Resurrection: The Female Netizen Is Actually The Top God Of War?

Chapter 11 He Is Definitely An Unborn Genius, But He Hasn't Shone Yet

Xin Yuan closed his eyes, perceiving everything around him with a serious expression.

The wind will give me the answer...

The rain will give me the answer...

Every plant and every tree will give me the answer...

Come on, let me hear your voices!

[Shu: Shit, that dog's urine was really disgusting just now, and the smell hasn't gone down yet. 】

[Stone: Isn’t that right, bro, it splashed a lot on me. 】

[Feng: I saw it going west, I will show you the way, come and fight it! 】

Xin Yuan:......

Ri you dam!

Grandma, before you can't control this ability, it's really hard to get useful information.

And that dog that has appeared several times, isn't it a bit stealing the show?


As time went by, his frown became tighter and tighter, trying to eliminate these meaningless information as much as possible, and focus on his own problems.

Finally, when everyone around felt confused, Xin Yuan still closed his eyes tightly, but spoke.

"The current wind direction is East Nan Feng."

This word without beginning and end made everyone who had been waiting for it for a long time feel baffled for a while, not knowing the meaning of this sentence.

But soon, Xin Yuan's voice sounded again.

"After about thirty-seven seconds, the wind direction will change to due south."

Jun Anyi was taken aback for a moment, but reacted quickly, closed his eyes tightly, raised his head slightly, and then let his hands hang down naturally to relax.

Without any password, all the superpowers present all performed the same movements as Jun Anyi at the same time, incomparably consistent.

Power users, especially high-level power users, have physical fitness and perception abilities that are absolutely superior to ordinary people.

The wind direction around us sometimes changes slightly, but people cannot feel this change except in bad weather.

Especially now, many family members present are ordinary people without any ability, and they even feel that there is no wind now.

But espers mostly can, especially if they're concentrating.

So now, a strange scene appeared on Nuoda's playground.

Among the group of people, Xin Yuan stood in the middle, with his eyes closed, holding his right hand high, his fingers waving slightly, as if he was stroking something. Biqu library

All the superpowers around Xin Yuan also closed their eyes, feeling something.

And the other ordinary people present just looked at this like a certain

This kind of ritual-like spectacle, although I don't understand it, I am also amazed in my heart.

No one interrupted, everyone stopped talking and all actions unconsciously, everyone was as quiet as a chicken, for fear of breaking this weird scene.

Everyone seemed to be in a trance, and the onlookers didn't even dare to take out their mobile phones to take pictures at this time, for fear that such a small movement would disturb them.

The audience was quiet and could hear the dropping of needles, only Xin Yuan's voice could be heard from time to time.

"In one minute and thirty-five seconds, the wind direction will change to East Nan Feng again."

"After three minutes and twelve seconds, the airflow becomes very turbulent because the air pressure starts to change."

"After five minutes, the wind direction will change drastically, and it will directly change to northwest wind."

On the quiet playground, Xin Yuan's every word was very light, and he said insignificant things, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of every super user.

Because as time went by, they all discovered to their shock that every word Xin Yuan said was accurate, every second was accurate!

The look on everyone's face is different.

Chihong's face was full of shock, and he even made a "fuck" mouth shape.

Ye Ziluan's frown became tighter and tighter, she didn't know what was going on in her heart. Biqu library

Jun Anyi, on the other hand, remained expressionless, maintaining her image of an iceberg goddess, showing no emotion.

But in fact, she had already started laughing in her heart, talking to herself secretly.

"It's awesome (I just learned the meaning of this word from Xin Yuan when I was playing games yesterday), amazing, you really hit the mark!"

"You bastard...I used to worry that your talent was too low, but it seems that I was worried for nothing."

Thinking about it, Xin Yuan's cynical face slowly emerged in his heart, as if he didn't care about anything.

She had a premonition in her heart that Xin Yuan was definitely an unborn genius, but she hadn't shone brightly yet.

Xin Yuan didn't know what other people were thinking, but calmly spoke out the information he had filtered.

Finally, he felt that such attempts were enough, and he already had some initial control over this ability.

So he dropped his hand and opened his eyes.

What came into view was a group of superpowers with closed eyes and different expressions, and a group of ordinary people who looked at themselves as if they were monsters.

"Ahem... what are you doing?"

He coughed twice in embarrassment, indicating that it was over.

People opened their eyes one after another, all kinds of

His eyes focused on Xin Yuan.

A day ago, those eyes were full of doubts and dissatisfaction, but now they turned into envy and disbelief.

Jun Anyi was the last to open his eyes, and walked to Xin Yuan's side.

Suppressing the joy in my heart, I asked as calmly as possible:

"So... what is the... variant of your ability? Is it divination?"

"That's not it," Xin Yuan explained, "it's a kind of perception ability, the world around me can tell me some information."

"In addition, it seems that I have delayed some time. The plane has been parked for a long time. It is time to go."

"After all, it will rain here in about half an hour."

"Rain?" Jun Anyi asked in surprise, raised his head and looked at the bright sun and cloudless sky.

"Are you sure?"

Seeing Xin Yuan nodding, Jun Anyi immediately gave the order.

With a wave of his little hand, he made a direct decision—the plane was suspended for take-off.


Just wait for the rain!

Xin Yuan had accurately predicted the change of wind direction before, but it was a small change after all. If he could accurately predict the rain for half an hour, it would be truly terrifying.

Especially now that there are thousands of miles of dark clouds and the weather is perfect, it seems that Xin Yuan's words are unusually unconvincing.

But Jun Anyi didn't know why, but he had incomparable confidence in what he said!

"Can you tell me the exact time?"

Just when Xin Yuan was speechless for Jun Anyi's willful decision, a pretty face with a little pride in his own appearance appeared in front of him.

Ye Ziluan opened the countdown page on her mobile phone, and walked over to ask.

Xin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but he still closed his eyes, thought for a while, and said:

"About twenty-eight minutes and fifteen seconds."

After the voice fell, Ye Ziluan had already set the alarm, and when it was time to say thank you, she walked away.

Everyone just waited idly, waiting for a seemingly impossible thing to happen, and witnessed this bizarre "magic show" together.

However... a miracle seems to have really come.

Twenty minutes later, the originally sunny weather suddenly blew a strong wind.

Twenty-five minutes later, the sky slowly began to gather clouds, and the color became darker and darker.

The temperature dropped slowly, and the breeze was blowing the corners of the girl's skirt.

Ye Ziluan looked up at the dark clouds gathered in the sky, and slowly squeezed her right hand holding the phone.

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