At this moment, the invisible energy in the air slowly flowed into Ye Yang's body as the basic breathing method ran automatically.

After the invisible energy in the air entered Ye Yang's body, it turned into a warm current that moistened every part of Ye Yang's body.

"The body is getting stronger……"

"As I guessed, the energy contained in the sunlight is of higher quality than the energy contained in the air.……"

"Since the air contains invisible and unknown energy, let's call it spiritual energy from now on.……"

For convenience, Ye Yang named the invisible energy in the air as the aura he was familiar with.

"I just don't know if only animals can sense the spiritual energy in the air, or if any human can sense it.……"

"If only animals can sense spiritual energy and evolve their bodies, then the humans in this world will be in danger."

He shook his head. This matter has nothing to do with him now. He just needs to quietly become stronger.


Ran Xiaoyue was supporting her chin, and suddenly her eyes lit up like shining stars!

"Huh?! Minmin... little���The phoenix seems to have grown a little bigger, and its body seemed to be glowing just now!"

Faced with her bestie yelling, Li Minmin, who was playing with her phone, raised her head and glanced at the little phoenix basking in the sun on the balcony.

"It seems to have gotten a bit bigger, but I'm not sure.……"

"Glow? How is that possible! Sparrows are not special fish in the deep sea. Even though the animals in the world are very different now, I have never heard of any bird that can glow!"

"Well... maybe I saw it wrong.……"

Ran Xiaoyue was indeed not mistaken. She had just carefully observed Ye Yang's body. It happened that when Ye Yang obtained the basic breathing method and it was automatically running, a flash of light would appear.


The sky gradually darkened, the sun set and the moon rose.

The sun disappeared, replaced by a moon.

It was a long vacation, and there were only Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin in the girls' dormitory. They never stayed up late and went to bed early.

Ye Yang, who was lying on the balcony, opened his eyes. Although the baby bird was weak, he had a human soul and was full of energy. He didn't need a long sleep.

"Ding, your supreme breath cells lost their solar energy source and became very angry and furious. With a sullen mentality, they fell into a deep sleep early.……"

"Ding, your basic breathing method feels a new energy, and you feel happy! Your operating efficiency is greatly improved!"

"Ding, your Basic Breathing Technique proficiency level has been upgraded! Basic Breathing Technique (Beginner) has been successfully upgraded to Basic Breathing Technique (Mastery)!"

"Damn it!"

Ye Yang couldn't help but curse in his heart!

"The basic breathing method has been upgraded!"

As the master of the basic breathing method, he clearly felt that the speed of the spiritual energy flowing in from the air had increased a lot.

"I didn't expect that the mastery level of basic breathing method would improve the speed of absorbing spiritual energy so quickly. I wonder how many levels there are after the basic breathing method.……"

Ye Yang was not worried at all that his basic breathing method could not reach the subsequent proficiency level. He was able to go from entry level to mastery in just one day. It was obvious how abnormal his automatic breathing method was!

"Ding, your basic breathing method is inspired by you and starts to work more vigorously! Basic breathing method proficiency improves!"

"Oh? Still a good baby who needs praise...hahahaha……"

Soon Ye Yang calmed down and recalled the system prompt message just now.

"According to the system prompt, the basic breathing method will improve rapidly because of the new magical energy.……"

"Is there some special energy around?"

Thinking of this, Ye Yang's smart eyes scanned the dormitory.

Bras, panties, and pink skirts were hung high on the balcony. Two little beauties in translucent clothes were sleeping on the upper and lower bunks not far away.……

"Wait! What am I doing?"

Ye Yang quickly threw out all the messy thoughts in his mind. Now he was reincarnated as a bird, and he knew very little about this world. His intuition told him that this world would not be so simple, otherwise he would not have awakened the basic breathing method, which was a legendary thing.

"I can't even guarantee my own life, how can I be a pervert!"

He continued to observe the surroundings.

"Where is the new energy? The system will not go wrong……"

Suddenly, Ye Yang lowered his head and noticed something unusual. His gray feathers were now snow-white!

That was the light of the moon! The color of the moon!

"Could it be that the new energy is moonlight?"

Silently feeling the source of the energy in his body, he soon determined that the moonlight shining on him was the new energy.

"It was actually moonlight... Doesn't that mean that the basic breathing method will be more efficient at night!"

Different from absorbing the spiritual energy in the air during the day to slowly strengthen himself.

At night, under the effect of the spiritual energy and moonlight energy, he can feel his body rapidly getting stronger!

"At this rate, I should be able to upgrade in a few days!"

A pair of smart little eyes sparkled with the light of gems in the dark night environment of the dormitory!

No one noticed that the bright white moonlight that was attracted by Ye Yang and surrounded him slowly overflowed.

The energy of those bright white moonlight slowly entered the body with the breathing of Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin.……


One day without words, the next day

"I slept so comfortably.……"

Ran Xiaoyue stretched out her hands, outlining a hazy and beautiful curve, slowly got up, and habitually glanced at the balcony.

Suddenly, her eyes froze, and she wiped her eyes with her little hands.

"The little phoenix seems to have grown a little……"

"This may be due to the rapid development of chicks."

After putting a few mealworms in the little phoenix's small bowl, he called Li Minmin to wash up and go to school together.

This is a double dormitory, and no one will appear after the two girls leave.

Ye Yang watched the two girls leave, slowly stood up and waved his wings.

Then he came to the small bowl and ate the lively mealworms in a few bites.

Then he habitually jumped to another table in the dormitory. He remembered that there was half a large bread left by Li Minmin.

Then he quickly ate it, and then he felt full.

If outsiders saw it, it would be hard to imagine that a bird of only a few centimeters could eat the bread of a fist-sized adult.

This is natural. After all, Ye Yang's body grows at an amazing speed. Although there are supreme breath cells and basic breathing methods, the basic nutrients needed by the body cannot be reduced.

Therefore, he often finds food in the dormitory after the two girls leave the dormitory.

After eating, Ye Yang raised his pair of smart and shining bird eyes to look at the vent above the windowsill. The sunlight outside was very dazzling... Even the air outside was very tempting...

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