"General Zhao, please move. I will take you to see something. I believe that if you see that thing, you will know that the ancient white-feathered eagle is a powerful creature beyond our human imagination."

"Oh well"


An hour later,

Mayor Lin took General Zhao to the Biological Research Institute, accompanied by a group of guards and leaders of various departments of Jianghai City.

After entering the institute, they came to a secret room filled with various instruments and equipment.

General Zhao looked around and marveled at the metallic walls in the room.

"You don't think Jianghai City's economy is so developed. You are simply rich and powerful. Are these walls made of alloys that can defend against missile attacks?"

Mayor Lin shook his head and said helplessly.

"It's not that our Jianghai City is rich, this room was specially prepared for that guy... There is no other way, we must be prepared for the worst, otherwise if that guy escapes, our Jianghai City will definitely be in chaos."


This made General Zhao even more curious. What on earth could make Jianghai City willing to spend so much resources on research? He soon met the person in charge of the institute.

It was Professor Li, Li Minmin's father.

Professor Li stopped the work in his hands and looked at Mayor Lin in confusion.

"Mayor Lin, why did you bring so many leaders to the institute today?

Mayor Lin smiled and said,"We are here to prove to a general the power of the paleontological white-feathered eagle.……"

"The Power of the Ancient White-Feathered Eagle……"

Professor Li only noticed the middle-aged man in military uniform next to Mayor Lin at this time. He was shocked when he saw the shining star on the military rank.

It turned out to be a general! And this general's momentum is very aggressive!

He is not an ordinary general!

Mayor Lin said,"Professor Li, take us to see the little guy……"

""Okay... but that little guy is not small anymore."

Professor Li nodded and led everyone to move forward. After passing through layers of blockades, they finally saw the creature through a transparent window in a secret room of several dozen meters in size.

""Tsk, isn't it just a slightly larger white tiger? What's so strange about it?"

A shorter guard soldier in the back row muttered. After a few seconds, he was a little puzzled.

Why are the brothers around him staring at the front with wide eyes?

A tall guard soldier said in horror

"This tiger actually has wings!"


Seeing the double-winged white tiger in front of him, General Zhao's heart trembled, and then he looked at Mayor Lin with cold eyes.

"You actually violated international treaties and conducted biological experiments! How dare you!"

Mayor Lin didn't care, his eyes were still on the double-winged white tiger,"It's incredible... It has grown into the size of an adult tiger in just half a month... It's terrifying……"

Then he answered General Zhao's words

"General Zhao, why is there such a fuss? Ever since the resurgence of spiritual energy, all creatures in the world, except humans, have been mutating and evolving. All countries in the world are conducting biological experiments. What's so strange about this?……"

"Please pay attention to the key point, this is not an ordinary tiger."

General Zhao retracted his cold eyes, because he had also heard about the biological experiment.

Looking at the secret room made of alloy, he wondered,"Isn't it just a white tiger with wings? What's so special about it? Isn't it normal for the successful biological experiment to give the organism some more characteristics?"

Mayor Lin smiled but said nothing.

He said to Professor Li,"Professor Li, think of a way to make the double-winged white tiger in the secret room turn around."


Then, under Professor Li's command, a hole appeared in the top of the secret room, and a ball of food weighing hundreds of kilograms was placed on it.


As soon as the food landed, the double-winged white tiger moved.

It turned around and ate it with relish. The scene was bloody.

"This is a white tiger with two long fangs... and it doesn't look like a tiger at all... Could it be a saber-toothed tiger!"

Seeing that familiar appearance, all the military personnel were shocked!

Including General Zhao.

In response to the inquiry, Mayor Lin nodded.

"This is indeed a saber-toothed tiger that died a million years ago. Our Jianghai City is undoubtedly the first in the entire Blue Star to revive a saber-toothed tiger and successfully fuse its genes!"

The saber-toothed tiger that was resurrected a million years ago...

General Zhao was silent for a moment before reacting.

"But what does this have to do with the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle?"

"Because the key to the biological gene experiment is the gene of the ancient white-feathered eagle. Without the ancient white-feathered eagle, the saber-toothed tiger will never be revived!"

City Mayor Lin looked at the double-winged white tiger eating in the secret room, and was shocked.

"The growth rate is amazing, in just half a month……"

"The performance of the double-winged white tiger is simply a monster. It has completely inherited the aerial ability of the white-feathered eagle. Under its claws, ordinary steel is nothing but paper. Moreover, this is a juvenile of half a month.……"

"If the double-winged white tiger grows up, it will probably be as powerful as the ancient white-feathered eagle."

General Zhao was looking at the experimental data and data of the double-winged white tiger at this time, and he became more and more shocked.

The extremely fast growth rate, explosive power, reaction speed, flying ability, and even intelligence are extremely high!

This is simply a monster!


I saw a special note.

This creature has biological defects and cannot reproduce. It does not have the same genetic vitality as the ancient white-feathered eagle and cannot activate the genes of other ancient creatures.

"Is this creature defective?"

City Chief Lin nodded,"Except for its inability to reproduce and genetic problems, it is a perfect creature."

Looking at General Zhao,"The cells of the ancient white-feathered eagle are very special and can activate and make up for the defects of different ancient genes."

"This double-winged white tiger has the genes of the ancient white-feathered eagle. Doesn't General Zhao feel any danger?"

No need for him to remind him, General Zhao had already felt a palpitating breath when he entered here.

"Is the ancient white-feathered eagle really that powerful?……"

Thinking in my heart, my face is like water

"No wonder the military chief sent me to deal with the ancient creature White Feather Eagle……"

"It seems that we will need more time to formulate a battle plan and mobilize weapons and equipment.……"

While everyone outside the secret room was discussing, the double-winged white tiger in the secret room, which was eating with its head down, quietly raised its head and looked at everyone with a teasing look in its golden pupils. It licked its lips with its scarlet tongue, arched its body lazily and burped, and returned to its previous quiet appearance.

No one noticed that a staff member in the laboratory sneaked to a corner and took out a small camera to take a picture of the double-winged white tiger in the secret room...

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