Finally, after the brown bear stared at the bamboo forest intently, the silly giant panda was willing to follow the brown bear.

The two bears explored the area around the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, one in front and one behind.

The brown bear raised his head and sniffed the air. His sense of smell is very developed and he can smell the fragrance of food from a few kilometers away.

But looking at his big belly, full of muscle and fat, it is obvious that he is not hungry and is not looking for food.

It turned out that the brown bear's injuries had almost recovered. After he had a certain degree of mobility, he recalled that he had lost the white bamboo treasure because of the appearance of the wild boar a few days ago. He was very annoyed and let the bird get away with it.

But the last battle also reminded him that there are many animals in this area that can threaten him.

So he joined forces with similar giant pandas with similar breath, and prepared to look for treasures like the glowing bamboo.


Sensing something, the bear

's face changed and it turned around and roared at the person behind it. The giant panda following the brown bear responded reluctantly and followed him hesitantly. It was really painful for him to leave the bamboo forest.

Suddenly, the brown bear leading the way noticed something and immediately ran in one direction.

The giant panda behind him looked back at the bamboo forest in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and ran in the direction of the brown bear.


Ye Yang flew for two hours, across hundreds of miles, and arrived at the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve.

Compared with the previous times, his speed was much faster.

"The place with the most spiritual energy in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve doesn't seem to be that good."

After arriving here, Ye Yang's first thing was to find the place with the most spiritual energy in this area. He was surprised to find that the concentration of spiritual energy was not much different from the mountaintop where he lived now.

This means there is no need to move.

Then he looked around with a pair of golden eyes, and all the conditions on the ground within a radius of more than ten kilometers were in full view, and he did not find anything abnormal.

Because he knew before that spiritual fruits were very rare and difficult to find, he was not disappointed.

Soon he saw a surprising phenomenon.

More than ten kilometers away, a group of golden monkeys were arguing and fighting fiercely.

"Let's go and have a look!"


The white figure quickly flew towards the monkey group!

When he arrived near the monkey group, Ye Yang finally understood why these monkeys were fighting!

In front of them was a tree that was as thick as a man's waist and more than ten meters tall!

The branches and leaves were lush and the shade was thick!

Most importantly, this tree was absorbing spiritual energy all over its body, making the spiritual energy content in this area very high.

"Big trees can also absorb spiritual energy?"

Suddenly, a light flashed through Ye Yang's mind!

"If these big trees can also absorb spiritual energy, then does that mean the red spiritual fruit trees we ate before also have this effect!"

"Forget it, let's think about how to deal with this big tree first.……"

The golden pupils looked up and down. Although this tree was only ten meters high and not as tall as the surrounding trees, it was not something Ye Yang could move away now.

"Are we moving?"

Suddenly, Ye Yang was sensitive to a strange breath approaching here. He turned his head and saw two big guys moving through the jungle.

His pupils narrowed.

"It turned out to be the injured brown bear... There is a giant panda behind it!"

Ye Yang recognized it immediately. This is the brown bear that cooperated with him to help him get the white jade bamboo. He was amazed at the strong recovery ability of the brown bear. With such a serious injury, it was full of energy in just a few days.

What surprised him even more was that there was a giant panda behind this brown bear. It turned out that bears have high IQs. When they determine that there are dangerous changes in nature, they will start to unite

"Did this giant panda eat something precious? It is almost the same size as a brown bear……"

He remembered that in nature, brown bears are several sizes larger than giant pandas.

"This is unscientific... That's right, it must be because of the spiritual energy."

While Ye Yang was thinking and observing, brown bears and giant pandas who sensed the rich spiritual energy here also came to the scene.


Without saying anything, he roared and shook off dozens of monkeys.

Then he came to the big tree with a big smile, his black eyes shining, what a rich spiritual energy!

The giant panda came here slowly and found that the spiritual energy here was rich, his eyes shining, but when he looked around, he couldn't find his favorite bamboo, and he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

The golden monkeys that were scattered by the roar of the bears ran to a big tree not far away and stood there, watching the two big bears occupying their territory. They scratched their ears and cheeks anxiously, and made angry barking sounds.

Soon they quieted down and looked behind them.

A huge golden figure kept jumping out of the woods. From the figure, it can be seen that it is the same kind of golden monkey.

"But this size is a bit too big!"

Ye Yang's golden pupils widened!

In his sight, a three-meter-tall, burly golden monkey jumped over from a distance. His sturdy body made him stand out among the golden monkeys.

With the awe-inspiring eyes of dozens of golden monkeys around him, there was no doubt that this was a monkey king. The monkey king was holding a long gray stick!

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

Seeing their monkey king coming back from outside, the golden monkeys that were arguing over their position surrounded him, pointed at the two big bears under the spiritual tree in the distance, and reported to the monkey king in a chattering voice.

Without the golden monkeys telling him, the monkey king also discovered the two big bears that occupied their territory!


He made a protesting sound to the two big bears in the distance, leaped between the trees, and ran towards the two big bears!

The brown bears had also discovered the Monkey King a long time ago, but they didn't take it seriously.

In their impression, if this kind of monkey was not agile and fast in climbing trees, it would have been included in the menu of their bears.

But he didn't expect that this slightly larger monkey would challenge him?

Looking for death!

The bear showed dozens of fangs more than ten centimeters long in its mouth, and rushed towards the Monkey King with explosive power!

The giant panda was shocked when he found the Monkey King appeared. What a big monkey!

What does he want to do! Don't come over!

Turn around and jump into the bushes In the forest, big black eyes were watching here...

Just when the two figures collided with each other, a flash of white light passed by.


The sound of heavy objects colliding!

The Monkey King and the brown bear soared into the sky, flew dozens of meters in the same direction, and fell heavily to the ground.

The Monkey King stood up, his pair of light yellow eyes widened and looked at the white figure vigilantly, but he didn't expect it to be a big white bird!

The brown bear shook off the dust on his body, and his eyes were locked on the big white bird that blew him away!

Suddenly, he didn't know what he thought of, and the fierce bear face showed surprise!

He actually felt a familiar breath from this big white bird...

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