Outside Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain.


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, and the mountain suddenly trembled slightly, shaking off many small stones.

"What's going on?! Is it an earthquake?!"

The three people who were following the giant panda up the mountain staggered, and the huge force generated by the shaking of the mountain almost took their bodies down.

The three people looked up at the top of the mountain in panic.

"The roar came from the top of the mountain... Could there be a creature fighting with the little phoenix on the top of the mountain?"

Ran Xiaoyue's face was full of worry, and her best friend Li Minmin comforted her.

"Xiao Yueyue is fine. The little phoenix is so powerful, what other creature can be his opponent... Besides, don't you see that the giant panda doesn't have any reaction?"

The giant panda looked at the top of the mountain with its cute panda face and black eyes, then turned around and growled at the three people behind him, twisting its chubby bear body and walking up the mountain.

Although the three were nervous, they still followed the giant panda up. But after a few steps, they stopped and looked at the other corner of the mountain in shock.

In that corner, a large number of boulders were constantly falling from the top of the mountain!

The size of the boulders was several meters, and they fell on the ground at the foot of the mountain with a rumble, creating large pits.

"Fortunately, the huge rock didn't fall in this direction, otherwise we would be dead this time!"

Professor Li was still frightened and looked at the top of the mountain in confusion.

What happened up there? How could such a large piece of rock fall down?……


At the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a white bird as big as a prehistoric pterosaur stands on the mountain, its snow-white jade-colored feathers gleaming with faint light, looking like it has the glittering function of a human camera.


"Finally done!"

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief, his golden eyes excitedly looking at the cave on the top of the mountain in front of him!

At this time, the scene on the top of Shenfeng Mountain was completely different from before. The most obvious thing was that the cave, which was five or six meters high before, became more than thirty meters high!

This was of course not because the cave had grown bigger by itself, but because Ye Yang flattened the top of the mountain with his claws. With his current burst of power, the rocks were like tofu in front of him.

Although it was easy to break the rocks, he had to pay attention to controlling his power at all times and not destroy the cave.

In addition, he had to push the terrain of the top of the mountain to a completely horizontal height, otherwise it would be very humid when it rained in the future.

Although Ye Yang's physical physique is strong now, and his body is like a high-temperature furnace that continuously emits heat, he doesn't like living in a humid environment.

This is a big project!

From the overall view of Shenfeng Mountain, the top of the mountain was cut off by him by thirty or forty meters!

After scanning the top of the mountain, especially the huge cave more than thirty meters high, Ye Yang was very satisfied. He seemed to feel something in his heart

"Those humans should have gone up the mountain too.……"

He turned his eyes to the corner of the mountain top, and the figures of the giant panda and the three people gradually appeared in his field of vision.

The skill of telepathy not only gave him the ability to communicate with creatures, but also to detect. The detection range of five kilometers naturally covered the more than four hundred meters of Shenfeng Mountain, and the breath of the giant panda and the three people had been discovered by him long ago.

There was another creature on the mountainside who followed the few people up the mountain...

The giant panda climbed to the top of the mountain, and its panda eyes were lit up, staring at the fluorescent bamboo on the top of the mountain.

He was obsessed with the glowing bamboo, and completely ignored the changes on the top of the mountain.

The scene on the top of the mountain that the other three people noticed

"Huh? The top of Shenfeng Mountain has changed a lot... Before, the height of the three caves was only four or five meters.……"

Ran Xiaoyue was a little surprised.

Li Minmin exclaimed directly, her eyes widened!

"Oh my god! I must be dreaming, the little phoenix has grown bigger again!"

Amid the exclamations of Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin, their vision was fixed on the huge white body.

The body was covered with beautiful snow-white feathers, which were lifelike and covered the huge body with a wingspan of more than eight meters. The deep part of the pair of golden and smart eyes was filled with the coldness of an eagle.

The appearance was not much different from before, but the size was two or three times larger than the giant panda next to it!

Compared with the giant panda, the size difference was like that of a child and a boxer!

This shocked Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue. You know, the last time the little phoenix appeared in the video was half a month ago.

In just half a month, the size has grown so big.……

"This little phoenix has been given hormones, right?……"

Li Minmin couldn't help but blurt out.

Unlike the shock of the two girls, Professor Li, who has been dealing with creatures for many years, keenly felt the huge pressure of the mountain from the ancient creature in front of him.

The pressure was far beyond his imagination, and he felt like he was facing a towering mountain.

He was sure that this ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, had already gathered the momentum of the mountain without leaking a trace, otherwise they would not be able to stand here normally.

At the same time, he was really shocked.

His daughter and her daughter's best friend actually knew this ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, and they looked very familiar with it!

There are also big brown bears at the foot of the mountain and giant pandas eating bread on the side. These big guys look like beasts under the command of the white-feathered eagle.

By the way, he also understood that a large piece of boulder would land on the top of the mountain just now.

Looking down, the rock layer on the top of the mountain under his feet was as white as a mirror. This must be abnormal!

A pair of eyes behind the glasses locked on the huge body of the white-feathered eagle. It must be related to the white-feathered eagle!

At the same time, he looked at a big tree on the top of the mountain with some confusion in his heart.

"Why did the white-feathered eagle plant a big tree on the top of the mountain?……"

The fluffy soil under the tree was obviously planted intentionally.


After Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue were shocked by the changes in the cave, they began to explain to Ye Yang the purpose of coming here to find him.

"Oh? So these two girls want to foster a Husky here.……"

The golden pupils looked at a corner of the mountain top, where a Husky was crawling.

Ye Yang recognized the Husky instantly. This was the Husky he had seen when he was still a sparrow.

He nodded to the two girls. The top of Shenfeng Mountain was his exclusive habitat, but the area within a hundred miles below the mountain was definitely enough for a Husky to survive.

These two girls were related to him, so he could still help with this little favor.

"That's great! I knew the little phoenix was the best!"

Unlike Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue's excitement, Professor Li was shocked to see the huge ancient creature in front of him nodding!

This ancient creature actually understood human language, this must be a joke, right?!

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