Along the way, the little girl was curiously looking at things on the roadside, and seemed extremely curious.

Especially the roadside stalls with fragrant aroma, the little girl's eyes were straight.

But she was still more looking forward to the amusement park, so she resisted the idea of asking Lin Haochu to stop and buy something to eat.

The distance to the amusement park was not very far, and Lin Haochu rode fast, so he arrived outside the amusement park after about 20 minutes.

After Lin Haochu parked his bicycle, he took the impatient little girl to the ticket booth. After the two of them passed the inspection with their tickets, they walked into the amusement park. The criss-crossing routes extended to different project locations.

However, looking at the panoramic sign on the side of the road, no matter which road you take, you can always get through.

Lin Haochu and the little girl were both in the amusement park for the first time, and they didn't know what to play first and what to play later. Seeing that everyone who had just entered the park was walking towards the path on the left, Lin Haochu took the little girl and followed.

Unexpectedly, the first project I encountered was a bungee jumping machine. Seeing the machine full of people in all four directions, it quickly climbed to the upper air in an instant, and after freezing for a few seconds, it began to swing back and forth in the air.

Hearing the screams coming from the air, the little girl was so nervous that she hid behind Lin Haochu, her heart pounding.

Lin Haochu felt a little timid,"How about we go to the next one?"

The little girl nodded quickly,"Brother, if you are scared, then let's go."

After that, she pulled Lin Haochu's sleeve and pulled him forward.

Lin Haochu: ???

Are you sure you are not the one who is scared?

Lin Haochu smiled dotingly and continued to move forward with the little girl.

As a result, the second project was a big pendulum. If you miss this thing, it may fly hundreds of meters away.

Lin Haochu looked at the little girl, and the little girl was also looking at him. Then the two of them continued to walk forward tacitly.

If they continued to walk like this, I am afraid that the two of them would just be visiting the park with tickets....

Fortunately, the third project we encountered was the carousel. This project is not only highly safe, but also relatively gentle and comfortable. It is not as exciting as the big pendulum and is suitable for children as old as Xiaoyue.

There were quite a lot of tourists playing around, but most of them came to the carousel to calm down after getting tired after playing with the jumping machine and the big pendulum....

Lin Haochu's mood was a little complicated. After he and the little girl got on a wooden horse, he began to feel dazed.

But the little girl had a lot of fun, exclaiming from time to time, with a smile on her face.

The little girl still didn't have the courage to try the roller coaster project, although the plot in the cartoon about Shinnosuke playing new tricks in the amusement park gave her great courage.

But when she saw tourists who were dizzy and vomiting randomly after getting off the bus, she was so timid that she took a few steps back.

Lin Haochu suddenly missed the zoo. If there were no incidents of animals going crazy, it would be more suitable to take children to play.

Not only is it safe, but you can also experience it all over again.

The same cannot be said for the amusement park. When passing through the rapids, Lin Haochu managed to avoid it in time, and the little girl was hit with water on her face, pouting on the spot and about to cry.

Lin Haochu suppressed his laughter and comforted him for a few words before calming down.

As an awakened person, the little girl's sensitivity is no worse than Lin Haochu's, but when faced with danger, her consciousness is still somewhat blank.

Moreover, this tide falling from the sky is...Quite suddenly.

I don’t know if she was stimulated by the tide. When the little girl saw the Ferris wheel, she pulled Lin Haochu up without hesitation, saying she wanted to experience life.

If it weren't for the fact that the little girl's legs were still shaking a little, Lin Haochu almost believed the courage mentioned by the other party.

However, as long as you are not afraid of heights, the Ferris wheel is similar to a merry-go-round. It is as quiet and peaceful as other projects that do not give people any chance to react....

When the Ferris wheel slowly rises, looking at the surrounding scenery through the glass window, you will feel a little shocked in your heart. It is the kind of joyful feeling that suddenly opens up after the endless magnification of the field of vision.

"Brother, look at how beautiful it is there!"

The little girl pointed to a scene with joy and said.

The two of them looked around and took in the beautiful scenery in all directions. The Ferris wheel that had been frozen for a long time began to rotate again, and its height was slowly decreasing, shrinking the distance from the ground.

When he walked out of the cabin, Lin Haochu took a deep breath and felt that his mood had changed.

At this moment, the ground trembled slightly, and the roller coaster that sprinted into the air not far away seemed to be frozen there as if by magic.

The tourists who reacted let out piercing screams, and all the tourists waiting in line fled in all directions, and the place was instantly empty.

Lin Haochu looked back at the direction of the roller coaster, secretly glad that there was no roller coaster just now. While taking the little girl to experience it, I was also worried about the tourists who were trapped on the roller coaster.

The roller coaster had reached the track halfway up the hill, and it was too high from the ground. If the safety belt came off, people would fall off. , even if you don't die, you will lose half a bucket of blood.

After being stunned for a while, the security personnel in the amusement park gathered around and discussed the reason.

Finally, they came to the conclusion that the wire was short-circuited. As for when the tourists would be able to escape. Coming down, it depends on when the rescue team will arrive. Tourists on the roller coaster are crying, and the staff on the ground are also anxious. Unfortunately, there is no way because they have no ladder or sponge bed to rescue. They can only wait for the electrician.

After checking the damaged lines, or the government rescue team arrived, everyone thought it was just an accident caused by the amusement park setup. Only Lin Haochu frowned and looked at the crowd around him because he felt a strong spiritual energy fluctuation. It seemed to be around.

Lin Haochu didn't believe such a coincidence, so he suspected that someone had tampered with the roller coaster.

As for how the other party did it, the only way to find out was by the onlookers. Most of them come to the amusement park to relax and relieve stress.

Who would have thought that stimulation is exciting, but if you don't pay attention, your body may not be yours.

I have already given up on it. It doesn’t matter whether I play or not. The most important thing is to stay alive.

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