Resurrection: The Female Netizen Is Actually The Top God Of War?

Chapter 21 There Is Only One Person's Contact Information In My Mobile Phone

In the end, Xin Yuan and Junan Yida finally reached an agreement through long-term negotiation and compromise.

Xin Yuan took off the bath towel, but covered his lower body with the quilt, and exposed his upper body to show Jun Anyi the injuries on his body.

As soon as the bath towel was removed, Jun Anyi couldn't help but tilt his head back slightly.

The dozen or so bloodstains criss-crossing his body were obviously caused by the blood of the servant of the gods.

Although they were all skin wounds and did not hurt any muscles or bones, they still looked quite terrifying.

"Hiss... oh no, I remember that my injuries didn't seem to be so serious, why does this seem to be troublesome now?"

Xin Yuan was half leaning on the bed, looking at his condition, talking to himself in surprise.

"It's normal. The blood energy of the servant of God has a corrosive effect. You seem to be fine, but in fact your wound is constantly being corroded. If I don't come here tonight, I'm afraid you will wake up in pain in the morning."

Jun Anyi had obviously seen this kind of scene before, and his face didn't change much, he was still very calm.

If the only change in mentality was that she blushed slightly.

After all, before, it was chaos if she cared, but now she realized that since she could remember, this seemed to be the first time she was in the same room with a man of the same age.

And it was still beside the bed, and the other party was still almost half naked.

If this kind of thing was put in the past, it would be unimaginable.

The light in this damn room was only dim yellow, which made the atmosphere even more ambiguous. In a few seconds, Jun Anyi's mind was almost blank.

"Ahem...then I'll start."

Looking at Xin Yuan's muscular and masculine upper body, Jun Anyi couldn't help coughing a few times in embarrassment, and then gently placed his fingers on the wound.

Gentle energy flickered at the fingertips, and began to cancel each other out with the remaining bloody energy in the wound.

With the gentle movements of the fingers, there was a wonderful feeling of pain and itching at the wound, followed by a tingling sensation.

It was really hard for Xin Yuan to distinguish whether this feeling was caused by the treatment, or whether it was caused by himself being gently touched by a beautiful woman.

"Ah~" Unable to hold back for a while, Xin Yuan let out an ecstasy cry, then quickly shut up and forcibly held back.

Hearing this sound, Jun Anyi couldn't help shaking his hands, and suddenly felt that his supernatural powers couldn't suppress his blush.

Both were silent, embarrassed

The atmosphere lingers in the air, and there is a feeling that it is about to freeze.

In the end, it was Jun Anyi who spoke first:

"You don't have to hold back if you want to scream. It's your first time, so it's normal."

Xin Yuan hastily changed the subject in embarrassment:

"Ah...what does this servant of the gods do, and what's the matter with their blood? Is it a supernatural power? But why does it feel like everyone has them."

Hearing this topic, Jun Anyi shook his head and said:

"There will be one thing, you should know soon, there are many secrets about the power user organization that are not open to the public, and the matter of servants and evil gods is one of them."

"When encountering such a thing on weekdays, there are usually various excuses to cover it up, saying that it was a terrorist attack or something."

"As for blood's hard for me to explain, but anyway, it can't be regarded as a superpower. You haven't been trained yet, and when you officially enter school in the future, you will heal yourself."

"Generally speaking, you have to become a power user officially and participate in the battle to know these things. I didn't expect you to run out today."

Jun Anyi gently stroked every wound on Xin Yuan's upper body, dispelling the corrosive energy inside, and said softly.

Right now, only Xin Yuan and Jun Anyi are present, if this scene is known to those who have a crush on Jun Anyi but dare not strike up a conversation, their jaws will drop in shock.

After all, none of the newly recommended students this time knew Jun Anyi's other identity - the eighth God of War in the Temple of War.

Also the youngest God of War and one of only two female Gods of War.

And if the youngest Goddess of War in the Temple of War God can heal her wounds so gently by the bedside, I am afraid that many licking dogs would be willing to lose ten years of life.

"Speaking of which, you were a little impulsive this time, why did you run over by yourself without notifying me or anyone else?" Jun Anyi asked suddenly.

Xin Yuan shook his head helplessly, and said:

"I can't help it. I don't have your contact information. It's so late today. In fact, there is only one person's contact information in my mobile phone."

Hearing this sentence, Jun Anyi's hand stopped immediately, turned to look at Xin Yuan in surprise and said:

"You only have one person's contact information in your phone? How is it possible! Don't you..."

"Oh yes, you said you were an orphan."

Xin Yuan:......

This woman does not seem

He is very talkative.

"But there's only one's too exaggerated..."

Jun Anyi lowered his head and murmured softly.

There was an inexplicable gleam in her eyes, because she knew that the only contact in the other party's mobile phone was herself!

In other words, the man I am inexplicably interested in online has only communicated with me for such a long time!

Is lonely?

Jun Anyi felt that she was already lonely enough on weekdays, but it was still hard for her to imagine how lonely it was to have only one contact in her phone.

But...that is to fact, he should value me very much in his heart, or "yogurt stick", right?

Her imagination became more and more excessive, and she sat there motionless, like a sculpture.

Xin Yuan's subsequent voice woke her up: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, it's nothing, nothing." Jun Anyi said in a panic.

"Oh, I thought about it, how about I add your contact information? I don't think your position is low. Next time something happens, I will report it to you first." Xin Yuan said.


Ah this.

The problem already have my contact information! what should I do now.

My brain was running fast, and in the end I could only give an excuse, saying that I didn't bring my mobile phone today, and I couldn't add anyone yet.

The conversation between the two returned to calm again. Half an hour later, the wounds on Xin Yuan's upper body have basically been treated, Jun An Yi said:

"Why don't you subconsciously admit that you did it? You don't even know how much merit you have made this time. When the time comes, you will be rewarded and honored. You will directly become a hero admired by people. "

Xin Yuan was lying on the bed, almost falling asleep, talking in a daze of consciousness, it can be said that what he said at this time was from the heart.

"Reward? If you want it, just give it to me. It's better to give more money. I have made great contributions, and I deserve it."

"But as for honors, heroes and the like, there is no need. Being a hero is not a good thing. I don't want to be a bad person."

"Once you are called a good person, others will use this name to kidnap you morally, and then add a lot of responsibilities that do not belong to you out of thin air, as if it should be taken for granted."

"It's not good, I don't want to, I think it's better to exchange at an equal value, and use money to do things, that's good... that's good..."

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