"What on earth happened…why are there so many dead bodies on the ground?"

"Hurry up and cover the child's eyes! Such a cruel scene will definitely leave a trauma!"

"These people died tragically! Could it be that besides the white-feathered eagle, there are other terrifying beasts around Shenfeng Mountain?"

"Fortunately, I suppressed my curiosity and didn’t go to the suburbs recently!"

"It seems that the suburbs of Jianghai City are really dangerous……"

Millions of terrified Jianghai citizens had no idea how this group of fully armed teams died, with only two exceptions.

They were Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue.

They noticed a detail, the tragic deaths of those people were different, the most obvious being the most horrifying death in a team, the bodies of six people were all body parts, from the camera it looked like something had gnawed the broken parts of those bodies.

This must have been done by the extremely aggressive giant brown bear that had been staying at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain!

Through the camera, teams were killed in various places in the dense forests around Shenfeng Mountain, and the team of thirty people was almost wiped out!

That is to say... the giant panda must have been involved!

This shocked Ran Xiaoyu and Li Minmin.

In their minds, giant pandas are docile and would never attack humans, but now... they gradually realized how terrible the wildness of powerful animals and that huge power are to humans.

But deep down they still hope that the little phoenix will not be captured by this group of people



Wang Jin cursed with his eyes glaring at an armed helicopter!

No one responded to the communicator's calls, which meant that the team of thirty people had all been wiped out!

He had accepted this result in advance. After all, from the performance in the video and the analysis of experts, the white-feathered eagle was very scary.

But his team hadn't even reached the mountain yet!

What killed them were actually two bears and a golden monkey!

"Damn it! What should I do now?……"

And the death toll was as high as 30 people. If it was in a"free" foreign country, it would be fine. But this was the Great Xia where the law was enforced with iron laws. Even if he was the boss of a military-industrial group, he would be liquidated afterwards, and in serious cases, he would be sent to prison.

Moreover, it was being broadcast live now! So many people saw the casualties, and it was impossible to hide it!

After a few seconds, the troubled and complicated heart returned to calm.

The angry eyes flashed a heart-pounding light, looking at the peak of Shenfeng Mountain in the distance!

""We must hunt down the White-Feathered Eagle!"

Because his only way to survive now is to"make meritorious contributions while guilty"!

He believes that as the world's first ancient creature, the White-Feathered Eagle has super strength and speed, as well as a magical growth rate. If the secrets contained in it can be obtained, the upper echelons of Daxia will definitely forgive him for his past mistakes!

"Eagle Two, Eagle Three, go to the other two directions and surround Shenfeng Mountain at all costs. Don't let the target White-Feathered Eagle escape!"

""Okay... Boss!"

A decisive voice came from the communicator.

Although the helicopter pilots were shocked by the death of the team on the ground, they were now several hundred meters above the ground, and the danger on the ground could not threaten them.

Moreover, they were driving military combat helicopters, equipped with enough firepower to sweep the towns of backward countries.

Two camouflage helicopters quickly flew towards the two directions of Shenfeng Mountain, and the Flying Eagle No. 1 helicopter that Wang Jin was riding flew straight towards Shenfeng Mountain.


On the other side, a large white bird the size of a glider was perched on the top of the mountain. The sun shone on its trembling body, reflecting bright metallic colors.

Ye Yang felt very uncomfortable. He knew that the crisis of mankind was approaching, but he did not take it to heart. What he was most concerned about at the moment was his physical condition!

"I ate all the blue liquid tubes. It's almost time to upgrade.……"

"Why is it so slow? Will the upgrade get stuck?"

Yes, Ye Yang is going to upgrade.

After he ate the blue liquid, his body, which was about to be saturated, reached saturation in an instant.

At the same time, he felt that his body was undergoing a transformation!

His body was in great pain, from the inside out. There was a huge amount of energy in his body that was constantly forging his body. This huge amount of energy was accumulated by Ye Yang's basic breathing method for 24 hours, plus various spiritual fruits and blue liquid.

This energy was very majestic, like a rushing river constantly washing everywhere in his body. The internal organs, bone marrow, and even cells burst into amazing vitality under the cleansing of this energy.

Everything in the body was developing in a good direction, only Ye Yang felt the coexistence of pain and happiness!

"This tormenting pain has lasted for the whole morning, and who knows how long it will last.……"

"Let's finish it soon……"

Ye Yang gritted his teeth and persisted, his body trembling. The situation was extremely critical.

He had already sensed the battle waves coming from the bottom of the mountain, as well as the roars of the brown bear and the giant panda!

The crisis of mankind has come!

Moreover, the head that was close to the ground was raised, and the golden pupils narrowed into a slit. He saw three small black dots approaching in the sky.

No need to think, it must be human weapons and equipment!

"Tip: Your level has been successfully upgraded from‘E+’improve to‘D-’!"

"Tip: Your life level has undergone a leap, the neural area of your brain has transformed, and telepathy has been successfully activated!"

"Tip: Your life level has been upgraded, and your talent has been successfully activated - shock!"

Accompanied by the mechanical prompt sound of the system resounding in my mind, the energy riot in my body finally stopped.

The next second, a huge warm current began to appear from deep in my body, rushing to my limbs!

The body size expanded rapidly, five meters... six meters... seven meters... the wingspan increased to eight meters! The whole body size is simply a fighter in the human world! The snow-white feathers also expanded, and each piece gradually transformed from snow-white to transparent white jade. In the sun, each feather showed bursts of golden light, which was very extraordinary.

Inside the body, the blood in the whole body was galloping like a wild horse, and a heart the size of a basketball was beating vigorously, like a low drum, and the internal organs were also rapidly getting stronger, and the various functions of the body were upgraded by several levels!

After a few minutes, the huge energy was exhausted, and the blood in the body gradually calmed down.

Ye Yang opened his eagle eyes, and a golden light rushed forward, and the branches and leaves of the spiritual tree on the top of the mountain rustled.

"Powerful... This power is much stronger than before... I feel like I can beat ten of my previous selves!"

"The claws can even tear the sky apart!"


Ye Yang rationally knew that this was a psychological illusion caused by the huge expansion of power.

"There are several targets suitable for experimental forces right now.……"

The golden eagle eyes looked at the armed helicopter in the distant sky, and the figure disappeared instantly, turning into white thunder and lightning and swept away!

PS: I was in a bad mood in the past two days, and I am sorry for the messy writing. I promise to write a good plot in the future so that all readers will enjoy it!

This book has started its debut. If the results are acceptable, the author will not abandon it. Otherwise...

Anyway, thank you all for your long-term support and encouragement! Thank you for the gifts for urging you to update!ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )O!

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