"Is this really a group of lions that escaped from a circus?!"

"Is this an alien invasion?!"

"All the light equipment of the assault company did not cause any damage to him, including grenades and howitzers... What is this body made of... Monster!"

"Wuuuuu... The captain and the company commander died so tragically!"

"I hope the support will arrive soon! Otherwise, all the soldiers in the assault company will die.……"

"This huge group of lions are simply demons returning from hell!"

"Revenge! You must take revenge!"

"Hmm... I don't know if it's an illusion, but the size of this group of man-eating lions seems to have grown a bit……"

The millions of people in Jianghai City in front of the screen had never seen such a bloody scene.

While they were trembling in their hearts, they also hated the lions!

In front of them, dozens of Daxia soldiers died and were swallowed by the lions like lambs, which aroused their common hatred!

Now they just hope that the helicopter support can be faster, so that they can destroy the lions and save the fleeing soldiers.

Then they found that the screen camera was not locked on the fleeing soldiers, but moved towards the depths of the mountains and forests.

Only then did they hear the voice of female reporter Wang Xiaoli.

This direction is actually to Shenfeng Mountain!

"Are these female reporters crazy?! They are not satisfied with their lives after being chased by a group of lions, and they want to provoke the ancient white-feathered eagle!"


The dense forest outside Shenfeng Mountain.

The female reporter, the photographer and two soldiers ran deep into the forest. After more than three hours of continuous escape, they were exhausted and found a place to rest.

The photographer Xiao Li's lips turned white, and only then did he have a chance to catch his breath.

"Sister Wang, why don't we retreat towards the suburban highway?……"

The soldier Daniu, who was standing guard with a gun in hand, spoke up.

"Our current location is at least fifty miles away from the highway. It will take at least five hours to retreat.……"

"And that group of lions will not let us escape unscathed."

From time to time, roars and fierce gunfire and explosions were heard in the distance.

This meant that the assault company soldiers who had retreated to the forest were still being chased by the lions.

Recalling the scene of the lions devouring people just now, and the devilish red eyes of the monster-like golden lion, they knew that the target of this group of lions was them.

"If my guess is correct, this group of male lions can devour us humans and become stronger. The lion group will not give up chasing us, and not long ago they were able to control the beast tide to attack us.……"

Erhu, who was also on guard with a rifle in his hand, looked deep into the forest. He felt a strong sense of being watched, as if countless eyes were staring at them.

"Many animals in this forest may be the spies of the lions. No matter where we go, the lions will not let us go!"

Soldier Erhu looked at the female reporter Wang Xiaoli who was sitting on the stone to rest with some admiration.

"Comrade female reporter, you are right, Shenfeng Mountain is our only way out!"

"The ancient white-feathered eagle is a powerful creature and must have the territory of a powerful creature. The lion group will definitely not dare to step into it at will!"

"And we received intelligence that some time ago, several girls from Jianghai City went up to Shenfeng Mountain and returned to Jianghai City safely. Maybe the ancient white-feathered eagle will not devour people like a group of lions."

"Of course, all of this is speculation, and there is no evidence to support these views."

"Ah... these are all speculations, but we may still die!" Photographer Xiao Li's eyes widened.

He really regretted coming to the outskirts of Jianghai City.

"Okay, let’s stop resting. This is our only chance to survive. Let’s get on with our journey!"


At the same time, not far away, the lions were also continuously hunting down the assault company that retreated to the forest.

After knowing that the two-legged beasts in front of them had an attack that threatened them, the lions no longer rushed forward like iron-headed kids, but picked up their hunting skills again, choosing to lurk and attack.

This caused serious casualties to the assault company soldiers who fled to the forest.

What was even more terrifying was the monster lion!

Originally, the most important reason for them to flee to the forest was to avoid the monster lion and use the tall trees in the forest to intercept the lion's pursuit.

But they didn't expect that those trees as high as 30 or 40 meters were easily knocked down by the lion's rush.

The forest suddenly had a series of violent crashing sounds, and the ground rumbled and trembled continuously, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

The running speed of humans was not as fast as that of the lions. In the end, except for some lucky ones, more than half of the hundreds of soldiers entered the belly of the golden lion.

The satisfied lion lazily lay on the ground, his huge body crushing the bushes below him.

He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, his big red eyes full of satisfaction.

He had never eaten so happily since he became so big.

Logically speaking, even if the monster lion was bigger, its stomach could not accommodate dozens of people...

But don't forget that when a beast is promoted to this level, not only the body shape changes, but even the cells change slightly. The body's terrifying digestion and absorption ability far exceeds human imagination!


A hint of doubt flashed across his huge brown pupils. Why didn't this group of two-legged beasts taste as good as the one he swallowed last time... He really couldn't figure it out...

He moved his aching fangs and mouth. He felt that several of his fangs had loosened because of the explosion caused by the two-legged beast leader just now.

Damn it!

A hint of anger flashed across his eyes! Such a weak two-legged beast actually dared to attack him and provoke him!

"Roar... Next time I see a two-legged beast, I will swallow it up!"

"Roar... In order to become stronger! We must eat all the two-legged beasts!"


Suddenly, a light sound rang out in the body!

The male lion stood up from the ground abruptly, with a flash of ecstasy in his eyes. He felt that the feeling of being strong last time came again!

The blood in his body surged and rushed around in his body. A terrifying invisible breath lingered around him.

The bushes within a few dozen meters seemed to be pressed down by an invisible big hand!


A few hours later, a thunderous roar soared into the sky!

The golden lion, which was originally more than eight meters long, now grew larger and became nine meters long!

His aura was even more fascinating, causing the elk herds a few miles away to collectively become paralyzed and lie weakly on the ground. The brown pupils flashed brightly!

The golden lion evolved, becoming stronger, and its wisdom also improved!

Looking into the distance, a cruel sneer appeared on the lion's face surrounded by mane.

He now has the confidence to hunt down the lord of that forest...

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