The two truck drivers who were standing outside the crowd watched the argument between the old man and the journalists quietly.

They felt something was wrong.

They had a good impression of the journalists and the photographers, and felt that they were not trying to trick the old man. However, the old man's firm attitude made them start to doubt whether there were any large beasts around.

As for not believing in the existence of large beasts like the old men, that was impossible. Their carriage was holding a group of demonic large beasts.

"Brother you think there are any large beasts outside Jianghai City?……"

"No matter if there is one or not! We have to give it a try! I don't fucking believe it! Even if there is a beast as rumored online in the suburbs of Jianghai City, we won't run into it like this!"

The dark-skinned old Wang gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

Now there are only two ways in front of them, either go back home and find a buyer again, or take a gamble and cross the highway outside Jianghai City. There are too many accidents on the way back... You can only take a gamble!

Take a gamble and the bicycle will become a motorcycle!

"Let's go... Lao Wang, let's get back to the truck.……"

"Hello, Brother Zhang……"


Just as the two were about to quietly retreat, a fierce roar came from outside the village!

A few seconds later, the old man in Yangguan Village reacted and immediately started cursing!

"Great! I didn't expect that you, a bunch of unscrupulous city people, would actually use this method to trick us into leaving Yangguan Village! No way!"

"That's right! You are also stupid! The roar is indeed scary, but there is only one roar, and there is no more preparation.……"

"Haha...these city people have tasted less salt than I have walked!"

"Do you really think we villagers are stupid?"

"We won't fall for your tricks!"

Faced with the scolding of the old man in Yangguan Village, reporter Wang Xiaoli and the photography team were all confused.

They looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

When did they prepare for this terrifying roar?

Besides, they didn't drive all the way here this time, but used a helicopter because they were afraid of encountering wild animals on this road.

They had just arrived in the village, so how could they have time to arrange these things ?

"So... there are wild animals approaching the village!"

Wang Xiaoli was shocked! She immediately shouted,"All the elders in the village, please find a safe place to hide!"

"The beasts may really enter the village!"

But the old man still looked at them with contempt, as if he was looking at a clown.

Wang Xiaoli couldn't help shaking her body. Having experienced a beast tide and not dying, she was particularly sensitive to the breath of wild beasts. Her intuition told her that danger was coming!

"Quick! Start the helicopter!"

""Hurry up! Otherwise we'll be out of time!"

The helicopter pilot was stunned by the shouting. Seeing that Wang Xiaoli didn't look like she was joking, he immediately got into the helicopter.

The helicopter's propeller began to spin rapidly.……

"Oh, these city folks really acted like……"

"Aren't they a group of actors?……"

The elderly people watching continued to make sarcastic remarks


On the other side, two figures quickly ran in the opposite direction of the village entrance.

After hearing the roar of the beast, the two immediately ran away. As for why they did not alert the villagers, they were afraid of delaying their escape.

Because they knew that if the group of demons came out, no one in the village would survive.

"Hurry up, Lao Wang... the beast demon in the carriage must have been released.……"

""Brother Zhang! Look ahead!"

The dark-skinned old Wang exclaimed, stopped running, and stared straight ahead, as if he had seen something terrible.

The other man also stopped running and looked ahead.

Two slender light yellow figures appeared on the road ahead of them.

Their mouths showed several centimeters of fangs stained with red blood, and the beautiful eyes of the cats reflected green light and stared straight at them.

That look was the look of looking at prey!

They were two lionesses!

"How could these two lionesses appear here... The truck was clearly at the entrance of the village!"

Looking at the greed and hatred in the lionesses' green eyes, the two were shocked!

These two lionesses knew them! They might have come here on purpose to block the exit!




In the center of the village square, the helicopter's propellers whistled like a gust of wind, tearing through the air.

Wang Xiaoli's body trembled uncontrollably, her face turned pale, and she immediately got into the helicopter, her panic calmed down a little.

The air around them was filled with a harsh chill.

The photographer also realized something, his face changed, and he immediately got into the helicopter.

""Fellow villagers! This is really not right, let's get out of here!"

Wang Xiaoli shouted with all her might! Her expression was full of panic!

Her instincts were getting more and more uneasy!

"Hehe... these city people can't act anymore, so they want to run away……"

"I have seen through everything long ago. Do these little kids still want to deceive me?"

"Not to mention ferocious beasts, even if a tiger comes, I can take off his tiger penis and drink it with wine!"

""Ah!!! Lions!!!"

A shout attracted everyone's attention!

Following the sound, five lions the size of buffaloes appeared not far from the crowd!

They were huge in size, and their green eyes were filled with greedy desires. The leader was a male lion that was even bigger than the surrounding female lions! With a golden body and dense golden mane on its neck, it was majestic and looked like an ancient god in Greek mythology!

A name popped up in people's minds - Golden Lion King!

The lions were bathed in bright red blood, making them look like demons returning from hell!


With the deafening roar of the lion king, the lion group moved! They rushed here quickly!

"Ah! Run!"

"Get out of here!"

The old man's shouting voice just now disappeared, and he fled in all directions. However, they were old men among humans, so how could they be faster than the hungry lions!


Within a few seconds, blood began to flow from the ground, and the sound of the lions chewing their teeth and people howling in pain could be heard.

Lions are large cats, and they don't have the habit of hunting and killing their prey before eating. They prefer to eat them alive...

In a few minutes, the previously lively square turned into a hellish scene, with broken limbs, fragments of internal organs, white human skulls, and some broken ribs...

In the face of the powerful hunting power of the lions, everyone in the village was brutally killed.

The helicopter in the sky took off early to avoid the disaster. Wang Xiaoli and her colleagues looked at the messy and cruel ground.

Everyone trembled all over, trying to resist the strong urge to vomit in their stomachs.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaoli's pupils widened!

"There's a baby underneath!"

The lion also noticed this delicious little snack...

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