On the other side, two young girls got out of a car on the road.

Li Minmin looked at the dense forest of tall trees in front of her and couldn't help swallowing.

She turned to Ran Xiaoyue and said,"Xiao Yueyue... do we really want to go into this dense forest? It's too dangerous... did you watch the last live video? There was a monster bird in it!"

Ran Xiaoyue looked at her best friend Li Minmin who had changed her mind at the last minute with some dissatisfaction.

"If you don't want to go, don't go. I didn't ask you to follow me!"

He passed by Li Minmin and quickly went into the dense forest.

Li Minmin rolled her eyes and hurriedly chased after him.

""Okay! Since that little sparrow saved me, I'll go with you to find him."

A smile appeared on Ran Xiaoyue's delicate face.

Because she knew that Li Minmin was just being stubborn, and wanted to find the little phoenix just like her.

After the two girls left Ye Yang in the suburbs of Jianghai City, they were always worried about the safety of the little sparrow who saved them. They originally thought that the smart little sparrow who could understand human language would fly back, but after waiting for so many days, the two girls began to worry.


Today, we drove to the suburbs of Jianghai City to look for the little sparrow.

It is so difficult to find a fist-sized sparrow within a radius of 100 miles. It is easy to find a sparrow the size of a fist. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!

What's more, it's possible that the little sparrow and the little phoenix have left the forest, regained their freedom and went to other places.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin obviously knew it... and now the suburbs are very dangerous, there is also a terrifying ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle!

But there is no way, the two girls have a deep affection for the little sparrow hatched in their dormitory, although they have been together for a few days.

They first came to the place where the wolves appeared, but it was destined to be futile and they didn't find anything.

Reluctantly, they continued to search carefully in this forest.

"Hey...Xiao Yueyue, stop looking for her now. Just take a rest and eat. I’m starving!"

"All right……"

The two girls sat in front of a flat stone and took out portable food such as bread and fruit from their backpacks.

They ate and talked.

"Xiao Yueyue, it's no use looking like this... and this place is too dangerous.……"

Li Minmin said with some concern that although they had not encountered any danger just now, they heard several tiger roars and wolf howls in the forest, which meant that there were a lot of predators in the forest.

"I know you miss that little sparrow and little phoenix...but you can't risk your life to find him!"

Hearing this, Ran Xiaoyue took a bite of the soft bread and nodded silently.


"Minmin, don't worry, I know... I just can't bear not finding Little Phoenix. If I can't find Little Phoenix in the suburbs this time, I will give up this idea.……"

"Phew... Then I feel relieved.……"

Li Minmin suggested,"This is already deep in the jungle, let's go back now, I believe the little phoenix will come to find us in the future!"

"All right……"

""Ah!!! Bear!!!"

Ran Xiaoyue looked behind her best friend Li Minmin, and saw a bear as big as a small truck! And it was a panda! It was five meters behind Li Minmin!

Li Minmin, who was chewing bread, stopped, blocked her mouth with the bread, and slowly turned her head...

A panda with a cute face appeared in front of her...

But why is the giant panda as big as a small truck!

It is at least three meters tall! It is five meters long! What made the two girls even more terrified was that the giant panda was drooling at the corners of its mouth and staring at them!


Li Minmin swallowed the bread in her mouth with difficulty, and then slowly pulled Ran Xiaoyue back.

The giant panda was also drooling, staring at the two girls with shining eyes, and slowly approached with its paws...

The two girls were desperate, their faces were pale, and their legs were shaking...

Although the giant panda had not launched an attack and looked very cute, the huge difference in size made Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue feel uncontrollable fear and despair in their hearts.

"It's over! Xiao Yueyue, we are really dead this time!"

"Minmin, it's all my fault. If I hadn't dragged you to the suburbs to find Little Phoenix, you wouldn't have been in danger.……"

"No... I came here voluntarily, I don't blame you, Xiaoyue.……"


At this moment, a clear sound came from the giant panda's mouth.

The two girls were stunned, because this was not the sound of an animal hunting.

Then they paid attention to the giant panda's expression and were surprised to find that the giant panda's dark eyes seemed to be staring at the bread in Li Minmin's hand.

"Could it be……"

Li Minmin slowly raised the bread in her hand, and saw that the giant panda's eyes had shifted, staring at the bread in her hand!

She immediately threw it far away!

Then she pulled Ran Xiaoyue and ran back without looking back!

But more than ten seconds later, accompanied by the violent shaking of the surrounding ground, a huge black and white figure blocked their way.

Seeing the giant panda's dark eyes shining like stars, they knew that the giant panda meant that it still wanted bread.

"The bread is all for you!"

The two women quickly opened the bread packaging bags and threw all the bread in front of the panda.


The giant panda ate more than half of the food in one mouthful, making a happy sound, and finished it in a short while.


The giant panda made a clear cry towards the two girls.

It looked very cute. The two girls knew that it was asking for bread, but now all their bread was gone!

They had completely given up on running away, after all, the speed shown by the giant panda just now was far beyond theirs.

Li Minmin stopped Ran Xiaoyue behind her and shook her head with a pale face,"The bread is gone.……"

The giant panda wrinkled its nose, not smelling the delicious smell, and had a look of disappointment on its face. It spread its paws and sat there, leaning against a rock and taking a nap, seemingly savoring the delicious food. Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"This giant panda is so big and cute! It looks pretty smart."

"After the aura appeared, I haven't seen a panda this big.……"

"Let's leave here first.……"


Ran Xiaoyue's eyes lit up!

This giant panda seems to be very intelligent, so it is possible that it knows where the little phoenix is!

After all, the little phoenix is also growing very fast, can understand human language and has high intelligence!

"Don't go there, the panda is in danger……"

Ignoring Li Minmin's obstruction, he came to the giant panda and drew a bird on the ground.

The giant panda opened its bright black bear eyes and looked at the strange bipedal figure drawn on the ground in front of it...

It looked so familiar... This is the boss!

"Giant Panda, just lead me to this sparrow... and lots of this bread.……"

With shaking hands, he lifted the bread bag.

Boss... delicious food...

The panda's brain became active because of the delicious food, his eyes lit up, and he stood up and startled them.


He called out to the two girls, signaling them to follow.

The two girls looked at each other and followed.

""Oh, oh, oh!"

After a while, the giant panda felt that the two-legged beast behind it was too slow. When would it be able to eat the delicious food?

This would not do! It just carried them forward quickly!

Like a truck running at full speed!

After the two girls screamed in fear, they found that the giant panda's back was very stable and breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they had a doubt in their hearts. Where would this huge, cute and smart giant panda take them?

An hour later.

In front of a mountain, looking at the behemoth in front of them, Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue were desperate!

This giant panda actually brought them to a huge brown bear!

What made them even more desperate was... This brown bear looked at them with hungry eyes, just like the way it looked at food when it first met the giant panda.

The difference is that the giant panda wants to eat bread... and this big brown bear wants to eat them...

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