After Ye Yang left, the forest ranger in the outpost quickly uploaded the video to the military department of Daxia.

Everything that happened here was known to the upper echelons of Daxia, causing an uproar.

Ye Yang certainly didn't know about this, and he wouldn't care if he knew.

At this moment, he brought the brown bear, the giant panda and the monkey king to a place not far from the cave.

The claws loosened and dropped three spiritual fruits in front of them. These spiritual fruits were found in the truck, and then flew towards the cave towards the figure...

Looking at the inconspicuous fruits in front of them, the three animals' bodies were filled with desire, and a voice in their hearts told them that as long as they ate these fruits, they would become stronger!

At the same time, the changes in the terrifying big white bird just now appeared in their minds. It disappeared in just a moment...

This big white bird has become stronger again!

Although its size is not as big as theirs, it has changed from one-fifth of the original to one-third of the current one, and its appearance is still the same, but the momentum that can't help but reveal makes them afraid.

It seems that as long as this big white bird moves its pair of snow-white claws, their bodies will be easily torn apart.

You know, this big white bird already possessed strength far beyond theirs, and now that it has grown a lot, they are no longer its opponent!

The brown bear opened his mouth impatiently to swallow the spiritual fruit in front of him. A heat surged through his body, and he clearly felt that his body had become a little stronger.

He licked his lips, and then looked at the spiritual fruit in front of the Monkey King with shining eyes. The Monkey King reacted quickly and immediately jumped onto the tree and swallowed the spiritual fruit in one gulp. Soon, he reacted like the brown bear, with unsatisfied desire.

The giant panda, who was a little slow to react, finally reacted and immediately opened his mouth to swallow it.

It’s sweet and delicious... It makes my body feel so good...

How can there be food in the world that is more delicious than tender bamboo leaves...

The little black eyes are full of the happiness of a foodie.

At the same time, the three animals no longer have the idea of escaping for the time being. This powerful big white bird did not kill them, and there is also this kind of fruit that can increase strength. They have no plans to run away for the time being.


Ye Yang had a firm grasp of the three animals' thoughts.

Anyway, the three spiritual fruits contained less spiritual energy, and it was better to use the three spiritual fruits to appease the three animals than to eat them by himself.

He could also force the three animals to submit with his own strength, but Ye Yang did not choose to do so.

These three animals were so intelligent that they would definitely be helpful to him in the future. He would have to put in some effort to subdue them.

In the cave.

Sure enough, Ye Yang's level was raised to"E+"After his body became stronger, the magnetic field pressure in the cave was significantly reduced.

He was able to barely maintain his flight and soon reached the deepest part of the cave.

His eyes, reflecting the green light in the darkness, looked up at the inconspicuous stone on the top of the cave. If it weren't for his intuitive inspiration, he wouldn't have noticed anything even if the stone was placed in front of him.

"I hope the value of this stone is worth all the time I've spent on it."


A slight sound came from the silent cave!

Ye Yang flapped his wings violently and flew towards the cave!

Although his level has been upgraded and his body and strength have become much stronger, the huge pressure deep in the cave still affects him all the time. It was very difficult to fly, and every time his wings flapped, it seemed as if there was a pressure of a small mountain on it.

Finally, after spending half a day, he finally reached a height of more than 20 meters above the top of the cave.

He opened his beak and bit the inconspicuous stone of his target, and then he could no longer hold on and fell to the ground with a bang.

He stood up and shook off the dust on his feathers, and looked carefully at the stone on the ground in front of him.

The stone was only a few dozen centimeters in size and oval in shape. In front of Ye Yang's huge body, it was just an inconspicuous little stone.

On the ground of the cave, looking at the stone on the ground in front of him, he still couldn't see anything special.

"Forget it, just use your claws!"


The white claws slammed hard on the stone that was several dozen centimeters in size, but it did not cause the damage that he had imagined.

However, this was also within Ye Yang's expectations. The long stick in the Monkey King's hand was obtained from the cave, and this special stone should be made of the same material as the long stick.

"So what on earth is this thing and what use is it to me?"

"Tip: Your Supreme Breath Cell is very eager for what is in front of it, and decides to stop being angry at you and start running again.……"

"Tip: Your ignorance makes the Supreme Breath Cell feel very ashamed, and it tells you in an angry tone that this is the egg of a powerful creature.……"

"Hmm? The arrogant supreme breath cells are coming out again?"

"Damn! This stone is an egg!"

Ye Yang suddenly jumped back, his golden pupils widened, and the green light from his eyes, which reflected in the dark, locked onto the stone on the ground.

"Could a monkey jump out of the stone?"

Thinking back to what the Supreme Breath Cell said, Ye Yang guessed that the Supreme Breath Cell wanted to devour the egg because it was laid by a powerful creature. If the

Supreme Breath Cell, which was always arrogant, could produce several intense reactions, then eating it would have unimaginable benefits for the Supreme Breath Cell, that is, his body.

But the problem was that Ye Yang could not damage the surface of the egg, so how could he devour it?

Would he swallow the whole stone egg?

He was not brave enough to do that. Although he had some confidence in his digestive system, he did not dare to swallow the stone egg of unknown origin.

"Forget it, I'll just take it for now. When I level up, I'll definitely be able to find a way to digest this stone egg."

"Wait, this is the egg of a powerful creature... Then what kind of creature can produce such a hard egg?"

You know, the explosive force generated by Ye Yang's casual swing of a claw can destroy the truck compartment, but it can't destroy a stone egg. If a stone egg is so hard, how strong are its parents?

Looking at the murals on the stone wall on one side,"Could it be that the scenes recorded in these pictures are all true? There was once an unknown history where a powerful beast appeared.……"

"So... where did those powerful beasts and humans go?……"

For some reason, after knowing that the stone in front of him was a stone egg, he always felt that this cave was a little strange...

Suddenly, his whole body tensed up!

Because he thought of a terrible thing!

The cave he was standing in now might be part of the body of the giant beast! As this thought came out, he became more and more certain!

"Damn it... It's not a good place to stay for long, let's run!"

The bird grabbed a stone in its claws and quickly ran towards the cave entrance. The dark cave once again returned to the abyss-like silence it had been in for years...

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