Resurrection: The Female Netizen Is Actually The Top God Of War?

Chapter 2 The Social Death Scene Where We Met Offline

The lotus steps moved lightly, and Jun Anyi took a step forward, and appeared on the platform in the center after a while.

Invisible energy fluctuations emanated from her body, covering the whole audience in an instant, and everyone felt a burst of coolness all over their bodies, dispelling a bit of the summer heat.

The noisy and passionate venue seemed to calm down in an instant, and Xin Yuan couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with his ears at such a quiet speed.

Everyone stopped their movements at the same time and looked towards the center of the field.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Jun Anyi was expressionless, but his heart was already jumping with joy.

In fact, she is a person with a huge gap between her heart and appearance, but because of her strength and status, no one can understand what she looks like inside.

At this moment, she was talking to herself in her heart:

"Hey hey hey, it's a show~"

"My behavior, if put in that guy's mouth... it seems to be called 'pretend', right?"

"Then... my pretend level just now should be okay."

"Is it a good dress?"

The thought was spinning in the center of his mind, but there was no sign of it on his face. A calm and cold voice came out of his mouth and echoed in everyone's ears.

"Hi everyone, I'm from Oriental College, and I'm also a member of the Temple of War. My name is Jun Anyi. I'm the highest person in charge of this exam room in this exam."

"I will be responsible for all the subsequent assessments, and I will select some high-quality talents to recommend to the Eighth Core Academy."

"And I still have five recommended places in my hands. I hope everyone will perform well in the future, and follow the previous rankings and orderly test on stage."

After finishing speaking, Jun Anyi stood still in the center of the stage, quietly waiting for the students to be assessed.

As the voice fell, the entire examination area exploded in an instant. It was even louder than before. Countless candidates immediately surrounded the examination platform where Jun Anyi was, waiting excitedly to show their abilities.

This examination room is one of several high-level assessment areas. Everyone who comes here is not an ordinary student. From the perspective of superpowers, they are all "top students."

They still don't know the name Jun Anyi, but they all know what Jun Anyi's identity represents.

The Eight Power Academy!

This title is really too tempting, if it can be recognized by Junanyi, it will have the opportunity to enter the top super school test.

And if the talent displayed is outstanding enough, Jun Anyi will have a recommended spot in his hand!

The examinees who came here were all very confident in themselves, and all of them were gearing up for a while, eager to try.

Except for one person...

The only "poor student" in the audience...

Xin Yuan sat in a shady corner, staring at Jun Anyi's cold and arrogant figure on the stage with a dazed expression, with only one word in his mind.


Originally, there were five test benches on the site.

His eyes have been wandering around the five chief examiners, trying to find one who looks kind and talkative as much as possible, so that he can go up and hang around.

As a result, a woman suddenly came in the middle, who seemed to be a big leader, and directly took over everything.

Such a special existence must be harsh and picky.

How could he possibly pass through his own energy chain! ?

It's hard!

It's over!


One after another, the proud sons of heaven walked up to the stage with fiery eyes, showing off their abilities in front of Jun Anyi.

Everyone was excited. Apart from thinking about the opportunity to submit, they also hoped to show themselves in front of such a beautiful beauty.

However, with Jun Anyi's top talent and critical vision, the talents in front of him are just average.

Turning a blind eye to those fiery gazes, he completed his work meticulously.

Finally, Xin Yuan walked up to the test bench with a look of hob meat, walking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Listening to Jun Anyi's harsh evaluation of those heaven's favored sons before, he has basically confirmed that he is just going through the motions.

Seeing the appearance of the person walking in front of him, Jun Anyi frowned slightly.

All the people before, in order to leave a relatively good impression on themselves, were basically like walking on the red carpet, with their heads held high.

It's not like the person in front of me, with a listless face, looking around from time to time, like shopping in a vegetable market.

But she didn't say anything about it, just asked routinely:

"Tell me about your abilities and development status."

Xin Yuan nodded, and said very confidently: "Ah, hello leader, my ability is energy chain, which is not developed yet."

Since he has already confirmed in his heart that he has sent this wave, Xin Yuan does not intend to express himself, and is a little lost.

Go down alone and it's over.

"What?" Hearing this, Jun Anyi thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong.

What is an energy chain? The talent level is a bit too low.

And if you don't develop, you don't develop. Why are you so proud?

If you can't fix it for yourself, why doesn't this person feel ashamed if he looks passable?

In other words, it seems to be the same ability as that person...

Jun Anyi was thinking complicatedly in his heart, before he could speak, Xin Yuan over there took the initiative to speak.

"My energy chain is a variant, it can control many chains at the same time, and the attack distance is relatively far."

After finishing speaking, he controlled five or six energy beams and surrounded him.

Jun Anyi was still thinking about his netizen, subconsciously replied:

"Energy chain... Even if there are some special changes, the potential is not high, you still..."

and many more!

In the middle of speaking, Jun Anyi suddenly woke up, why did the words he said sound familiar?

Did that netizen say this when chatting with me before?

Moreover, that person's ability is also an energy chain, and it is also a variant, and the situation of the variant is the same!

For a moment, Jun Anyi half-opened his mouth, his pupils shrank suddenly, and looked in shock at the man with a unique behavior in front of him.

No way? ! It's impossible to meet directly offline.

"Wait, your name?" Jun Anyi asked.

"Ah?" Xin Yuan expressed doubts. After all, he had already planned to leave the stage, but now he replied honestly: "Xin Yuan".


"Hey! It's useless. I didn't ask my real name when I was chatting online. I used my screen name."

"Are you asking what his online name is? Doesn't that seem too strange?"

"How to do how to do..."

Jun Anyi was frantically talking to himself.

Xin Yuan stood on the stage with a puzzled look on his face.

Is the woman in front of me sick? Her face turns blue and purple, looks her up and down, and doesn't speak.

What is it for? If you don't pass, you can give me a letter of approval... It's embarrassing to stand here.

But what he didn't know was that in the face of this scene, everyone present was numb.

Candidates: Why does the goddess care so much about this lowly talented guy!

Leader in charge: what happened... don't make any mistakes...

Junanyi: The brain is on standby...

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