was a small car from Sakura Country, the car and the people would have fallen apart long ago!"

No wonder the people in the live broadcast room started to joke, because in the camera footage, they saw that the outdoor anchor was not dead, let alone unconscious! He sat steadily in the driver's seat of the car, and the airbag perfectly protected him.

"Hiss... Fortunately, I wore my seat belt this time, otherwise... Fortunately, I didn't have the money to buy a domestic car.……"

Then he staggered to open the car door and walked out, his thighs shaking.

Especially when he saw the part of the front of the car that was hit, the iron sheet was dented, and the paint on the whole car looked terrible because of the friction with the ground, as if it had been in a tragic car accident.

But the car looked so cruel, and it was actually caused by a big wild boar!

If he and the audience in the live broadcast room hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be impossible to believe such a thing!

"The anchor must have good fortune after surviving a disaster! Quickly control the drone to see where the big wild boar has gone?"

"Yes! The wild boar looked like it was going to fight!"

"Hurry, hurry! Here comes the gift! Keep tracking the drone!"

""Anchor, you are outside Jianghai City, don't force us to block you at the entrance of Jianghai City!"

The outdoor anchor saw the barrage of comments urging him to continue the drone shooting and shook his head.

Although the drone shooting did not require him to be on the scene or face the terrifying wild boar, he had to know that the drone was extremely power-consuming.

It was still unknown where the wild boar was going to go. If the drone was filming in a very far place, he would not be able to retrieve it!

Moreover... he always felt it was dangerous to have the wild boar in the forest.

Ignore the gift, life is more important.

"Dear audience, next time we……"

Just as the outdoor anchor was about to end the live broadcast and evacuate the place, a message came from the background. When he opened it, his eyes widened!

It turned out to be the Jianghai City official!

Jianghai City official: Please continue to use the drone to film the whereabouts of the wild boar, and all losses will be reimbursed afterwards, and there will be a reward of 100,000 Daxia coins!

"Reimburse all losses... Reward 100,000 Great Xia Coins……"

The outdoor anchor narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth!

"Do it!"

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