Not long after, the little girl slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she said was"It's so comfortable!"

Hei Lang squatting next to him had a complicated mood, and he was still somewhat envious.

"Xiaoyue, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body? If you have any questions, you must tell your brother.

Lin Haochu asked with concern.

After hearing this, the little girl raised her head and thought for a moment, rubbed her belly and said,"Brother, I also want to eat instant noodles.""

Lin Haochu:???

"Any other feelings?

The little girl thought about it seriously, nodded and said,"I feel warm all over my body, as if I am full of strength." There are no other feelings.

Lin Haochu was relieved. It seemed that nothing went wrong. The little girl looked at Lin Haochu and blinked her big eyes:"Brother, where is my instant noodles?""

Lin Haochu:......

Lin Haochu walked towards the kitchen with a dark face. The black wolf behind him took advantage of the situation and growled, as if to say that he wanted another bowl. It was unclear whether to add eggs or not.

In the evening, the little girl was full of energy after eating. She sat on the sofa in the living room and watched cartoons. The black wolf squatted aside and yawned from time to time. The responsibility of protecting the little girl was long and heavy.

Lin Haochu sat aside, not feeling like watching Crayon Shin-chan together at all. Instead, he held his mobile phone and carefully watched the popular news on the Internet.

Also in the past few days, more and more strange videos have been posted online.

Someone filmed a young man who suddenly became so powerful that he was able to lift a boulder weighing over a thousand kilograms with his hands. There are also people who can spray flames out of thin air without using any props and burn a big tree to charcoal.

There are many videos like this, and they appear all over the place. Some people even witnessed a Taoist priest climbing up and down the cliffs, coming and going freely.

This information had been posted on the Internet before, but it was all deleted within a few hours, and all relevant discussions were blocked.

It's like a shocking conspiracy, with an invisible hand erasing all the truth. But why can it appear again now?

Lin Haochu flipped through a few videos and looked at the comments below, and couldn't help but frown.

"Could it be that the poster posted this video himself? It's pretty much like that."

"Don't doubt it, the video is real. I have a friend who saw someone breathing fire out of thin air. He was terrified."

"These strange things have been happening recently as if they have appeared out of thin air. Could it be that spiritual energy has revived and the era of global immortality is coming?"

"Did you read too many novels? I didn't feel the air became more fragrant when the spirit energy was revived...."

"Don’t worry, everyone, the government will come out to refute the rumors soon. Regardless of whether the poster’s video is true or false, it will disappear in a while. Take the sticker as proof!"......

"Brother, are you still there? Should I stand up and say something?"

"WTF...I came across similar videos again..."

Many people have expressed their own opinions and remarks. Some people believe them, and naturally some people think they are all false.

In their view, cultivating immortals is something that exists in myths and novels. If someone could really move mountains, fill seas, and breathe clouds, why would they disappear from this land? Even after thousands of years, not even a trace has been found.

Lin Haochu was naturally the type of person who believed it, because his own personal experience told him that all this was true. In addition to the energy in his body, the black wolf lying on the ground could not fake it.

The reason why Lin Haochu felt uneasy at the moment was because the release time above the fire-breathing video showed that it was last night. A full day has passed since now, including the message below saying that he will refute the rumors, which also shows that twenty-three hours have passed.

There was a series of comments following, all of which were surprised that the video was still intact, and therefore more and more people believed that the video was genuine.

Could it be that the government plans to make the truth public? About energy that appears out of nowhere, and those who awaken.

If this is the case, it depends on whether the workers who were taken away by the windbreaker team and the boy who blasted the wall on the roadside can come back safely.

The government has not yet made an official statement. Everything is a matter of free speech among the people. Lin Haochu still has a respectful attitude towards this, that is, hiding himself and staying away from the windbreaker.

"Ding Dong!"

A message prompt box suddenly popped up. Lin Haochu wanted to cross it out, but after taking a look at the source of the message, he clicked it.

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