Daxia Longcheng Capital.

After studying the data of the ancient white-feathered eagle for a day, Wang Jin, the director of the Blue Sky Military Industry Group, was shocked to find that this extinct ancient creature actually possessed extremely powerful power!

Not only did he watch the live video, but he also saw the video of Ye Yang tearing up and pushing down the carriage in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve and his body growing rapidly.

This video can only be viewed by the upper echelons of Daxia, but for a military industry boss like him, there is still a news channel to get this video.

Shocked in the heart

"This white-feathered eagle is simply a monster... The expert's analysis is correct, its body weighs at least 10 tons... Its flying speed is unknown……"

"That good-for-nothing actually wanted to keep this kind of monster as a pet. He was really courting death!"

"But... How could my son Wang Jin die in the hands of a beast!"

No matter how powerful this white-feathered eagle is, or how useless his son is, he wants this white-feathered eagle to be buried with his son!

Wang Jin closed the various materials on the analysis of the white-feathered eagle expert in his hand, his eyes flickered.

"Huh... It seems that it is still difficult to destroy this white-feathered eagle. I can only make a plan."

He was meticulous. After knowing that the target white-feathered eagle had superhuman strength, and then annihilated a team of lightly equipped mercenaries, he instantly made a perfect plan in his mind.

"To destroy this monster, we need more powerful firepower!"

He looked towards the center of Dragon City, where there was the tallest building in the city, and it was also the power center of the entire Daxia.……


Soon, the top leaders of Daxia gathered together and held a meeting in the Dragon City Center Building.

The closed meeting room was full of people, mainly military and scientific research personnel. At a glance, there were nearly a hundred people present.

"Comrade Wang Jin, you asked me to call an emergency meeting, saying that you have the latest military equipment intelligence, so please tell us."

"Okay, Chief Xia."

Wang Jin stood up and bowed respectfully to the old man sitting in the first seat. This etiquette was very standard and serious, because the old man sitting in the first seat was the highest leader of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Then Wang Jin glanced at the hundreds of people in the conference room, and felt the prying eyes coming from him, and he was annoyed.

"A bunch of villains who took advantage of the situation to rob people!"

But he still looked solemn on the surface, looked around, and officially spoke

"Our Blue Sky Military Industry Group has recently developed a set of modern infantry squad combat equipment, which can accurately strike and eliminate targets while ensuring powerful firepower coverage, and has great competitiveness in small-scale operations of international marines!"

"I believe that our Daxia army will be able to improve the combat capability of the squad after being equipped with this set of weapons and equipment!"

A document was handed to the hundreds of people in the conference room at the right time.

After reading the armament document, the generals and scientific research professors of various military departments nodded.

"Indeed, this set of weapons and equipment is very suitable for a combat unit of 30 people."

"The equipment is easy to carry, highly maneuverable, and has a certain firepower guarantee……"

"Not bad……"

Wang Jin smiled when he saw the reactions of the people in the meeting room.

"These are all theoretical knowledge, and there is no time to experiment. I suggest that my company's employees conduct experiments for our Daxia army to test the data of this equipment!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the conference room fell into silence.

The generals of the military and the professors and scholars of the scientific research department looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

An impatient general asked directly,"Should we go to Jianghai City to find that ancient creature to test the data?"

Wang Jin nodded calmly.

Because he knew that his son's death at the hands of the monster outside Jianghai City had long been known to this group of generals and professors.

An old professor pushed his glasses and looked at Wang Jin.

"However, the mountains outside Jianghai City where the ancient creatures are located, although there are no people living there, are too close to Jianghai City.……"

Wang Jin looked calm, as if he had expected this.

"In the next three years, the cost of weapons and equipment for the Daxia army will be 20% off at our Blue Sky Military Industry Group!"

After seeing the generals in the military nodded, he looked at the professors in the scientific research department wearing white coats,"I know you really want the specimen of that ancient creature. I promise that after the test, I will definitely give you the body of the white-feathered eagle."

The scientific research professors looked at each other and said nothing.

After dealing with a group of"taking advantage of the fire" generals and professors, Wang Jin looked at the old man on the first seat.

""Chief Xia, what do you think?"

His tone was very respectful.

Chief Xia opened his cloudy eyes and glanced at Wang Jin who was sitting upright."This is just the first time. It will not happen again. No one else can be involved.""

""Okay... Chief, I understand. I will leave the meeting now."

After Wang Jin got a satisfactory answer, he tactfully left the meeting.

After he left, the generals and scientific research professors in the meeting room looked at the old man in the first seat in confusion.

"Chief, why did you agree to let Wang Jin take the weapons and troops to the outskirts of Jianghai City?"

"Yes... except for military personnel, no one can mobilize weapons and troops. If something unexpected happens , the responsibility is too great!"In Daxia, the safety of the people in the city and social stability always come first. It has never happened that anyone other than military personnel has guns, let alone leading a small team of troops to carry out missions.

"I know what you are wondering, but you have to read this information first."

Chief Xia turned on the projection, and a huge double-winged logo appeared on the projection, followed by a large amount of beast information.……ABCDEF……Each level is divided into three small classes.

F-level beasts are several times more powerful than ordinary beasts, and their specific power depends on the type of beast.

E-level beasts have strength beyond that of ordinary beasts and can cause great damage to villages.

D-level beasts are physically strong and have evolved to a certain level of powerful biological individuals. They are not only powerful, but also have human-like wisdom. They can easily destroy a village of tens of thousands of people and have great destructive power on towns.

C-level beast information is confidential and has not been unlocked.

B-level beast information is confidential and has not been unlocked.

A-level beast information is confidential and has not been unlocked.

To be determined……

"What kind of information is this? Is it fake? How can there be creatures in the world that can destroy towns?"

A scientific research professor was confused, and this was also the confusion in the minds of everyone present.

Chief Xia raised his hand to turn off the projection and said to everyone,"These are all the information that a mysterious organization sent to our Great Xia country not long ago. Maybe the countries on Blue Star have also received it."

"I was in the same mood as you guys are now, I was very suspicious, it must be a joke from some organization……"

"But if you think about the magical growth rate and amazing power of the ancient white-feathered eagle, these data may be true.……"

A general frowned and said,"Chief, if that's the case, why don't you mobilize our army to capture the white-feathered eagle?"

Upon hearing this, Chief Xia smiled and shook his head.

"All things have spirits. That white-feathered eagle appeared out of nowhere in our Great Xia territory. It possessed such a powerful force that, apart from killing the mercenaries who took the initiative to attack and Wang Jin's son, it never attacked our Great Xia people."

"Furthermore, we noticed that yesterday two girls from Jianghai City had an unusual relationship with the White-Feathered Eagle. Perhaps this White-Feathered Eagle possesses human wisdom, so we should treat it with caution."

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